Tell sell 4K meme because they know idiots will fall for this

Living my memes

what does that even mean?

I think it's the resolution.

Tell sell?

>Sell a console capable of 4k so idiots will buy a 4k TV. Hopefully a Song 4k TV

and normies will claim their games are in 4k

>everybody is going to buy a Samsung TV instead of a Sony TV.

Either that or those cheap Aldi brands.

>with shitty quality

Serious why should I want a Tv in that size.

>mfw you have a 49 inch sony bravia 4k tv
>mfw its actually good quality.
>mfw Sup Forums users are just massive poorfags that are mad salty that they cannot afford things.

anything above 40inch is horrible for gaming unless you are CS Go hipster

32" inch is the ideal

PS4 Neo won't be capable of 4k games. Video playback maybe.

>literally a screen size for ants\

yeah no thanks

Yeah that's just like the older gen. PS3 presented itself as 1080p but games were 720p.


The bigger the screen the further you have to be from your TV

That's a very bad thing for 99% of the games. You shouldn't be more than 1,5m (5feet) away from your TV

sub 30fps on ps3

What the fuck is this thread even about? Sage

How 4k is nothing more than a selling phrase.

For most people it makes no sense to buy a 4k console (which is very unlikely that the ps4 neo is capable to do) and for most people will not have a big enough living room for a 4k Tv.

You can buy the top of the art LCD 32" TV for $400 and play games in 1080p

or you can buy a mediocre Sony 2015 4K for $1000 and believe in Sony's memes


What the fuck is this thread even? Are you implying sony invented 4k televisions because of rumours about the PS4 neo?

No you low functioning autism, it's about Sony pushing the movie memes and sell 4K to the stupid goyim

And how is that different from any other company selling stuff? Why would you produce something that people don't want to buy?

He's retarded

I don't care about TV screens but damn I want already a 4k monitor that won't cost me a kidney.

One of the reasons that keeps me from getting a 4K TV is there aren't any just plain TV ones. They're all Smart TVs and I have no use for a Smart one.

Even around 50" or so, the biggest I'd probably even want to go for a TV, I don't really notice much of a difference with 4K.

4K is nothing but a meme

You have to be at least 8 feet away to notice any difference in quality

>Tell sell 4K meme because

You are the meme. Get new eyes.


>4K Ultra HD SmartLED TV

>You have to be at least 8 feet away to notice any difference in quality
Not really, at least not for me.

However I still don't feel like 4k is worth it in any respect.

You don't have any 4K TV, I bought one and returned 2 days later.

What went wrong guys?

I would have too. They are too expensive atm.

But wait, Caged Souls can't even begin to dream about outputting in true 1280x720, let alone 1080p. How is it relevant to this discussion?

>Work in the US
>Sell 4k's for about 500 bucks now

I love strawmans

>You shouldn't be more than 1,5m
Where did you even get this bullshit from? Not everyone lives in a japanese apartment/cabinet.

Sony is pushing the 4K meme regardless what their audience think of 1080p or above

If they brand as "UHD" they will buy it

Jewish education

>1k for a TV
Fuck that

It's the optimal distance you idiot
fucking autism

>being poor

man sure is nice not being a nigger living in the ghetto.

Optimal distance is relative to the screen size you fucking moron, people buy larger tvs so they can sit further away.

>optimal distance
Recommended *theater* view distance.

It also should say "PS4K ready" in the add

>spending $500 on a 4k tv
>to then play games at 30fps
where were you when you realised console players are literally retarded?

No you retard

If you are more than 8 feet from your tv, your eye can't see much details

Best way is to experience fast games is 3-5 feet

>Buying Sony TVs.

Nigga, they are overpriced as fuck.

You say they don't have enough room for a 4k TV, yet you should actually be sitting closer to even notice the increased resolution at all. Or a fuck huge TV, but sitting closer is easier and cheaper.

>he thinks people buy TVs to play videogames
holy fuck do you even leave the house

Most people do
Like me and my wife's boyfriend

god damn you're an idiot. stop posting

>not buying 65

Please consider the difference between smooth movies and a PC desktop/game use.

Do you really not see the single pixels while reading this? The only reason to not use 4k screens is they are overpriced atm for the poorfags.

Prove I'm wrong you fucking autism

It's mainly for VR you bunch of fucking small minded idiots