
Okay, firstly, calm down. This isn't a shitposting thread or a "join my server!!xD" thread or anything like it.

I am one of those people who never jump on hype trains and always end up playing really popular games way, way after they peak. It took me 3 years to give a shit about WoW, and about 2.5 to care about Counter Strike.

Today I played Minecraft for the first time ever and had fun. There's something so soothing about playing as a lego-man in a pre-built lego-world where you can build and destroy as you wish.

What's wrong with it/me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing, Minecraft is great. I bought while Notch would still post on Sup Forums and I still play it today.

It is a cancer magnet though.

There's a reason it's one of the biggest games of the last ten years.

If you get bored of it you can try out feed the beast for a heavily moded version of minecraft.

>What's wrong with it/me?
Welcome 2 da spectrum, nigga. U in da zone now.

Just play Factorio, it's much better

Can't we agree both are good in their own way?

It's fun for a while
But there's just not much meat to it

Also people saw the updates that added stupid shit (hunger, lame world generation)

This style of typing troubles me greatly. Please refrain.

I, OP, who has never played it before can't fathom a world without hunger.

It adds a sense of purpose as I explore. Sure I can take in the sites, but I also have to feed myself every now and then.

Wasn't it boring before hunger came along? And that's not a taunt, I genuinely want to know.

In terms of autism and INDUSTRY, no, Factorio has even heavily modded MC beat

I miss some of the more fantastical world generation
I rarely see truly bizarre landscapes anymore

I'd like Minecraft more if it was possible to find a decent, populated server that isn't filled to the brim with fucking cancer. Can't walk into a creative server without having it be a no-fun-allowed flatworld with restricted building. Can't have a survival world without ridiculous MMO plugins and other unnecessary bullshit.

For the most part the hate it gets stems from the autistic fanbase, sense of Notch's betrayal (many things he promised Sup Forums early on he never did, plus he left to get his dick sucked on reddit) and the fact that it gets boring fairly quickly.

Its not in itself a bad game. It just does not in any way deserve the popularity and success it has.

2 l8 4 dat, mothafucka. Enjoy your autism.

It's just the fans and the community that are cancerous. Enjoy the game to the fullest, just tread softly with the fandom.

From /vg/'s thread.

What's boring about getting shit done?

You used to need food for health, so you weren't beholden to your wheat/melon farm, you could spend your time doing other shit

What exactly was promised?

Well, adventure mode for one
More machines, crafting, smelting, randomized "prefix" mobs like Dwarf Fortress forgotten beasts (like "cobble creeper" or "lightning spider"), better bosses

Add to that the fact that they neutered the map generator to no longer make crazy cool landforms, just the same boring shit everywhere, got rid of snow maps...
The list goes on

Wasn't there some sort of adventure mode? I heard Tell Tale did something a while back?

I'm sad to hear all the rest was lost though. I'm guessing Notch decided that a billion bucks was enough and called it a day.

Though in fairness, as I play now, I don't know how much more they could have really done with the engine.

Java is under heavy strain to pull off what they already HAVE in the game.

I feel that Factorio is essentially what Minecraft should have been in terms of scope and depth.

Though I think my main issue with Minecraft is that it clearly wants to be a roleplaying game of sorts with fantasy elements, but instead of going full fantasy rpg survival building stuff game, it's just really half assed and shit
If it had magical enchanted forests with dryads and other mythical creatures, that's be a thousand times better than the repetitive samey forests that the game really has.
Sure there's the mushroom biome and the ice plains spikes, but they really ought to have had more cool and interest biome designs.

There are the flowery fields and forests, they're a great starting point, but they just don't build upon those elements enough.

Then there's shit like jungles, deserts, savannahs and taigas, while they are realistic, they get a bit shit after a very short period of time. The game would be a lot better if you had more fantasy stuff in the mix

Ah snow
A way better alternative to deserts when it comes to escaping the damnable rain sfx

It's a shame they took out infinite sand. Destroying the landscape to make a glass tower wasn't cool

I've played both a lot and I would say they are different enough for different tastes. Factorio lacks immersion and depth which a heavily modified mc can provide

That's Story Mode, and it's atrocious.

