WHO HERE /not gonna watch e3/?
WHO HERE /not gonna watch e3/?
I rather just read the news afterwards
i will watch all the giant bomb shit
>not watching the highlights
Sup Forums shits out OC only 3 times a year. I'm not missing E3, stupid phone poster.
I'm going to miss most of it because I've got to work all next week
Why did they choose to do it on weekdays?
>Mfw requested the entire week off
I'll keep an eye out for Butterlord
The rest will probly be dissapointment
I'll watch but I won't get hyped. I haven't been truly excited by an E3 since 2006:
>Super Mario Galaxy
>MP3: Corruption
>Rayman 4
>Smash Bros 3 with fucking SNAKE
It was when I went from generic kid gamer, to really being a gaming enthusiast, who didn't just play the latest and greatest bullshit.
Yo. I avoid it like a god damn plague and I'll be off Sup Forums for about the next six months while the shitposting shilling fallout wears down.
Gonna dig into this backlog I got growing instead.
For a community that claims to hate being marketed to, Sup Forums sure makes a big ruckus out of this garbage.
Depends if Joel McHale is involved
I don't enjoy being edged by video game companies years before shit comes out and when it does it's nothing like it was at e3
I can already see the headlines.
"Angry baby-men refuse to watch E3 because of a female EA representative"
>watching e3 for video games
>not for the cringy presentations
neo-Sup Forums, everyone
this will be the first e3 i won't watch, i always got into chat channel, discussing with other people, being excited, but fuck it, the last bunch of e3 were awful and this one is probably going to be even worse
jesus, i don't caaaaaare
I'm only watching for a few things. Mainly re2 remake to see if it should be thrown in the trash with the action games or if they stayed true to form. Second to laugh at the FF7 trainwreck, and 3rd to laugh at the gimmick trainwreck that the new Zelda is goin to be.
I'll be at work probably. Thank god because I'd watch it otherwise. I sort of like Sup Forums's reactions to the events, but E3 has gotten so pathetic now that it's more sad than funny. I'll just watch the interesting trailers after on YouTube.
>missing out on the best thing to come out of AAA games.
Doubt anyone on Sup Forums would buy those games at full price yet they'll watch it for the presentations alone.
I'm not from Sup Forums. I don't care to be up on the latest maymays.
I haven't watched since E3 2012. I keep up to date on games announced but anyone making a big deal out of it seem kinda stupid to me. It's just a big marketing event it always has been. The last really hype E3 was Valve's HL2 demos and all the next gen showings. It's been progressively shit since and I can do more interesting things with that time. Like running or masturbating to /ss/ femdom.
Rabbits can't be police, you silly rabbit.
>last 2 E3s
Microsoft and Sony have been great.
FF15 and KH3 was announced 2 years ago.
And last year had TLG, FF7r, and Shenmue 3.
Unless you are talking about Nintendo only, E3 has not sucked.
Same as every year. Fuck the marketers.
I'm gonna miss everything but Sony because I have an internship and they're the only ones with the smarts to do their show in the evening so normies like me can watch it
I might even buy a PS4 in a year or two when all the games finally start to come out
I've Tuesday and Wednesday off. What can I catch those days?
Who is this handsome semen demon?
>not watching e3
Have fun browsing Sup Forums.
FF15 was supposed to come out 10 years ago, we barely know anything about KH3 because "lol 2017", TLG was also supposed to come an eternity ago, the FF7r is literaly FF15 reskinned and best of all and i want to make this clear
shenmue 3 was
and microsoft always show the same shitty mix of fps,sandbox and sports game, their big announcement last year was MINECRAFT, FUCKING MINECRAFT with some hologram thingie that everyone forgot about one year later
and guess what, with these shown last year and still not being released they will show them again this year which means they have NOTHING new that could be interessing to show
so fuck e3
>Tfw I'm going to be out camping on the middle of nowhere
>No signal so no E3
>Final Fantasy 7 remake
Fucking pathetic senpai, plus it's going to be released in episodes. Overrated as FUCK.
I have to if i want to browse Sup Forums for the next days.
I wouldn't
>quoting that remake as a positive
Found the ADHD cuckdom hearts nomura kiddie.
Found the normalfag
I never watch E3, but I always look forward to the recap video
Never cared for E3. It's just dick waving for the sake of it.
Wait, Butterlord is at e3? Well... this is the first game at this years e3 I'm actually interested in. The line up (otherwise) sucks.
Go back to r9k kid
/not you/
i usually don't even bother to set an alarm for microsoft. getting up at 9am can fuck right off
Just Nintendo. You should have taken Monday off.
>TFW you have a job
Why won't you ?
me, too depressed to care
It's good for a laff
This year looks like it'll be boring though
Gonna be playing total war warhammer instead. I got better things to do than be disappointed.
I'm probably going to be working during most of it, or sleeping because of how late some shows are for the east coast.
i wanna fuck that i wanna fuck that
Fuck what user?
Kim Possible
but that image in particular
Why is she so perfect?
I don't know but it should be on paheal