Holy shit, what are they doing?
Holy shit, what are they doing?
Gwent ccg
What the fuck is going on with Geralt in that picture?
announcing some shitty ccg
God, LA looks so shitty.
Blending in with the San Francisco population.
JUST fucking shit up.
Wait what did they actually paint that shit? I thought they just plaster a bunch of posters together like a jigsaw puzzle.
I dont think any of the faces are correct , on purpose, like they are going with "YOU CAN BE THE HEROL OL" by giving the character normal faces.
Geralt looks like Greg Miller.
Obviously, I mean Zoltan is a fucking nigger there
the more important question is what the fuck is going on with Zoltan in that picture?
>Zoltan, the Creator
its gonna be a fucking mobile game
Why does Yennefer look like Mila Kunis and Zoltan look like Mr.T?
Oh god please don't be a fucking Witcher MMO
>No windows on an outward facing wall
Architecturally triggered
Ciri's holding a tablet. It's an ad for the release of GWENT.
At least we use toilets
mila a cute
>It's Gwent.
>But probably on phones or something
>Thinking a card game won't be ported to mobile
Why wouldn't gwent work on phones?
Phones would be the perfect place for gwent you dumb shit.
Someone still has to make the art, retard.
Because it is a shitty broke down empire surviving as a desiccated husk filled with latinos.
Geralt is that one guy from IGN or Gamespot, forget who it is
It's PSV exclusive.
Of course it's gonna come for fucking tablets and phones.The market is huge
Why would Gwent not be good or viable on mobile?
gwent has 6 rows of cards + your hand
and you can have a ton on cards in each row
there's just not enough space on the screen
which one is geralt?
>The year of our Lord Kek 2016+6
>what is zooming and scrolling
People actually played the shitty card mini game? It's like Chao garden fags all over again.
Thats LA tho dingus
You must've missed the memo - a lot of people loved it and bugged the CDPR for a standalone version.
>JUST fucking shit up
>upward shit
t. Poor flyover fag
moron fanboys too casual for even hearthstone
what a joke
Hearthstone is glorified Yu-Gi-Oh!
Gwent is witcher flavored poker
maybe in 2022
Are they really trying to make gwent the new hearthstone?
>Zoltan is a nigger dwarf
>implying its not gonna work
seems like you're losing
his last card is a spy and then he'll do what he wants :^)
Butthurt LA Beaner detected
Why the fuck Zoltan looks like Mister T?
>Black Triss
>Black Zoltan
>Geralt's wearing Jeans and glasses
>King of the Hunt looks like he's smiling
>Female Iorveth despite the fact he never shows up at all
What in the fuck is going on, here?
He passed though.
>The Witcher sitcom
Why does your Mysterious Elf look different from mine?
Are you guys retarded? It's their own faces imposed on the cast of the Witcher obviously as this is their most well known game series. JUST THINK FOR ONCE.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to get frustrated with you. I just... had a long day. Work's been letting people go left and right and I'm worried I'm next.
because it is.
many cards have two different versions
fun fact: Mysterious Elf was originally called Avallac'h but was changed because that was a spoiler
He's not using the alternate Gwent Card set.
>their own faces
>black Poles
>but it's great if you're not poor!
literally every city is great if you're rich you fucking faggot lol
"You're the player!" Like literally the most basic form of Video Game advertising that has been present for decades.
oh right
I don't think I've even played it ingame. What's good about it?
>Central Intelligence shills detected
So, aside the shitposting, how do you think they're gonna balance this shit? Right now it seems like a spies/maneken shitfest, i wonder if Skellige will be in there
They could also split monsters into undead and regular ones
They're going to make it more complex, of course. It would really fucking suck if they only used the cards from the game right now.
They're actually painting it on instead of rolling in a huge tarp? weird
>more complex
Ugh. The gwent's strenght is in its simplicity.
That's what Blizzard did for latest Hearthstone expansion
I guess the polacks want to metoo them
I think its a jigsaw of smaller tarps
kunis is ugliest mila
Wasting a shitload of money, it looks like.
>he thinks this is san francisco
He kinda looks like Greg Miller if that's who you're talking about. Maybe he's hosting something related to it.
Implying it won't print them shitload of money
no one gives a fuck about your work problems, you manbaby
At least I'm not retarded.
>CDPR releases a Gwent game
>it wins GOTY
you know a city is doomed when there's latinos on the side of your buses
you are since you think Mr T is a CDPR employee lmao
Gwent will be 2nd
It's obviously him.
This bitch looks like David bowie
Yeah, what it should've been was Oculus Rift Exclusive.
Hey, I live a block away from there.
Can you take a photo of how it looks right now?
It's some E3 shit you stupid motherfuckers.
>wat is critical thinking
Yes give me one minute
Run like sanic, user!
printing money
t. Pedro
>standalone gwent makes like a bilion
>cyberpunk 2077 is GOTY
>next witcher is 1200h free form witchering game called The Path
One minute has long passed you fucking liar
>I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to get frustrated...
spergie alert
What were you saying?
all dwarves were originally black
western media changed their perception to suite their bourgeoisie propaganda to fend off Russians attempting to take over the means of production during the 20th century