That fucking game is so goddamn horrible, holy shit

Minecraft is probably the best MMO-experience you can ever have.

As always though, ruined by the community.

You should try it with mods if you like the base game. Some mods add magic, some add tech, others just make your world more comfy.

Dang, this thread makes me wanna go back and play beta 1.7, thats when I stopped playing

Any good mods out there?

>Dwarf Fortress
Has that game developed in the last 3-4 years?
I can't say I've heard much from it

>best MMO experience
>not EVE Online
No other game has given me adrenaline rushes like EVE has

>tried the first episode a way back because my little brother (no surprise) bought it for me for my birthday
>it's cringecore garbage about the power of friendship

The youth of today must have the lowest standards in recorded history.

>Biomes O Plenty

I'm only rockin' this one and it gives Minecraft back some of the craziness it used to have.


I'm just surprised that this shit still somehow runs on fucking Java.

survival perspective yes and thats what minecraft was meant to be, but since the previous adventure mode was put in why didnt they give the option to turn off hunger?

Nothing. Like so many things with shitty fanbases before and since, people are unable to separate the content itself from it's fans.

I'm not going to say it's God's gift to man, but it feels a nice little gaming niche. I still play it from time to time because it scratches an itch that few other games do for me. Not to mention that it has more mod support than any other game in the world, some of which are truly unique experiences. After you get sick of the base game, try the Thaumcraft mod. It's the only game I've ever played that made magic feel like a science you can research, understand, and gain mastery over.

Compare Witchery to Thaumcraft for me.

Thaumcraft is one of my favorite mods of all time but I've played it so much that it's gotten old for me. I'd love to play something similar but fresh.


>clearly wants to be a roleplaying game of sorts with fantasy elements

Are you retarded?

Maybe so, but at least he's actually played the game.

That's what the community created though, b2b or w/e that server was called was a wasteland for kilometers because a medium/large amount of players tend to raze everything to the ground, so those kind of servers are generally unplayable, not that the heavily modded ones are any better.

Witchery is more akin to being a real witch. It's a slow process where you make weird rituals which makes you feel like a wizard from the medieval times. The end products are much like underpowered versions of thaumcraft though.

You mean 2b2t? 2b2t was essentially a social experiment. And at the time it started, it was not a "medium/large" amount of players. It was massive, and there was no moderation.

I'm talking about a medium, maybe 20-30 person server that just wants to build neat towns and shit. Doesn't exist.

stop taking things at literal value you fucking autist

Torchlight? What's that about
must be about going through dark places with a torch that's been lit

>minecraft devs says game is about mining and crafting
>is actually a game about mining and crafting to survive

>torchlight dev says game is spiritual successor to diablo
>is actually spiritual successor to diablo

Fucking summerfags thick as flies on shit.

yeah, but that's the thing, unless you know 20-30 people and use some kind of unwritten rules you'll find any server in a similar situation.

Sup Forums tend to get easily triggered over fanbases and what they produce, and denounce a game over it.

You're not wrong.

Saints Row
Saint Francis of Assisi's best rower. His canoe is way better than Saint Nicholas' kayak


>from it's fans

I've been playing Minecraft since about 2 years before it got mainstream. (depending on your definition of mainstream) What's always appealed to me about it is the social and creative aspects that other games offer but in a different way. If you really enjoy a game, no matter what it is, play it. Fuck what others say about it. You really shouldn't care. Not like Minecraft's majority fan base defines what the game truly is.

Anyone played any good city-builder mods?
I think there was a sim city mod or something a few years back, but I never really tried it out

(though I suppose cities would be a nice way of saying "the same 10 buildings 20 times!"

Try out Noodlor's chunk world. There's a lot of structures he made. A lot.

Not him but what a neat mod. Thanks for recommending it.

