>Here's where things start to break down. If you wanted Bud's words to be part of the legal record, he'd have to testify as a witness and be cross-examined, or at least have his words entered as evidence.
HOly shit my sides.
>Here's where things start to break down. If you wanted Bud's words to be part of the legal record, he'd have to testify as a witness and be cross-examined, or at least have his words entered as evidence.
HOly shit my sides.
Everything west of Quebec needs to be nuked
That was today's episode of the anime as well.
AA6 is definitely more an Apollo game than anything else, moreso than AA4 being a Hobo Nick game or AA5 being an Athena game. Seems like they're not really able to balance multiple characters against each other without one massively taking the lead, for better or worse.
AA5 was a mistake. Introducing Athena and putting Phoenix into status quo position made it all the worse. If AA5 was an entirely Apollo centered game with Phoenix acting as mentor, it would've been better. I like when the series takes risks, but the decisions they're doing now seem more like an act of having not to write more of a character rather than making new ideas for them.
AJ - DD - SoJ is definitely the Apollo trilogy
Athena would've been fine too if Phoenix had just taken a backseat, but you can't have all three. The idea of Athena is fine: a way to let Apollo do shit and have an antagonist in him later on.
That's just evil user
Reminder that the Polly episode is tonight's AA anime episode too
I feel what they were going for in DD was fine in concept, it was more a case of the story being really sloppy (The Dark Age of the Law being sorta dumb in principal, Apollo splitting off from Phoenix being something that could've been easily avoided by him simply talking to Phoenix about it at some point, etc) that ruined it. I think the writers just can't handle increasing the scope that far, despite this they keep doing it though.
I still think having AA split between Apollo & assistant Trucy and Athena & assistant (mentor) Phoenix in the mainline games + continuing to push AAI during that seven year gap featuring appearances from Hobo Nick & kid Trucy would've pretty much kept everyone happy.
how is that a spoiler
That would've been great, yeah.
Apparently in SoJ the fourth case has you play as Athena and team up with Blackquill, which is kind of perfect.
Alright, post your fucking lists. Include SoJ where you think it may be.
T&T < AAI2 < AA < AJ < SoJ < AAI < JfA < PWvPL < DD
You go to Kurain Village. It's somewhat of a spoiler, right?
Well, now, here's a real spoiler. Meet Apollo's biological father.
The only spoiler is that that isn't really a spoiler either
>tfw SoJ is the first game with an actual six cases, and the DLC is actual DLC and extra
It think you got your symbols mixed up there user. Or you're a huge hipster
so AA6 just focuses on Apollo then? K then no need to finish the rest of the series then
David Bowie? But he died
Not gonna open this, but I've heard some rumors
Does Apollo die? I don't want any details
talk about a let down.
Game basically makes it sound like it is the most stupidest idea turned brilliant.
Movie made it sound like Phoenix lost his mind but he befriends Polly
Anime just goes "Hey lets just get the parrot to testify" and skips Von Karma's sarcastic remark
> Here's where things start to break down. If you wanted Bud's words to be part of the legal record, he'd have to testify as a witness and be cross-examined, or at least have his words entered as evidence.
My fucking sides OP, send help, I can't hear them anymore
Post your wishlist of things you would like to see in an Ace Attorney game.
>Judge gets arrested as a suspect of murder
>have to defend him in trial
>the substitute judge is a douche and will punish you much harder
This episode was shit and the most QUALITY to date.
I remember sitting on the edge of my seat by everything about this case in the video game and even movie, but the anime just turned it into an anti-climatic borefest.
>3rd case is apparantly pretty good and not shit
AA6 is a failure of an AA game
AA6 is 30fps
I just pirated it
AA > AJ > T&T = JFA >>>> AAI2 = AAI >>>>>>>>>>>>> SoJ = DD
>AJ placement
Takumi apologists, everyone
I really enjoyed AJ. I liked Apollo and the distinct feel and tone the game has. I also liked the new characters and the character development they gave to the old ones. I thought that overall it was really interesting.
I've been so desensitized to spoilers I really should not have fucking opened that
Am I the only one thats always liked Apollo
Is she challenging me to a fist fight?
Considering he's one of the more popular characters, no
I always liked him too
>still 3 months left for us gaijins
I wish I knew Japanese
nothing wrong with Apollo, just with his game
Supposedly case 4 is like an epilogue of DD, tying up loose ends and having Athena and Blackquill team up
I kinda like that, gives it a sense of continuity
Changing major things to fit the episode in 22 minutes doesn't help either.
Originally Von Karma joked about calling the parrot to testify, this time it was the defense's idea.
Originally the Judge argues that multiple coincidences is more of a pattern, not the defense.
In general, they removed all posts where the defense is struggling. Wright just comes with all the answers instantaneously. This is why Karma doesn't feel threatening at all.
Hey 3 months is a short time at least