2 days before the real E3 begins. Can they live up to the hype?

2 days before the real E3 begins. Can they live up to the hype?

Expectations? Hopes?

Hype? What hype? All they will do is to shill their VR garbage. E3 is pretty much dead. Sorry.

Vaporware, bullshots, kikestarter, remasters, and thousands of annoying sonygger shitposting.

Ape Escape 4 never ever right?

Games that won't come out until 2018.

Now try not being a pessimist and rework your answers. There's plenty of games to show.

Pretty much


It's realism, son. Don't blame us if it's grim like that, blame Sony and the current industry.

I want Media Molecule to stop fucking talking about Tearaway and give us that Dreams beta they promised us last E3.