>tfw nobody to play minecraft with
I'm so sick of singleplayer
I just want somebody I can reliably play with

As someone who likes exploration games, Minecraft wound up being a wet dream. Cave diving is fun too.

In my current world, it takes me around 45 minutes to travel to the nearest village. I love this sort of thing in games.

The building is okay. Actually, I think Minecraft is a pretty shitty building game.

My biggest complaint is the lack of monsters during the daytime. The occasional monster encounter during the daytime would really liven things up.

Notch is Sup Forums's biggest lurker.

90% of EvE is mind numbing shit like afk mining and spreadsheets.

I have played eve since 2010 and I have never afk mined or used a single spreadsheet

>I've been playing a game incorrectly for 6 years

Good for you, I guess.

there is nothing wrong with having fun with a game you stupid retard. Why do I say that you are a stupid retard? Because you give too much value to Sup Forums without forming YOUR own opinion, you retarded undaged fuck.

You didn't have anyone to play with so you turned Jewish?

I don't have any sad man memes to describe my feel
I guess this works

shallow as hell.

The game is about "mining and crafting" LITERALLY but there are a bunch of poorly implemented mechanics that have nothing to do with these, added only when you get bored of mining and crafting.

-Absolute shit combat mechanics
-Most enemy designs are shit
-Hunger... What is the point? The enemies aren't difficult enough?
-Silly RPG elements in a Non RPG
-Villagers with very limited interactions, only for trading
-Redstone and levers made this game for Autists and ruined the fanbase

Its massively overrated. It has a lot of content but doesn't do any of it especially well.

I'm sorry to hear that user. If it makes you feel any better, I had plenty of friends to play with back in my MC days.

And it was never more fun than went I played alone by myself.

Perhaps you're not missing out on as much as you think?

The addition of hunger made it so that it heavily impacted exploring. Can't go long without having to go into your inventory to gobble some worthless shit up.
Sure, it was alright at first, but it quickly became tedious.

Food was fine as it was previously: a way of getting health back. As you also couldn't stack food, it made for good trade-off for savety vs inventory space.

Not to mention regenerating health made combat fucking boring

All my friends grew out of MC because they turned into normies who only play le mature games for mature gamers such as themselves. Some of my best experiences playing games in general was playing MC with my lads. But those days are over and now I don't have anybody to play it with because everyone I know has either lost their accounts by now or thinks it's too autistic. Feels bad man. I don't like MC singleplayer because it just doesn't feel right I guess.

Literally my life. I feel for you, user.

I am sorry to hear that brother. Perhaps those memories are there to be cherished, not relived?

Move on to new and different things, and perhaps experiences that will eclipse even those you describe.

I believe in you.

I still play Minecraft by myself and I still enjoy it.

Combat is better than ever and the leveling and hunger systems were both fun additions.

Minecraft is a game about exploring the creative depths of one's imagination through simple object interaction. A user's capabilities as a builder and thinker are reflected quite clearly, both visually and interactively.

So now you've looked into a mirror, user.
Do you not like what you see?

I mean I went like two years without even playing MC but recently got back into it
I still enjoy the game but just want to play with somebody, doesn't even have to be irl friends

Someone make a server

There are plenty of Sup Forums based servers already.
Here's a list: docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiZ4nkhea5nXdERzVXFWVFp1SEN5SjM2WnNwVjZPUEE&usp=sheets_web#gid=0

Just enjoy it while it lasts. Try not to look everything up. Eventually you'll play with some faggot who doesn't remotely RP, and just plays it the way a Spike plays magic: the gathering. To win.

>tfw you will never experience minecraft for the first time ever again

user I don't need that feel

EsforesCraft is comfy

>Was playing modded minecraft with thaumcraft, botania, twilight forest, blood magic and a few other mods
>Fun times
>They abandon one by one
>One day I was all alone

>referring to behavioral pseudoscience

Pro tip: everyone plays to win by different rules.

'mirin those digits