What game has the best slimes?

What game has the best slimes?

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you already posted it

Best: Secret of Mana

Worst: Festers Quest

Yes but i want to broaden my horizons or something
>no reasons

Dragon Quest, any other answer is not only wrong but fucking stupid.

>draw circle
>give it 4 more circles in shades of the same color
>call it an enemy

Poring, Ragnarok

just seeing this picture makes me want to play again

what's the best server right now Sup Forums?

Breath of fire

Is there a game where I can play the slime?

>>no reasons

Secret of Mana: Because they're fun to fight against, they come in many varieties and can be a great source of easy experience.

Fester Quest: You'd have to exprience this for yourself but it's like adding frustration sauce to an already Frustrating meal.

name ONE slime better than the metal slime

im waiting



Epic battle fantasy has great slimes

Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime is a good slime game

your mom

Monster Girl Quest

platinum king jewel


I remember grinding for hours trying to recruit one in 5, only to get one by chance later on


Surprised no one has posted SS13 yet

Ignore the guy being shit at the game. Wish this game didn't die so bad.

The slime I slung onto your sister's face

What are some games where the main character can get trapped in slime monsters


Monster Girl Quest


dawn of midgard maybe.
I've heard the server is great but community is shit

slimes are bad enemy designs


But I don't want to be digested.

Dragon Quest.

This is not an opinion, it's a plain fact.

Second would be these

Dragon Quest