Why do people play this game again?

Why do people play this game again?

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addiction, stockholm syndrome, to fit in on college campuses

Because it's well designed and free. It's only garbage because of the player base. To be completely honest, if it had a subscription fee, it would be a lot more tolerable. I would instantly agree to pay a fee if it meant that the number of 12 year olds and autists would be cut significantly.

also sunk cost fallacy

I play to win

Because it's free.

It fuels my rage. The only reason I get up in the morning is to rage at my shit teammates.
Pic related is best champ

My friends play it

>forced meta, same thing every fucking match
>cookie cutter characters made to fit into specific forced meta slots means only a few champions are worth picking per role in a given patch
>Riot constantly tries to vary up items but every time there's still always something dominating
>only around half the champion pool picked or banned in major tournaments
>"well designed"

LoL is designed like fucking garbage. Even when they force a meta so they have to balance the game around fewer scenarios it's a fucking mess, the game is dominated by per-patch fotm and the streamlined formulaic design means it's basically impossible for anything to be in a healthy spot rather than either being completely useless or being the only choice for something.

So you're saying that they should never balance/change anything and keep the game the same indefinitely? Constant buffs/nerfs add depth and variety to the game. There will always be champions that are better in different ways than other champions.

>So you're saying that they should never balance/change anything and keep the game the same indefinitely?
Where the everloving fuck did you get this from? How can anyone be this bad at reading comprehension?

No, they should change and balance the game so it's actually varied and not designed like hot garbage

It's free, doesn't recquire any grinding, runs on toasters and pretty much everyone plays it. Even girls.

>doesn't recquire any grinding

I'm not even going to waste my time explaining how retarded you sound.

>I was wrong - the post
Thanks for the show, user

>doesn't recquire any grinding
What are runes?

You have no idea what you're talking about, do you ?

>pointing out the flaws in league's design means you think riot shouldn't change anything ever!

Don't bother user, riot drones are too busy sucking riot cock and instalocking the flavor of the month champ to be aware of the game's flaws.

>no counter argument
You don't, apparently

> I spout bullshit and people aren't giving me the paragraph-long counter-argument I deserve: The post.

Did you not get enough attention as a lad?

>someone makes a valid argument against my game
>I can't come up with a rebuttal
>somehow I am still right
LoL players, ladies and gentlemen

Because I have spent four hundred dollars on it

Please do, sounds reasonable enough to me.

I spent $20 across four years of playing
You people are insane

Plus the waifus.

I don't know if you even played the game.

>No, they should change and balance the game so it's actually varied and not designed like hot garbage
> Valid argument

Wow, such a deep analysis of the game, you summarized everything wrong with the game, I wish I was you.

Tried reading the post before it, you drooling fucking retard

>still no rebuttal

Riot is my favourite company - so progressive, and always in touch with the memes!

But I thought it was free? At least these autists said so

>Still no argument.

Because you touch yourself at night.

why does it bother you so much?

>I'm too lazy to click two backlinks to get to the argument so that means it doesn't exist

what the hell did they do to muh taric

riot is as terrible as the playerbase it serves.

>actively steers towards a specific meta
>whenever working on an older hero immediately hit their stuns
>new heroes are overloaded with shit
>some reworks are so big they destroy the feel of the hero
>hero cost went to 6300 to please their chinese overlords
>use of fake currency to obfuscate costs and make sure people always have a few points left over
>pendragon and guinsoo are around even though they are cancer

I enjoyed playing jungle, all of my favorite junglers got nerfed to the trash can. I can carry playing Lux and Ahri mid at a diamond level, but they're so goddamn boring to play.

That's why I quit. I quit playing months ago.


Oh you mean Yeah that's not an argument, that's just stating the pattern of all MOBAs, and most multiplayer games for that matter.

Holy shit the riot drones have their head buried so deep in the sand they lost any ability to recognize criticism. No worries, just keep believing you game is perfect, also don't forget to buy our Lolicon Annie skin for the low price of 3250 RP. Thanks for being an excellent consumer! ;)

>just 400 dollars
step it up senpai


>that's just stating the pattern of all MOBAs
So the only ones you've played are LoL and LoL clones
I should have figured

Played it for 4 years before qutting for a year now I'm back to it and can confirm with what this user said

>So the only ones you've played are LoL and LoL clones
>LoL clones

Why are they allowed to just keep changing the game?




