Quack 5 when?

Quack 5 when?

>Wanting Bethesquake

Wouldnt the logo be a V with a nail n it?

>our focus groups indicated that the strogg are too scary and gross, so now they will be generic space nazis

There's some Quakes on sale on GOG. Which one has the best single player?

I was thinking it should be the same U shape with two diagonal nails shot through it forming a V
plz no more quake 2 storyline. Revisiting Quake 1 universe and gameplay would be amazing.

Strogg are already generic space Nazis compared to Shamblers, Fiends and Shub-Niggurath.

Quake 1 and if you don't mind a bland artstyle Quake 2 as well.

If they were to do a Quake reboot, it would probably be Arena, with a free play mode and ranked Arena mode.

Q1 by far. Q2 is hard to finish without falling asleep, Q3's SP is just bot matches, and Q4 is hurhg hblar hehuioadhjgh.

hopefully never
just let quake stay dead please
it's had its run
quake 2 onward was a mistake

>rebooting arena
That's what Quake live is

>buying Quake

Get quake 1 and download darkplaces mod, makes the game more moody with the lighting. You might also need a fixaround for the music

You fucking stop that shit right now.

Dark places fucks up the physics. Fiends getting stuck in the geometry

Are vores female?

They don't have/need genders. Or eyes.

They often get drawn as female though for some reason. Maybe the higher-pitched scream?

This reminds me of that 3d model mode for DN3D which just made the geometry look even worse

By looking at that image, i wonder if ID would fuck up the redesigns of Quake's enemies.

I can absolutely 100% guarantee Bethesdid would if they make a Q1 remake.


It reminds me of Zladislaw Beksinski

Alright, guess I'll spend the rest of Saturday playing Quake 1. I'm noticing some general ambivalence on the darkplaces mod, but are there any aftermarket things I should look into for the ideal experience? Source ports, general mods that just let the thing run a little more smoothly on more modern machines, etc?

We don't need to go all Doom PWADs and Bethesda game fixer-uppers on its ass, but I know sometimes these things could use a little tune-up decades down the line.

Quakespasm is all you need for singleplayer. Quake has much fewer source ports than Doom does and the good ones (read: fitzquake and Quakespasm which has mostly replaced the former) take the original OpenGL Quake port and just update it- modern resolutions, fix the graphical errors GLQuake introduced, and leave everything else as it is- jerky animations (which you can smooth out, but look really iffy if you do), dithered light sources, etc.

Make sure you have the soundtrack, as buying Quake on steam or GOG doesn't include it due to it being a straight port and the original game having the soundtrack on the CD. Also turn off texture filtering with the command gl_texturemode gl_nearest (or gl_nearest_mipmap_linear for the software-esque look) in the console/autoexec file.

Why bother? Just load up glQuake.

Because glQuake breaks overbrights.

your a retard quake 3 is one of the best arena shooters ever made

Who is best protag: Ranger, Bitterman, the other marines from Q2's expansions, Sarge or Matthew Kane?

Bitterman is a non-entity, Ranger shot Cthulhu's daughtermother in the face with a staple gun, the other Q2 marines are so forgettable I forgot they even existed, Sarge is just a playermodel and Kane is.

Ranger, no question.

I don't want Quake 5, I want a Quake reboot in the soft-Lovecraft vein of Quake 1. Can't stand the space marine stuff in Quake 2 and 4.

I hope they do this


has anyone tried to speedrun Quake where you can only look with arrows instead of mouse?

that wouldn't be much of a speedrun TbH FaM SmH

>Ranger shot Cthulhu's daughtermother in the face with a staple gun
And it did jack shit.

>Giving Fiends eyes

It is

At which point he fucking teleported inside Shrubnigger to turn it into chunky giblets.


meant for


Doomguy obviously

Quake 1 is best
Quake 2 is meh
Quake 3 is good but not for SP
Quake 4 exist

>Wolfenstein TNO was story driven garbage that missed the point entirely of what Wolfenstein is
>DOOM was a fluke who's advertising campaign consisting of nothing but the shitty outsourced multiplayer mode almost killed it
Quake IV was an alright game, if unremarkable. There's no other dev I'd want on id properties other than Raven

>Implying Q1 didn't have sci-fi in it.

Have you even played it or are you just mindlessly parroting whatever Sup Forums says ?

It was a mix of sci and fantasy while Q2 was 100% sci fi

Man Wolfenstein TNO was really fun. I didn't mind that it was story focused because that was really only in between levels. The levels themselves were mostly just straight gameplay

UT99 is better
shootmania is better
descent is better
tribes is arguably better


We can argue UT99 for days, and MAYBE tribes.

But TNO / TOB was great. In fact Wolfenstein has never had a bad game.


Literally impossible not to take damage. How is this fair?

so like
am I the only one that thinks doom is a step above quake in level, monster, and weapon design?

going from doom to quake everything feels less interesting, except for platforming secrets which are p nice

I like the aesthetic of quake but it feels like they were making a hexen sequel then stopped halfway through, butchered everything fantasy and left the game as an awkward sci-fi fantasy combo where your player is wearing plate armor while shooting a gun at more evil marines and monsters

>lightning is fast
Go figure.

