This was the last good console

This was the last good console.

Prove me wrong...

The PS4 exists.

The Wii U is a better actual console. Fuck this hybrid shit.

360> ps3
Ps4> xbone
You can't argue with this

In terms of good game libraries:

Maybe 5 years ago but now Ps3>360

Old dashboard is overrated desu

True but only with the exception of the 360 old dashboard, won't lie, it killed my experience with it with the later dashboards and was the sole reason why i bought the darn thing.

Fuck being jewed but I rather be jewed by the one that gives you more benefits. The PSN is utter shit, the PS4 has no b/c, and got only movies.

>PS4 only got movies
>only Xbox One title released in 2015 is a tv show

>but now
>2005 hardware
I rather not.

Yeah but we still have Forza, KI, Halo etc. All great franchises.

Racing games are niche as fuck, fighting games are niche as fuck, and Halo 5 sucked.

I hope Halo 6 restores the series

>the 360 started out good and ended up shit
>the PS3 started out shit and ended up good
>the Wii was just kinda there

The true winners were the DS and PSP.

>console with a failure rate somewhere in the 50%-60% range

Yeah nah

>ds and psp are the winners
Most non-retarded and unbiased answer

My nigger

I swear the failure rate is 100% over time for all first models, both me and my friend had 1st gen 360's and after the same amount of time they both red-ringed. We both sent them for repair, I don't know about him but mine red-ringed again after that.

I'm not touching another xbox anything ever after that.

why did people like 360 again?

honestly gen 7 was just pure garbage overall

ps3 had some decent games that was it

>he still complains when his friends have fun on other consoles than his own
>he still says his $400 box is the "winner" of a war that doesn't exist on ancient mesopotamian mythological pottery boards

electronic boxes that play netflix and also games are tertiary as shit, let's just talk about the games


"etc." = Can't think of others games cause that's all xbone has