Just had a game where our Teemo was griefing hard, even afk'ing in the jungle with his passive. I baited the enemy team to throw skillshots at me, dodged them and they killed the Teemo instead, best feeling

in answer to the OP, my best friends play it so I have fun regardless of the quality of the game

It's funny because every single one of those points only applies to LoL and the games that directly clone its structure

LoL players thinking they have any fucking clue what they're talking about because the terrible design of their garbage game is perceived as normal by them never ceases to amuse me

I only gave them $25, if skins were $2 a piece I'd buy 60 dollars worth real quick, but I'm not gonna pay $7 for one skin

>people conflating the problems of League with Dota because they're "MOBAs"

Remember when jungling wasn't mandatory?

>Tanky/Bruiser top lane
>Burst damage mid lane
>ADC + Support bottom lane
>Tanky/Bruiser Jungle depending on whichever item Riot made OP in the current patch

This is only setup that will ever work, no matter what you try, riot is so retarded that they don't recognizethat maybe shaking this up result in a better game, instead they are so desperately designing champions that won't break this formula that they are running out of ideas for new abilities.

>Games that directly clone it's structure
As in, all MOBAs? kek
Anyway, league is one of the most recent mainstream MOBAs anyway, so "clones" of it aren't really so, are they?
My only response is this
>mad cus bad

I think basic runes are free now.
Or at least T1 and T2 ones are.

>Anyway, league is one of the most recent mainstream MOBAs anyway
>most recent

You do know League of Legends came out 7 years ago?

For her

>Games that directly clone it's structure
>As in, all MOBAs? kek
Are all LoL players this stupid, or am I getting baited?

yeah I think I probably spent around $40 on it over the course of 4 years, fucking loved that battlecast cho'gath skin don't regret it at all

even in pre-season 1 when it wasnt "mandatory" having one almost always gave you an advantage if you had a good teamcomp

This is only true in high levels of play and even then, play differently if you want to.

Yea riot tried to stop adc junglers and mage top laners but it's up to you to make it work.
You're not locked into the meta because of the game; you're locked into the meta because you refuse to try something different. For example, thresh + rengar bot.

The game still tries to cater to only the upper echelon but that leaves plenty of viable gaps in lower elos.

Item + Rune builds are fun to create if you aren't bronze
Fun to play with friends
Fast and fun

That's just cheesing, user. The only reason it works is because players don't see it coming.

Remember when you could take whatever heroes to whatever lane? That was the best, no worries and no meta. I hope they bring a new game mode where we can do this again


>Anyway, league is one of the most recent mainstream MOBAs anyway, so "clones" of it aren't really so, are they?
What kind of logic is this? What does timeframe have to do with whether or not something is a clone?

>You're not locked into the meta because of the game; you're locked into the meta because you refuse to try something different.
No, you're LITERALLY locked into the meta because of the game.
If you don't follow it you're putting yourself at a distinct disadvantage, and now the matchmaking actually 100% forces it anyways.

I had fun with it for a few years until i quit in early/mid 2015
Returned a few months later and it was even worse than when I quit so I uninstalled and never looked back

I played my first game this year last night.
It was pretty fun.

People play it because it's fun.

because they're whipped beta nerds

>fitting in amongst the absolute nerdiest virgin loser scum

its the only game my shitty friends want to play

do you consider yourself to be a whipped beta nerd?


get rekt son

it's f2p

perfect blend of casual RTS/RPG elements (unlike dota which leans more towards RTS instead of RPG, they're both still MOBA's) and correct me if I'm wrong but league shits on dota in the waifu department and these games are predominantly played by teenage boys, do the math

MMO Experience without the committment, level up, get stronger abilities and buy items all within a 40 minute game

>'most recent mainstream MOBA'
>Claiming you game to be maintream
>Being this autasmic

people are quitting left and right though because they are tired of riot's bullshit

It takes a better player to realize it's cheesing and to capitalize on it appropriately. Otherwise, it's perfectly viable.

