Xenoblade Chronicles

ACE+ hopes to work on another Xenoblade.


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Good, the soundtrack of x was mediocre as fuck.

Im still slightly agitated that it ended on such a cliff hanger. Honestly if they can make the mech combat a bit more engaging, give the main story a stronger focus, bring back the strong main cast chemistry that XC had, as well as a few minor overall tweaks the next Xenoblade would be perfect

It had some good tracks


and it also had some 10/10 tracks youtube.com/watch?v=q-ZWPt9Ht44

Really the only one I didnt like was the NLA night time, which everyone hated

I didn't mind the cliffhanger because by Chapter 12 I had completely stopped caring about the characters and story anyway. I certainly had fun with XBX but the reason I loved the first game so much was how charming the cast was.

Maybe making a story composed entirely of side-quests would have worked if the party wasn't so bland and forgettable. There's no point in having a cast twice as large if I can only remember (much less actually like) a few of them.

I hated how you could only have Elma or Lin in your party during Story missions, and the how the majority of heart-to-hearts required them.

I think a big problem was the class system. When every character can do the same things you can, what's the point in choosing? A big part of the charm of Xenoblade's cast was knowing that Reyn was your tank, that you could dance naked with Dunban, that Melia is essentialy your mage and so on.

ya for how much they pushed Elma and Lin it really did the overall game a disservice to make the main character a silent interchangeable nobody. I wouldnt have minded some customization, but making the main character a silent protag was a bad call for a story focused RPG. Part of the biggest draw to XC was the strong main cast Shulk included. His role and interactions with everyone in XC wouldn't have happened or meant anything if he never spoke.

What makes it worse is that everyone except Cross played almost exactly the same as any other party member with that class, as opposed to XC where every character played very uniquely and team composition felt a lot more varied. The class system needs to fucking go.

what, you don't like hearing loud singing while watching a cuscene?

God, what was with the sound mixing in the cutscenes anyway? The shitty Engrish "emotional" song they kept playing was louder than the fucking dialogue.

It's weird, Xenoblade's emotional tracks are emotional but they aren't anime melodramatic shit but instead more bittersweet. Xenoblade X has that horrible mainstream commercialised sentimentality to it.

That is why I want ACE+ to return, they knew how to do shit. Only songs I liked were and all of the music for the continents but Primordia.

>they knew how to do shit

The only reason they did a good job was because Takahashi was on their asses. The madman even asked an employee to soften his criticisms because they were too fucking harsh. In XCX he just gave a free pass to Sawano and that is why the soundtrack in XCX is kind of a hit and miss

Uncontrollable was fine

Not to mention the first game leveled up your entire party regardless of whether or not you were using them, so you could always switch your team up to something you never tried before at any moment without feeling underleveled. It certainly made getting max affinity simple instead of the chore it was in X.

>implying X's soundtrack was bad

The best songs in X outclass the best songs in Xenoblade.


It sounds like shitty "edgy" rock made for 12 year olds. Those vocals and guitar riffs are pure cringe.


>The best songs in X outclass the best songs in Xenoblade.
This is what weebs actually believe. Fuck off Swano you untalented hack

I think both games had strong and weak points in the music. X's just came across worse because the lyrics were so unfitting. If X's soundtrack was redone entire instrumental giving the melodies to synth or something, it'd be much better.

the first xenoblade was significantly more weeby than x though

Stop playing the jap version then.

cherry picking much?

X had poor choices for music placement. Soundtrack means all 90 songs, not the top 5 you hate most


born in a world of strife !!



We choose to FIGHT!


The entire prison island scene was just the title screen which shows how well the music was made