Why is every MMO nowadays a shitty WoW clone?

Why is every MMO nowadays a shitty WoW clone?

When we will get a good sandbox MMO that doesn't focus entirely on combat again?


what's with the sudden uptick in MMO threads?

MMO's are next in line to die behind RTS games.

Blizzard will destroy any genre they get their Jewish claws into

Current technology doesn't allow fluid movements for all connected in an MMO. This and the fact that WoW style games generate quick money in cash shops and such, is the reason most MMO's will be a "shitty WoW clone." The best solution is to stop playing MMO's. If you've grown tired of the formula, time to try a new burger joint.

So whats the news on WoW legacy servers? I liked Wow, but shit got waaaaay too out of hand for me when Cata rolled out. Haven't played since Deathwing.

d e l i g h t f u l

I'm not grown tired of the formula, I'm tired of every MMO having the same terrible blueprint.

I would love to play a good MMO again.

Ok so I don't know if that screenshot is completely fake or not, I remember it going around a bit after Halo 3 I think, but I can't help but think that looks a little like some of the loading corridors on venus in Destiny.

It's real.

>devs spent the last ten years attempting to recreate WoW's success
>devs end up trying to make their own version of WoW
>OP wonders why every MMO is a shitty WoW clone
This happens often. Doom was the first hugely successful FPS. We called FPS games Doom Clones right up until Quake came around, and even then the term was still used a little.
Most of those games were crappy clones of Doom.

We're getting to the point where MMOs are post-WoW's successful period. Now we have some more innovative games coming around. Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, to name a couple.

MMOs aren't really a genre of games. MMO is a type of format. Open, persistent worlds where community support or cooperation is important. That's the defining trait of MMOs.

So now we're at the point where devs can have a little more freedom. WoW isn't the juggernaut it used to be. Server technology is better, and so is the internet's infrastructure. So devs can, in theory, have freedom to create an innovative MMO.

Ultimately how much freedom is determined by the capitalist society we live in and the conservative consumer base. (I mean conservative as in the customer base changes slowly, not political movements.)

We're gonna see games clone WoW less over time.

What happened to this?

>watch trailer for Conan: Exiles
>looks kinda shitty
>dat desert tho

Do Hanzo's arrows go through Rein's shield?

>Sandbox is good meme.

sandbox != open world

The Sims is a sandbox game.
Crusader Kings is a sandbox game.

World if Warcraft is not a sandbox game because it guides you through its content like a theme park.

Aaaaand I got the fucking wrong thread.

Fuck it, any new MMO's announced?
Can I make fit orc chicks in Black Desert?
Are you going to come back for Legion?

It's not and mmo

I have no idea why the fuck Funcom is using Conan for a shitty build and survive game. I literally just want a good adventure game where I play as the Cimmerian. Some good melee combat, maybe a little cuhrazy, but not too cuhrazy jumping-around-errywhurr-air-combos.

Some puzzles, dungeons, a decent story, tits, and good combat.
That's Conan.
Build and survive in not-medieval-desert-europe isn't Conan.

You're looking for Elite: Dangerous, I can barely contain all these space opera feels.

legion is coming out in august

>hearth bar
>mini map
>chat window
>wow clone

just becuase it has an MMO UI doesnt mean its a wow clone.

go educate yourself about MMORPG's

The Halo MMO was going to be a WoW clone, which it why it was cancelled.

Because people keep buying them.


You deserve it bro

Play BDO. Its not a WoW clone and full with casuals.

>Fuck it, any new MMO's announced?

Not yet. E3 soon, so I'm betting we'll see at least one there.

>Can I make fit orc chicks in Black Desert?

Nope. When you create a character, you're really just picking a classes and then messing with sliders a bit. Each class is gender locked, also.

They did this so they could add way more detail to the armors they put in the cash shop. No need to limit detail when you don't need to make the armor fit more than one body type.

If you want to make an attractive Orc, your best bet is ESO. It's actually a pretty good game.

>Are you going to come back for Legion?

I tried WoW with the "Up to level 20" trial. Never really got into it. The world is huge and it really sucks you in, but the gameplay just isn't there.

This man speaks the truth

Yes he does

Apparently it's so fucking trainwreck that it's negative on steam.