The game is a sandbox. Even with the meta worked in, you can circumvent it. I'm not saying it's easy but that's part of the fun. Not to name drop e-celebs but Discoheat always tried the unconventional. Take risks and see what works/what's fun.

Or pick a different game. Even with a well worn meta, the builds, comps, and various micro-situations are unique to most games in league. It's several magnitudes above "rock paper scissors" and it's what makes the game fun. It's what makes any multi-player game fun.
Even with picking riven top every game, you still face tons of different situations.
Did you see their jungler yet? When can you roam? Do you trade or farm in lane?
"Is bot lane in trouble and can you help?" proses tons of different variables that you need to consider before tping.

>tried to change to csgo
>i was fucking suck
>my friends didnt play with me anymore
>went back to league of shit to my old friends

lol fucking league players are pathetic

gues that's why their competitive only sees 1 kill by twenty minutes

No you aren't. You're putting yourself at a disadvantage because you don't understand your match ups.

In high levels, yea the enemy team might know how to counter you but if you play it well and understand the game, you can capitalize. Very rarely does riot completely restrict a champ from going to another lane (mainly healers/supports) and even then, you can still play it well to be useful.

what the fuck do you want
>play differently
>wah wah cheese
>play meta
>god this game is boring

I knew that the day companies started using social media to communicate and involve their fandoms games are only going to get shittier since no one knows what they fucking want and you can't just ignore the complaints either without PR strategies


I'm sure this is futile but why do you say that? Don't you do the same in other competitive games?

RTS element: It's top down view

>the perfect blend

I dont even know why people still play it. It stopped being fun after season 3.

Im pretty sure someone from riot confirmed that they wanted the game to take less mechanical skill. There wasn't even that much to begin with so why take away what little mechanical skill is left?

Also, the way they design champions 1) takes too long to release and 2) are designed for a specific role and nothing else.

Seriously if not the 'rune' system or whatever sorry excuse they came up with to make more money off you wasn't there, I would be probably playing lol now instead of dota. Seriously, this is candy crush mobile microtransactions tier, it's here to annoy and piss you off.

Because the game play is simple and stupid, also your failures can be blamed on your teammates instead of just yourself unlike a fighting game or something. Shit for brains genre for shit for brains people.

>No you aren't. You're putting yourself at a disadvantage because you don't understand your match ups.
If I have two duo lanes with no jungler, or if I lane a melee carry bot, I am putting myself at a disadvantage because LoL is strictly for the one formula to always be best. As soon as anything else rotates into flavor, Riot nerfs it until their forced lane and team comp meta is back in place as the most effective. You're fucking delusional.

And what's your response to the fact that matchmaking forces it now? You're conveniently ignoring that.

because their friends do. it's not as if it's a good game

genres develop
RTS became ARTS
ARTS became MOBA

many RTS mechanics and design elements like map objectives, resources did not magically disappear

>genres develop
Don't you mean devolve?

Just gonna drop an off-topic question, are there actually any good LoL youtubers? The only ones I like are Prof. Milk and Vvvortic, everything else I've seen is maximum garbage

>taking away mechanical skill

They actually made it more technical.

Taric no longer has a point and click stun.
Poppy's ult isnt just kayle's when you place it on a support
Brand requires you to land all three spells to do real damage
And all new champs are all based around positioning, roaming, skill shots, and combos. The pinnacle of skill in league.

it's fun

LoL's main problems lie in letting the Chinese vermin take over, not dealing with Flash appropriately early on and dragon existing at all.

Then they started introducing more retarded shit like percent damage on everything, AD scaling spells up the ass, knock ups...

MOBAs are literally vidya heroin. I've never seen another genre that brought out the worst in people like this shit.

>It's the only game my poor friends can play with me
>It's the only game my gf could play without losing interest(we've since broke up)
>It's familiar and learning a new moba is a hassle

To report each other
Feels good man

why do people say this?

i play garen adc bot and full tank annie top all the time and win every game

I have the feeling Drake has gotten less impactful than it was before. I often don't notice Stone and Wind dragons, and the Water dragons have been nerfed

Friends. You should get some. Also quit with the transitioning to a woman. Its making you bitchy.