What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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no mainstream appeal, 3DS got Monster Hunster, and overpriced storage

Still better than the 3DS.

Fucking 40 dollars for a 16 gb memory card.
Hope you got a case for it otherwise it's not long for this world.

nothing, im enjoying the odensphere remake on it right now

I got one on Black Friday of 2014, still haven't opened it.

This sounds about right.
Looking at the Vita's launch day lineup, it might just be the best of all time, so I wouldn't say initial games were an issue.

The 3DS price cut around that time was likely the last nail.

so I should probably buy powerstone 1&2 and megaman legends 2 since they're on sale huh

Nothing, I think its fine for people who enjoy a variety of videogames.
But that wasn't the response you want is it?
You want to bandwagon and spout memes while adding unsupported inflammatory responses to get another negative thread going because you are insecure about yourself and your hobbies.

Get a life autist.


OP here
I actually own a Vita and I found myself disappointed with it.

It doesn't even have that many VNs localized. I would say it has the most dungeon crawlers, but all around, has a good mix of genres

The only console I've actually thrown into the trash

You guys told me that OLED couldn't get burn-in and it did

That's nice. Why the fuck should anyone care what you like or prefer? You're a nobody, and making repetitive threads won't change that.

Why does being disappointed with it warrant a thread without any actual responses or discussion? You made this because you have something against it. What's your PSN? I can add you.

would PS1 / PS2 emulation ever be possible on the vita?
If so I want 1

OLED can burn in, you just have to be a complete moron to let it happen since the device turns the screen off after a set ti

>Vitards get this fucking mad when you criticize their system

meanwhile saying 3ds is a bad system gets 10+ replies telling you to kys

Here we go again, as if the other 60 times this shows up in the archive isn't enough, let the same 5 people shitpost.
How can this be fun? Does Nintendo pay you?

Almost no variety compared to the PSP.

I had more fun playing PSP games on my Vita than Vita games.

I don't really care honestly. You're a disappointment already by using generic anime faces. Social autists make this bored unbearable at times. There should be public cullings.

>sony tried to lock it up tighter than virgin mary
>those sd cards
>the horrible nipple joy sticks
>no western support from sony
>initial price

I'm not mad at all, you are just a cunt. Its a situation where no one listens to you in person so you need anonymity to get attention. I pity you, if just a little, that you live such a sad existence

What variety is it lacking?

There's actually a lot more games on the 3DS I'm interested in, and I can even read Nip, I'm just not a fan of fanservice games, so a large portion of the Vita's library doesn't appeal to me. Still, Vita has some good games, though all I've got right now are Persona 4 (which I regret buying) Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Odin Sphere. Will get Cyber Sleuth if the Japanese version ever drops in price since the English localization is trash.

Its not that bad DESU. Then again I was a shitty child who bought an N-Gage when it came out...

Woah, those joysticks are solid. Its the best portable stick to date.

the only reason I didn't buy one was because memory card prices and no TV output

No games, considering how the 3DS has every genre represented, the Vita in comparison has barely any games beyond a few indie games and visual novels.

Anyone who's a true handheld gamer would hate the Vita because it doesn't offer any games at all as a handhed.

Lack of quality games, Vita Memory Cards in general, and lack of western support sans indies.
Still hasn't stopped me before since the main appeal of the system is portability.

It can emulate PS1. Hell it could do the whole PS1 library via PS3 Remoteplay if it wasn't so shit.

Neither of those things go on sale often so yeah you should if you want to play them.

What 3DS games are you interested in?
Honestly, I have trouble finding good games on it because most of it is poorly made or just kiddy shit. The last time I enjoyed a game on it was Revelations and a bit of Monster Hunter, otherwise, just a slew of budget titles and dissapointments.

Fuck that
Shits worth it just for Risk of Rain and Downwell
Also I doubt the 3DS has any FPS games and at least Vita has Killzone which is awesome

3DS circle pad and C-stick are far better designed for handhelds than the shitty thoughtless analog sticks that break.

The 3DS doesnt have a good FPS or an open world game. That alone is more genre coverage than the 3DS.


Hahaha, that's hilarious. Yeah totally, a slippery thumb pad without grips that literally peels is made well. I'm pretty sure its made of recycled plastic too.
I love how Smash broke so many sticks, the 3DS sucks with action games because of how poorly the user controls are.

It has Moon chronicles and Lego Cities. Both are great FPS and Open world games.

Yet they released Sm4sh and that ended up fucking over many 3DS owners.
Don't even get me started on that nub.

literally never heard about anyone's vita stick breaking.
meanwhile seen it happen a ton on 3ds, especially from Smash

So a shitty indie fps port, and a downgraded Wii U port with the draw distance of an office corridor? Wow. Really digging deep there.

Marketing+no MH+no GTA+Memory cards
Anyway, the memory card isn't a big problem because you can save up your games in your computer, PS3 or PS4.

and yet the Vita has no open world games or FPS games.

No Monster Hunter
a real shame, I hate playing it on 3DS

It appeals to the moeshit otakus in Japan and thats pretty much why its DOA here. I have one and am enjoying the few games it gets like Odinsphere but even the so called "great" games like Digimon or DT2 are abysmal at best. The monhun clones are okay distractions but I want MH not this copy.

>Vita Memory Cards

This. This is the one thing I hate about it. Overpriced storage, and you can only have one account per card.

