Do video games only appeal to men because there's a lack of innovation in the industry...

Do video games only appeal to men because there's a lack of innovation in the industry? Girls love stuff like Journey and Portal which is considered to be "fresh" by the industry standards. Meanwhile, rehashes like CoD only attaract dudebros and kids. Maybe it has to do with aesthetics but it's hard to find a girl into Battlefield or any other shooter.

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The females I know that play video games don't play the brown and grey shit that gets pushed out in the west. They like colorful stuff like Kingdom Hearts and LBP.

You fags keep forgetting that games like The Sims have sold more than CoD

They play those games not because they're fresh or innovative, it's because they don't need mechanical skill to play them.

This. Also violent games don't appeal to women in general.

Nice 9gag watermark and IPhone image
Go drink bleach

Because CoD takes mechanical skill?

Where is 2016?

The original image creator came back and made fun of anyone posting it because it was supposed to be a joke image.

More than CSGO.

>Actually thinking this

Dude, you're supposed to make the thread if you're going to sheep that. Who's going to fall for your daily bait if it's in a thread?

>having actual hobbies/pretending to enjoy things for reasons other than attracting men

>thinking CSGO takes skill

Holy shit summer has finally arrived.

Hello newfag

Do my eyes deceive me? A picture of ZSS that doesn't look like weebshit?

People post stupid shit all year you fucking tosspot

Men are active and women are passive; women are inherently attention whores and nothing more.

Video games for women have pretty much always existed.
What's a new phenomenon is games that appeal to men being attacked and destroyed.

"Diversity" means ending games by white males, for white males and coercing white males to make games for everyone else--because they can't, I guess?

I guess as a white male developer I should be flattered.

I wonder when mods will start enforcing rule 2.

I wonder when you will do your mandatory 2 year lurking

"Innovation" and "being progressive" got us where we are today. On top of a pile of shit vidya with a few gems hidden every year or so.

It's just a fact that more men played games than women for so long. And most of the women that did were quiet about it, there wasn't a need to keep spouting stupid shit about loving vidya to be accepted.

It's because video games are now treated like a fucking social circle. You need to play them to get in with the cool and hip kids if you wanna fit in. Got no personality and you dyed your hair an attention-whoring color? No problem. Just say you've held a controller and you'll be drooled over all day every day.

More women want more attention. Pretending they like hobbies guys like only helps on their end, damn the state of vidya. They can't do sports because that requires actual knowledge of the game. With the handholding tutorials and the power of YouTube let's plays, they can become l337 grrrrl gam3rs in no time and get as much attention as they're little heads can take.

Can't get more attention than attractive women in this category? Just complain about something lacking progression online and you'll instantly earn a hive of retards who'll do whatever you say.

>I've only been here for 2 years

Wow champ, I was going to ask you how new you were but there it is.

Games aren't shit because of women. Western devs have been shit since the 2000s

Our hobby (men and women who actually play games alike) is used as a springboard to help people feel like special snowflakes, when they shoukd have gotten the shit beaten out of them in High School so they can wise the fuck up and be normal productive members of society.

That said, it isn't women's fault. It's the fault of the devs for falling for such cheap and meaningless tactics and being over backwards to appease to these whores. They'll move on eventually. They'll get bored and start getting all "progressive" over movies, and music, and everything else enjoyable.

Didn't one of the Witcher devs tweet something about how he wasn't responsible for producing culture for the entire world?

Shit was based.

>That lack of reading comprehension


>that memetext when you get BTFO

Enjoy your vacation, kiddo.

Will do

Nuke america

>video games being targeted at boys rose from marketing decisions to sell them as toys post-crash to revitalize the market
>executives regularly shut down quality media in all forms that happens to be gender-equal because its appeal is so wide it can't pinpoint advertising
>separating products into boys' and girls' is nothing more than corporations maximizing profits
>you all still argue like you're not playing straight into their hands by vilifying each other

Add 2016 -

Since every games coming out the MC is black.

So you missed the point of this image completely

My girlfriend likes FTL, Portal, Advance Wars, LoZ, and Spacechem. I think it's a matter of exposure, men are more likely to be exposed to games more frequently than girls. My girlfriend didn't even know AW, FTL, or spacechem existed before I showed them to her, and now she loves them.

>everybody is programmed by da corporations
It's like you don't believe in the free market, innate preferences, and individual autonomy.

Oh, that's because you're a mentally ill liberal that thinks men and women are somehow the same when sexual dimorphism is the iron law of nature.

it's still June.

Oh hey it's the guy with bad grammar who complains about black characters in every thread. Starting to recognize him.

Ron Paul please go

>having actual hobbies/pretending to enjoy things for reasons other than attention


yes, only men are autistic enough to play the shitty AAA games that the industry poops out on a regular basis.

women are too smart for that

What will the 2016 be about?

who is this image quoting


which they/them?

This for 2016.

>Girls love stuff like Journey and Portal which is considered to be "fresh" by the industry standards.

They really don't. Even finding girls that play Animal crossing or Sims is getting more rare by the day. Girls just don't like to play video games in general. They like attention. I wish my GF would play more video games with me, instead of wasting my time with sex and cuddling.

