How does Atelier Sophie compare to previous Ateliers? Better or worse?
How does Atelier Sophie compare to previous Ateliers? Better or worse?
Never played an Atelier game but was thinking about starting with this one. Theyère not connected are they?
Why are everyone in this series dressed like hos?
There is no time limit so this ranks in the top ateliers.
Go for it, it's perfect for newcomers.
High impact sexual violence
>There is no time limit so this ranks in the top ateliers.
Really? I haven't played a lot but the day/night circles certainly made me feel pressure
even the ones that are connected are so just barely
this one starts in a new world though so it's fine
They got rid of the time limit, for long time fans this can be disappointing but the game is still fun.
Some of them are connected but this one is a new world unrelated to previous games.
Not everyone, only happens when they hire male artists
There is no pressure, just enjoy your night or rain.
>the day/night circles certainly made me feel pressure
You can't make this shit up!
Go away worst girl.
Well then, time to stop carefully planning out everything as effectively as possible and just chill
I only played a couple of hours and the only other atelier I played was rorona. I feel like I'm missing somehting, I've unlocked like 10 gathering areas already and I get random characters thrown at me every 5 minutes.
Monika has so nice titties. I want to touch and suck them
It's a really enjoyable and engaging game, everytime I think I'm going to take a break another story encounter happens and I keep playing for another hour. It's quite polished too.
Biggest issues are mainly just that combat levels don't scale very well a lot of the time and you're either fighting something you have to get lucky against and hope it doesn't wipe you instantly or you're fighting something lower level than you and you can just attack spam for 5 seconds.
It feels like a gateway game to me, they might gain more of a fanbase with this one and open up to bigger things in the next 2 entries, or at least i hope so.
As for fitting in with the rest of the series I'd say it's not even top 5 if I include Mana Khemia as well as arland/dusk but it's still pretty great (Also got to remmeber that a bunch of arland/dusk entries didn't even get that great until the plus versions so it's already doing well)
still butthurt
Can you really only put 3 traits on an item you craft? Like no more nuclear bombs in the form of infinity meteors?
Except Dusk is trash and the only Dusk game is arguably better than Sophie is Ayesha
>entry game
That's literally what E&L was and why it was so shitty
I know that feel famlam
>only happens when they hire male artists
factually incorrect. japanese women arent bored wjite women so they dont pretend to be oppressed and actually draw sexy girls too because they think its cute and they know it sells
did you play E&L and shallie? how does it compare to those 2?
Much better than those two shit games
Vita or ps4?
Who is that dorky looking retard next to Cyborg
better than shallie
on par w/ e&l imo
It's much better than E&L. Sophie being equivalent to E&L would be saying Sophie is irredeemable trash.
Dunno about ps4, but vita works ok. There are some framedrops, but no freezing and choking like in Ayesha. Vita is more comfy too.
Give it a rest family we get it
What's so bad about e&l anyway
PS4 has run great so far, no problems besides the occasional weird longer load time, If I still had my vita i'd probably have gotten it on that tho
thats jericho. or joseph wilson, slades son. he can go into your body and control you for a bit
but every time he does, he takes a little of the persons personality and over the years it erodes his mind and he goes insane
Thanks, sometimes it's painfully obvious that it was made with only one in mind. Good to know I can go either way but leaning Vita because trip coming up.
Am I going to miss out on some content for not finishing some of the timed Requests? Some of the rarer monsters I just couldn't be bothered waiting around for
>What's so bad about e&l anyway
Shitty characters tbqh
>not liking Awin
>not liking Reyfer
>not liking Threia
vita for comfy
So should I get this as entry point to the series?
I worry about doing the same with fictional characters myself.
>failed first 2 runs of totori because of time limits
>failed 3rd one because didnt trigger extremely specific event despite getting galaxy rank weeks ahead of time
how was i supposed to know you have to go back to your first atelier
at least with this game i can relax
Because all the other Atelier games had nothing but great characters, right?
Who could ever forget lovable party members like Tantris or Lias?
i love the music in pamelas church so much
Is it me or is Pamela really fucking boring now? She's done nothing but just play with kids. I'm not even sure if she's still a ghost. I guess they're saving the "reveal' for late in the game for a wacky scene where Sophie freaks out over it.
t. casual
its good to have consequences
All the characters in this are pretty boring.
>event where Monika invites me to church
>go to church, she thanks me for coming and asks me to come again
And that was literally the whole event.
I would play with her too if you know what I mean
>any non ps2 atelier game
>not casual
lol you're only fooling yourself
Shh, you'll trigger the Arlandbaby.
It feels like they're trying for a middle approach between Arland and Dusk characters. Not quite as silly as the former but not quite as "normal" as the latter.
Really they should just stop taking anything seriously and just go full Arland again at this point. It worked because the characters were so over-the-top and silly. The only fun character so far is Oskar.
Still better than Shallie's shitheap of a cast.
but i was the "arlandbaby" you halfbred
Really? I thought even Dusk was much sillier than Sophie.
I haven't played Shallie yet though.
A character like Oskar definitely wouldn't fit into Dusk.
What does that butt smells like?
Sophie and Plachta are good characters
Horst and Fritz are pretty good too
There's definitely less great chracters than say, mehruru but there's been plenty of amusing dialogue as far as i've gotten desu
Shallie was kind of flat overall
But goddamn do I like the designs
tfw my name is clay
E&L is my favorite one what does this mean?
>in this series dressed like hos?
Because they are trying their best to attract the Kishida Mel fans but failing badly. Kishida Mel is the best at making Erokawaii moe girls, but the new artists trying to copy his shtick is laughingly bad at it.
is this some H-game? Do you get to see more of that ass?
It means Sup Forums will call you a dumb casual with shit taste.
I'm glad to find someone else who shares my opinion, E&L was great and it's sad how much it gets shit on here.
>Awin - boring literally who
>Reyfer - one dimensional treasure hunter
>Threia - a worse Keith
PS4 vs Vita version of this? any big differences?
So, in short, since the arland series is casual already, then you can't even do it properly, you must be super casual
no my friend
i am white
Keith and wilbell are GOAT in Shallie.
Jurie, Miruca, and Hom are okay.
Benched Kortes and never looked back.
Yes and yes
Dumb casual with shit taste
But I played Totori first and it wasn't as good.
>i have to play this on my PS3 instead of my PC because Japan is full of stingy sonyfags
I mean, it looks like an interesting game so I'm probably going to play it anyways
When will Ishikei get to do an Atelier trilogy?
You have to remember that japan doesn't really have a pc market outside of eroge
The easiest way for a female to get a guy's attention is to show some skin. I mean, did you really need this answer?
I bought a 5x5 cauldron and used it for like 5 ingame days. Now it's gone, whhere the fuck did it go?
Just got Corneria, why is she so shitty?
Don't know because no PC port ever.
I hope the next atelier goes back to shallie/E&L combat
Is there a demo for this available?
good, fuck off and die you faggot
she's the only one that i haven't at least tried putting in my formation and i probably never will
i'm generally running julio, leon and monika but leon is kind of dick so i might switch her out for fritz or something
Yeah, the combat in this really feels like a step back.
Anyone? Since west didnt get ps3 version and i dont have a ps4 yet.
Nice falseflagging.
So when are we getting the dlc?
Japanese people live in closets, so PCs take up too much room. You are seen as a nerd just for owning a tower-sized PC, so you don't even need to brag about your gayming parts.
No issues with Vita here
Comfy console
She is cute enough to be in my team forever.