>using the RL against a Shambler


ut99 has better weapons, better maps, better music, and alt fire is a great mechanic

shootmania is a great pure distillation of what makes arena shooters great

descent is fuckin great and the ability to fly in any direction makes chasing intense

tribes is fuckin great, enough said

Nice opinions. All are good games, who cares.

Break line of sight during the lightning charge, let it shoot, pop out, shoot chaingun for quick kill or shoot a bunch of rockets and repeat as needed.


I could be wrong, but doesn't he try melee attacking you if you're close enough? Just keep in range of him so he doesnt lightning attack

If he does lightning attack, hopefully the level isn't shit (oh wait, it's Quake) and there's something to hide behind.

Why wouldn't you? Bethesdoom was solid. Easy 8-9/10

id was independent when it did Doom 3. NuDoom was under Bethesda and id was basically a bunch of newfags yet it turned out good. There's no pattern to this shit

Quake 3 and Quake Live was the best 1v1 FPS experience

>breaking line of sight is always possible

/xcg/ memes have gone too far.

UT99 movement system is lame compared to quake 3.

I love UT but quakes movement makes more depth than UT's alt fires ever can

>Quake Live
Thinking about what they did to that game still makes me sad. I haven't logged in since.

How would they even do it?

Like, SP. How would they differentiate it from Doom? Focusing on the lovecraft elements? Not enough. Making Strogg the focus again? Not enough.

And the MP. Oh god the MP. Noone wants an arena shooter nowadays. The closest thing they could do is make it like Samsara's DM, which has classes but they don't start with shit, and it would still suck.

The best Q1 levels were the techbase ones though - Why do you think they frontloaded the chapters with them? They were the last ones to get made (after the game had failed to be the action RPG Romero wanted) and the level designers had reached maturity and familiarity with the tools by that point. Also there's no refurbished shit in them, they were all built from the ground up for Doom-style FPS gameplay and it shows in how they flow

Tribes is not an arena shooter.
UT movement being so damn jerky bothers me, but Quake's combat movement is bad too

Why do people keep wanting a new Quake in the style of the new Doom?

It'll just be Doom 4 except with a Quake skin on it, the main difference between the original Doom and Quake is thanks to the evolution between them with better technology, they're both still very similar games.

>Chaingun which isn't even in Q1
>Rockets on a Shambler, which has explosion resistance

Not sure if shitpost or tard

It's annoying that even after having had a subscription for years I still have to buy the game again if I want to play.

At least you can vote shit off.

Worth it for the non-retarded Railgun.
You don't, though?

I get the urge to jump around and shoot people now and then.
Usually just end up playing a bit with bots in Q3 or some defrag.

Can't believe they just give the game away to anyone who had it installed at the time on Steam

Why not play new UT

Also I meant that if you payed for a subscription you can just message the devs and they'll give you a key

Hell even if you didn't you could do that iirc

I tried sending an email to ql support but didn't get a response. Could try contacting them on irc but I can't be bothered.

>using steam for non steam games

It was a steam game at the time

never said quake 3 wasn't a good game but it's not the best as user said.

ill deffo agree quake's movement is better, but the kovement isn't enough to plant it higher than UT99 imo, alt fires, better map design and better weapons keeps UT at the throne

>doesn't he try melee attacking you if you're close enough?
Yes, and that's one of the best ways to take down Shamblers if you can get them alone. If you've got a super nailgun (which I don't know if that user has due to not seeing the HUD) they go down like butter, and if you're playing from a shotgun start and don't have any big guns yet it's one of the easier ways to prevent yourself from getting zapped by lightning (due to it taking longer to kill the Shambler).

descent is the better 1v1 fps, outdogfighting your opponent is hot fire

quake 1 > q3a

Please, user. Let me just have my memories of Quake as it was.

While we're talking about OG Quake

Is there a version of Quake or a mod out there, anywhere, that makes playing on modern resolutions (1080p) not a pain in the ass?

Descent is a damn good game but it's not an FPS

It's the better game for team modes in my opinion. I might just be a pleb for not liking q1 duel but I find the q3 gameplay just gives more opportunities.

To this day i cant understand how people don't like quake 2 and 4. They may not be mechanically on par with others but by no means are they bad. I mean why all the autism about them



>descent not an fps
>first person and contains shooting

>Descent is a 3D first-person shooter video game developed by Parallax Software and released by Interplay in Europe in 1994. The game features six degrees of freedom gameplay

What epic Quake meme could they exaggerate like rip and tear?

I actually really liked Quake 2. Say what you will about the lore and shit, but the campaign and level design is still really top notch.

>tfw Quake 5 Arena

I loved quake 1's aesthetic but quake 2 had the better campaign imo

both of you disgust me


>announcer introducing tiers in Q3

I guess I'm just a retard

The movement makes playing it so different from your usual on the ground FPS that I feel it's impossible to compare the games.

Q3's announcer was so fucking shit

Yeah, I do miss the weird otherworldly, medieval setting that Quake 1 had. That shit was the bomb.

taking a rocket to the knee, dopefish lives, idk

FPS is not a movement mechanic, it's a camera perspective with shooting

you can call them 6dof fps if it triggers you that much