Nvidiots on a suicide watch
Nvidiots on a suicide watch
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Lower frame time is good you fucking neanderthal
I have a feeling this is bait, but for anyone who didn't bother looking: The graph is covering frame time, not frame rate.
There are 2 graphs, one for frame time, one for frame rate you niggers youtu.be
Fuck fine the 970 is shit happy?
How fucking retarded are you? jesus
390 absolutely btfos 970 because 970 only has 3.5gb vram
>Comparing a 390 to a 970
>comparing gpus for the same price is wrong
the thing is i dont see anything on this screen that would make 970 run so slow, there arent even shadows, looks just like crappily optimized game.
watch the video user linked and you will see OPs image for the bate it is.
Game still looks like shit.
and the 390 is supposed to be better.
that game needs more than 3.5GB gddr5 on highest details
I guess that gimp patch already went out.
So a 2 year old, mid-range card struggles to run it with literally everything on max?
I mean, it'd actually be pretty disappointing if a game that hogged vram ran better on the 970 than the 390.
Though, I guess it does with that one option.
>mirror edge
so that's how you shills are attempting to sell that garbage game "it runs good on that brand of card"? Seriously? Go choke in your own shit.
when is this game coming out? I haven't seen anything on steam for it yet.
That's usually not what happens though
Especially in a game where maxed textures are still just monotone colors
But the HYPER ULTRA SUPER MEGA DUPER HIGH RES concrete textures!
Honestly, I think this video BTFO all PC gamers. You can't even tell the game is at "Hyper" settings because the difference is so minimal. That's what Ultra and Very High are: unnoticeable changes that still tank FPS.
Except people could tell and were able to call them out on it.
Oh the irony
Pajeets who buy AMD cards try to justify their purchase with irrelevant game.
How does this game manage to look worse than its eight year old predecessor?
That's not fully accurate.
Both Xbox and PS would have Manly Death (which is objectively the most interesting looking game there).
But PS would also have Underage Panty Quest, along with Cinematic Linear Experience 27.
Nintendo is accurate. PC also has Manly Death: Shit Port Edition and India Pixel Trash.
Neanderthal isn't an insult. Neanderthals were actually very intelligent.
Please refrain from triggering me, I'm 3% neanderthal and find this sentence very offensive.
How can a game be so fucking broken, the raw performance of those cards isn't that wildly different. That is abysmal, seems Dice's shit tier optimisation isn't relegated to just Battlefield anymore.
Neither is mongoloid, negroid, caucasoid, etc.
>Nvidia released new cards
>Compare last generation card
I'm using an AMD card, before you go off on me for being a drone.
The 970 runs like shit because the hyper preset requires more than 4 GB of VRAM, and the 390 has 8 GB.
ok no need to out yourself there reddit
>AMD's 390 is a literal Rebrandeon from 2012/13
As much as I am an Nvidia fanboy, OP's screenshot screams lack of support and optimization on Nvidia's side.
>Neither is [...] negroid
It's all about the VRAM here, when you disable the limiter the game tries to store more in VRAM than is available so your GPU drivers start storing stuff in normal RAM and/or sending stuff back and forth constantly. Since the 390 has more VRAM it ends up not having that problem.
The lesson here is don't disable the VRAM limiter.
But yes, the game is an absolute mess technically either way. Frame times are ridiculously inconsistent on all graphics settings. I have it all turned down to the lowest aside from the resolution scale and still get noticeable stutters.
On top of that there is/was a bug with playing back pre-rendered cutscenes in the game where they stutter and desync like crazy. First of all I don't even know why there are pre-rendered cutscenes or even third person cutscenes in this game to fucking begin with, and second of all how can playing back a video file be a problem? And apparently the Xbone version got patched before the PC version. So basically it's easier for an EA developer to get a patch onto the Xbox than onto their own fucking platform. I don't even know if it's fixed on the PC yet, I can't check it out right now.
Actually the problem is the highest resolution textures in the game are simply too large to fit in 4GB VRAM, so when you turn off an option that limits VRAM use you go over the limit of the 970. The card is fine with the game otherwise. Turning off that option is like trying to install HD textures in a game like Shadow of Mordor or something on a 1GB or 2GB card.
>The lesson here is don't disable the VRAM limiter.
Yea nah, that option doesn't just limit textures, it outright lowers settings if your PC doesn't have enough VRAM.
Keep that shit disabled, otherwise you'll be running the game on "ultra" and have it actually use the "high" settings for a lot of options.
>AMD can process games just as good, if not better than Nvidia
>who cares if AMD will burn a hole though your computer like alien acid blood? It's cheaper!
>A niche barely perceptible setting in a terrible game can only run on cards with shitloads of tacked on ram
woooooooooooooooooooooo AMD! AMD! AMD! AMD!
>VRAM is the problem
You cucks are forgetting that all cards can play this game at the right settings. Modern graphics card are smart enough to figure out how much RAM it has and allocates the memory usage accordingly. This is more to do with optimization than the actual size of the VRAM itself, since the consistently high frame-times of the 970 seems to suggest that there is a latency issue somewhere between the GPU and CPU, rather than the stuttering and severe drops in frame-times that VRAM shortage usually display.
Game is shit tho.
>Ubisoft game
are you stupid or?
And yet the 970 only has this problem when the VRAM limiter is off. With it on, it outperforms the 390.
It outperforms the 390 because with the limiter on it runs at lower settings.
>when the VRAM limiter is off
The card should still automatically adjust its memory usage though. The 970 displayed similar behavior in more recent games that were thought to be VRAM size issues, but later turned out to be a lack of proper optimizations for the smaller memory and bandwidth.
And even then, those issues manifested as stutters rather than abnormally low performance across the board.
honestly the only idiots here are the people that buy mirrors edge 2
>Ubisoft game
Are you?
next time post the full video faggot
>970 runs it better if you turn the settings down!
AMD unequivocally blown the fuck out, they will never recover from how badly NVIDIA just OWNED them.
AMD are on SUICIDE WATCH right now.
That's not what I was saying at all. AMDcucks sure are defensive huh.
Is this 3.5 gb thing only with the Nvidia 970s? My evga 970 says is has 4
it has 4 gigs, but 3,5 gig is fast and 512 mb is slower ram
So neither card can handle 60fps with maxed textures. You'd be playing the same settings on both cards if you wanted 60fps. Basically it doesn't matter unless you're a shit eater who plays at sub 60fps.
It had 4gb of perfectly usable vram in 99% of situations at playable settings.
Compares to a card from 2 years ago
With a rebrand of a card from 3 years ago.
1080 or 1070 for 1080p gaymen?
1080 is over kill 1080p, it almost does 4K.
1070 should do 1080p with Ultra easy for everything
Both are probably overkill for 1080p.
For 1080p a RX 480 is a better purchase at almost half the price of a 1070.
posted, see
If you want to splurge hard just get a 1080 even if it's overkill since presumably a year or two from now developers will find a way to make it shit the bed anyway
>Comparing a 2 year old card (by the time the 390 comes our) to a fresh card.
Wew lad.
The 390 is a rebrand of a GPU from 2013, making it technically older than the 970.
1070. Don't fall for any of these amd memes.
>Thread showing Nvidia card fucking up on a demanding game
>"lol amd meme"