Buy Odin Sphere Collectors Edition

>buy Odin Sphere Collectors Edition
>comes with shirt
>look at tag
>Adult Large

What the fuck Atlus? not all of us are feminine fag boys.

They should know their fatlus demographic by now.

It needs to be a 10XXXL at least.

>planned on just wearing it for comfy indoors shirt
>it's scratchy and uncomfortable

I should've just gotten standard edition

Finishing Cornelius story. He seemed stiff at first but now is a killing machine.
When do I get picrelated? Is it Gwendolyn>Cornelius>Mercedes>Oswald>Velvet or Gwendolyn>Cornelius>Mercedes>Velvet>Oswald?

I feel like I went overboard with spoilers

Velvet is last as she needs to save the world from the shit she was warning everyone about the entire game.

>game is still shipping

I can only play the demo so many times.

i want to lick velvet's velvet

You have to wash it first.

They had to pick a size.

Too bad, fatlord.

pls no bully

post a picture of the shirt

I'm not going to buy it either, since I'm basically a skeleton and baggy shirts make me agitated.

mai waifu oswald can fuck off


>adult large
>for feminine fag boys
>beached whale confirmed

twinks*... are what you're referring too, and no they do not wear a large. Otherwise they would be normal dick sucking men. Twinks are medium to small, or women size 0.

Large? That's too big.

>Tfw need to wear women's medium because of genetically wide hips

>needing larger than large

Should have spent that money on a gym membership, fatty.


Not OP, but I'm 191cm tall and about 100kg.
Not all of us are manlets.

Similar boat user
Men's medium is just too small and a large is too big
Women's large is perfect

also wide hips make for strange pants sizes

Lmao manlet dominate these kind of threads because
>durr XL? Only fat fucks wear that
Funny how the situation changes when were actually discussing actual sizes.

how's your burger taste fatty?

I'm 6'1 and 185lbs and I can fit in a large. Lose some weight, you fat fuck. I'm even considered overweight at where I am.

Why is Mercedes so perfect?

I haven't played the game, but I'd fuck that rabbit thing on the left.

>Adult Large
made for americans

Pookas are for pets and cuddles, not lewd!

Only need to finish Cornelius's epilogue. How does Mercedes play?

>How does Mercedes play?
also, holy shit, that mushroom miniboss, I want to fuck him/her/it in all its forms

I'm 6'0, 210 fucking pounds amd wear medium.
I feel like a fat fuck, but you must be morbidly obese, no wonder you spend all your money on vidya, disgusting.

she can fly
her basic attack is a ranged machine gun attack that uses pow, she reloads to full pow if you stand still for a second

Start jogging, fatass

>With pow and pp
We touhou now get fucked enemies pew pew
>Without pow or pp
Running away simulator.

Has anyone tried it out in PCSX3 yet?
I'm serious, if it works in this I will buy it.

Woops sorry, I meant RPCS3

>no PC release
I'll never get to play this versions release and I want to so badly... ;_;

It's actually really large from what I hear.

Btw, was the volcano item called Napalm in the PS2? I feel like it was labeled with an N.

Vita or PS4?
Which one should I get?

I've only seen the old version and didn't play it myself, and it seems like a grindish RPG that's more suited to playing on a toilet or train. Is it?
Or is it worth playing on a big screen on PS4?

On the one hand it looks great in 1080p, on the other it works nicely in small bursts. Take your pick.

I thought Gwen was easy mode.
I was wrong. Cornelius shits on everything.
>all those dashes
>all that damage
>all those stuns

And he has a multi hit move that lets you get behind enemies while Gwen's was a single hit.

Worth playing again if I played the original?

Did you like Muramasa?

What should I be focusing my Phozon points on as Gwendolyn? Should I focus on getting my Psypher Mastery as high as possible? Just beat that potion-spamming bitch Velvet

whatever skills you like using
passive skills are always good
but if you dont know what to level, you cant go wrong leveling your weapon

I'm more to stunning people and that lightning sword power up holy shit. use it with a painkiller and just hack away at bosses with reckless abandon

How do I git gud?

I find myself using Ice Shot and Needle Strike a lot, I feel like Beak Drive is redundant as she already has a dash attack. I also just got Assault High, which seems really useful if you're good.

Also really enjoying this game as my first Vanillaware so far, even though Hard Mode is kicking my shit in. I feel bad for using health potions against Velvet but fuck her she spammed like 5 before I could make her drop them.