>it's a Sup Forums pretends women are a monolithic hive mind episode

>by Brianna Wu
Of course.

My sister plays Sims 3 literally all day when she has any kind of free time, she practically refuses to play any other game.

The ones in his head

Just for reference; how old is she? College-age? High-school?

>Brianna Wu
Of course.

>this post

And Sup Forums tries to say it's not full of a bunch of NU-Males

What a shitty thread.


Early 20. She goes to the local community collage.

Even other SJWs were calling this shit out.

Good goyim. The corporations are saints! Look at all the good the FreeMarketâ„¢ has brought us.

I'm just providing where the image got the quote from, I have no commentary on how valid/accepted the idea was.

Mods are touchy about this subject

>its a Sup Forums thread

What will the 2016 entry be?

If you expect gamers to be anti-degeneracy, I have some bad news for you. They just don't want to be deprived of their favorite drug/narcotic.

Japan was somewhat shielded from bolshevist cultural subversion and so was a reservoir of beautiful Western and classical culture. So, they sent games over here in the 90s that reminded us of why we were great, even as our civilization was burning.

But, of course, ugly scum can't stand beauty, and so must destroy that final wellspring.

What's with all the "Summer" posts?
It's Winter.

>being south of the equator

>Who are you quoting?

The OP.

who are YOU quoting?

>I am literally incapable of working things out on my own

I'm quoting MEMES you dip!



Oh that's cool.

Any pics?

Jesus christ. Please tell me she doens't fit into the "My lifelong aspiration is to get knocked up by some alpha chad (who may or may not be black or mixed race) and become a SINGLE MOTHER" type.

>Early 20s
>Goes to community college
>Plays Sims

I don.t think so, but she basically one of them SJW types just not as hardcore as some/most of them.

Is she fat?


Yep, she's a walking stereotype, gonna get knocked up by a mixed race alpha chad and live as a strong empowered single mother.

I'm sorry bro.

Is ... is your Mom okay at least? Assuming she's still alive.

I was lying you dipshit

Without the 9fag shit

Females generally think video games are dumb and a waste of time in general. When you get deeper than that, males and females play different genres of games because they have different interests.

Why do girls like Nintendo games?

That was the lead designer on Kingdom Come Deliverance.

"Dudebro" is a buzzword used for people with a small worldview who don't understand human beings

It's still 9gag shit

>they're little heads
>they are little heads

Because they don't try to be overly violent ever, they're artistically creative with unique art styles, and have lots of cute characters in them.

Hello shill

Where's the edit of this pic that calls the creator of the image entitled?

This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums

I mean how do you look at that and not think it was just made by a bitter faggot who was bullied for being a beta autist? Nobody makes fun of anyone for playing videogames, unless you're actually a fucking loser who would get bullied no matter what. If you honestly think you were ever bullied solely as a result of liking vidya then it's no wonder you were a target. You're a fucking idiot.

I really thought this image would be mocked when it was made but I see it posted over and over and now I realise just how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are. I mean are you fucking serious? Did you REALLY have girls laughing at you for playing videogames? Where does this happen? They laughed at you because you were ugly, not because you played videogames

And even if you DID grow up in some kind of bizarre alternate universe shithole where there was a girl actually fucking idiotic enough to laugh at you for playing videogames when you were 10 years old, maybe it's time you fucking got over it? Or better yet, hold onto that bitterness forever and ever and save images from memecenter 15 years later making fun of girls because you're STILL not over it.

>muh japan is way better than ameritards lol
>I actually know the culture
>I should know because of my extensive katana collection
>Hur dur im moving to japan one day
>You know they like fat guys like me over there
>Muh Sumos
Enjoy japan pro tip no subtitles m8

I tried getting my girlfriend to play dota 2 and I love her man she tried she really did but that died out idk man I think some chicks and video gays just dont mix.

>My girlfriend

Females are dumb as shit. They literally too dumb for games.

You sound platinum buttmad.

Most girls only play games for the social aspect. They play meme shit/things that are popular with people they know so they can talk about it, or games that have a focus on communicating with others online. Girls do not play Portal to play Portal. They play it because it's a meme. Girls don't play games for the game's sake. They don't give a shit about videogames.

As if that has ever stopped someone of putting in their touch on shit.

Check out the master race shit, it started as a joke to demean muhgraphicfags and cunts who only play on PC.

Holy shit clean that blood coming out of your asshole, no one here is bitter except (you)

it's pasta you dumbfucks

realtalk, do you guys know any girls that actually play games? Not gamer gurls, casuals pretending to be hardcore or those only playing what's popular -- girls that play them because they have a genuine love for the medium?

I think it's ridiculous the industry is so "male-dominated". What the fuck do girls spend their time on? Surely there's more than social media, shopping and getting dicked?

God damn I fucking long for the days before 2006-2007 when the normalfags and sluts invaded

My cousin played WoW a lot in its prime, I don't know why she started but none of her friends or anything played it.

She's pretty hot.

I have a female friend who isn't super into it, but they play stuff like smash and mario kart and occasionally pick up a title on steam. She considers herself to be a casual