God damn it amerifats

Using whirlwind to draw enemies together along with the thunder cloud spell + plasma circle + lightning sword buff absolutely rapes any group of enemies.

>I feel bad for using health potions against Velvet but fuck her she spammed like 5 before I could make her drop them.
Velvet is just an annoying boss because she always dodges to a safe position after a couple of hits and regularly heals.

Ice shot and just rushing in with a combo usually is enough to stagger her and drop the potion in my playtrough. and you can just dash in if she tries to backdash.

I regret not having learned about the custom shortcuts apart from the basic 4 while using Gwendolyn. I should go back to use her sometime to see what a difference they'd make.

I can't reliably use the 82□ or 28□ shortcuts for some reason.

>custom shortcuts
wait what

what are the main changes in the battle system? is it easier? would you recomend playing classic over improved?

You have the circle button + directionals for shortcuts, but you can also add more complicated combinations like 236+square or 698+square

I like to put physical skills on square and magic on circle

slightly outdated pic in regards to my setup but it feels nice to use them with cornelius

How do I make this game actually challenging?

hard mode

It's easy? I was thinking of buying it but a dungeon crawler that is easy makes no fun.

Anyone can compare it to EO3? I thought that wasn't too easy and not too unfair.

It's not even a dungeon crawler

Should I buy this after I finish Valkyria Chronicles? Out the 24th in EU.

it's a side scrolling action RPG, not a dungeon crawler

>Odin Sphere
>Dungeon Crawler

You sure you're not mistaking this thread for the stranger from sword city thread?

How is that, incidentally?

Haven't gotten it yet. Waiting for the enhanced rerelease

I'm gonna guess you're using the dpad? Yeah, it has some fucky issue with registering those commands, but I can do it just fine on the analog stick

I didn't come here to call you fat.
I came here to ask if you don't want the shirt could you send it to me?

I tend not to like using analog stick for 2D games. Huh.

I feel you. And I main Guile in SF4 and 5 but I can't get the 28 input for the life of me, so I just quickly switch and use the stick to input it.

Now I just realized I want to play this on an arcade stick.

Is the problem that the game registers it's going through 5?

>be yuropoor
>no demo yet
>release in 2 weeks

I made a JP account just to grab the demo.

tfw 6'2", 200lbs and wear M

go for a run, fucking fatasses

I don't think so, since I have no problem doing it with the analog stick and that has to go through neutral. I think the inputs just are fairly unforgiving on that command. And it's weird because I often get the 236 input by mistake

>Odin Sphere
>dungeon crawler

I kinda miss the Fatlus meme to be honest.

>Large is feminine

>buy collector's edition of some game
>it comes with a 3X or 2X shirt
>tfw can't wear it because small and cute
fucking lardasses

>size zero

I don't understand
if it was size zero then it shouldn't exist

What would you do with a Pooka maid/cook?

Is it just me or did they change Titania the most? I feel like I haven't heard this Battle music or seen these generic soldiers before.

But what would you call a smaller size?
>Size 00 can be anywhere from 0.5 to 2 inches (1 to 5 cm) smaller than size 0.
It's even dumber than I thought.

I didn't buy the collectors edition merely because the shirt would be too big on me. Fuck you, pudgy.

>Have to buy keys as Oswald

Fuck you spooky skellington

doesn't seem to be a very capable housemaid
look at the way it's holding the tray, it doesn't even have proper fingers, how could they cook with that anatomy?

Why don't you sue Atlus for fat shaming, you disgusting pile of shit.

There is a number of new music in this remke

>US L is XXL in europe

Press Up when Alice is sitting on the chair and not holding anything.

I discovered this, I love it

>wearing shirts

When are they gonna friggin start including limited edition pants?

Played muramasa(barely got anywhere) and dragon's crown(just finished wizard story, barely touched the rest). Just an hour in, finally everything is clicking with me and Gwen. All those combos mang
>Doing ground to air combos and finishing with a down thrust or a special
Fucking great feeling
also how does the grade system work? Is it just huge combos and fast times for a S?

why are all americans so fucking fat
the most disgusting nation

It's easy to get S so long as you get a 100 hit combo and don't take too long to finish the fight. There's no penalty for taking too much damage but there's a bonus for not getting hit.

Probably hug them. They look soft.