Well, the 3DS games I have are:

Dragon Quest VII and VIII
Mario Kart 7
SMT IV and IV Final
Mario and Luigi: Dream Team and Paper Jam

And I think I might be forgetting a couple games. Right now for Vita all I'm interested in aside from the games I already have are Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, maybe Digimon World: Next Order, possibly Tales of Hearts R (the DS version was fine, but the only thing I really liked about it was the combat), and if I like the Trails in the Sky games, I might buy the Evo versions eventually. Yomawari could be fun, but it doesn't sound worth full price.

>circle pad
doesn't have the feeling of a joystick's round axis
I tried a N3DS at a Gamestop that was running Hyrule Warriors and the nub was fucking awful

>Smash breaks so many breaks
>Its becasu u ahmarucans wieldu da cantrahs atoo hadu
Fucking nips. I've pirated everything on the broken 3DS since.

You can play PS1 games on PSP/VITA, and PS2 games via remote play with a PS4 (only on Vita).

Why is it always 3DS owners? I don't get it. What amount of insecurity do you need to boast about a shitty Nintendo portable that you constantly need reassurance by bashing the competition?
Christ, if you truly disliked the console, you would move on instead of bringing it up and lying about it all the time. Nintendo fans on Sup Forums are so fucking weird and brain damaged.

The memory card are expensive because they're faster than standard SD cards and more secure.

Gravity Rush and Killzone?

The way this shelf is organized triggers me so hard.

No DJ Max game.

Teknica Tune is trash

I don't think you know what abysmal even means. The games you mentioned have all around positive reception.

Sony didn't stick with it after the initial hump, unlike Nintendo. They were in full contingency mode around that time, so the Vita went to the chopping block development-wise almost immediately after they didn't get the results they wanted. If they really cared about it (and had the money to do so), they would have stuck it out like Nintendo did with the 3DS and the Vita would probably be in a better position today, even with the overpriced memory cards.

Also, ports to other platforms are driving the final nail in the Vita coffin these days, especially of all the noteworthy games. No one, even mild weebs or sony diehards, are gonna spend $300+ just to play something like Danganronpa or Tearaway when both of those and many others are now either on the PS4 or PC. Out of the few titles I own, only two haven't been ported to some other console and only one of those could be considered worth playing if you aren't a Jap-addled weeb.

Now outside of a few non-ported titles it's probably pointless to get a Vita unless you want to play DRPG's, some VN's, and those indie games that you already own on a PC or another console.

i replaced my c-stick with old psp nub half a year ago, its so much better... it doesnt move around though, just pressure sensitive

Vita is literally the worst handheld ever made, what's wrong with stating the truth on why it's so shit?

Sup Forums hates the Vita for a reason and it's completely irredeemable shit while the 3DS is better than the DS in every single way. This is why everyone on Sup Forums have a 3DS, it simply has the best games this gen.

>they're faster than standard SD cards

They're not very reliable, especially the 32-64 GB.

Oh okay. So you like old ports then.
Fyi the mario and luigi games fucking suck ass. Good luck.

SMT4 is fun, probably the only good RPG on the console imo.

The same reason the WiiU failed, bad marketing. Had nothing to do with it not having games or being expensive.

They're not faster than standard memory cards. They're around Class 4 or Class 6, I can't remember.

>3DS is better than the DS
Except the library.

>3DS is better than the DS in every single way
Battery life

the DSLite and DSi's had amazing battery life, another reason why I got the VitaTV over a Vita, because its battery life is barely one hour better than my 3DS

Why not spend it for portability or cheaper games? I dont see the interest changing in any case. People have been drilling nails in the coffin for 4 years and it gets more games than ever.

And no, it still has exclusives.

I've never played the Vanillaware games before, and apparently the best edition of Muramasa is on the Vita. Would be nice if it did have more actual exclusives though.

I've only played Superstar Saga so far, but it was fun, looking forward tot he rest of the series.

>the 3DS is better than the DS in every single way

I'm a vita fag, but you are retarded. 90% of the DS library was forgettable, and the lack of an Advance Wars game is why I never fell in love with my 3ds. I guess F/E is fine, but fuck man. FUCK!

How do I get a custom wallpaper like I see in those vita threads?

There are much worse handhelds.
What truth? According to what?
The 3DS is more shit if not just as shit. Seriously, what the fuck kind of kids browse Sup Forums that think every mediocre title that lands on it is gold? Its like those Final Fantasy Explorers apologists.

Why is the gap in my hinge so big

FF Explorers is a great game, I guess Vitafags will never play good games like that with their dead handheld.

The 3DS is dead
A failure compared to the DS
Hacked and finished

have fun shilling your dead system, m8

Alright i'll bite, whats wrong with FFE?

>3DS is dead
I'm an idiort but what? 3DS still gets games.

Why do people like Fire Emblem games? People tell me they were better pre 3DS but it literally has nothing to it.
Forgettable music, really bad 'strategy', few classes, pairing was easy and dumb, and just a ton of forced romance and dumb dialogue with a plot written by teenagers.
Is it the waifus? Even budget wise, they seem to be really constrained, everything looks bland, even the sprite work.

We played better games like Sould Sacrifice: Delta, Freedom Wars and God Eater.

Low quality hardware. It's just the luck of the draw.


>Weebshit, weebshit and weebshit

Oh wow I'm so jealous of that shit list of games.

Development has dried up completely in japan and so have localizations

>its not monster hunter enough
>list more not monster hunters
Why the fuck does everyone love monster hunter so much!? I put 400 3U, I'm a fan but people treat it like its perfect

Final Fantasy isn't japanese, right?

I have a 3DS you retarded shit stain.

Everything. Pacing, controls, the jobs were mostly shit, monster AI, it was dead after a month, no air juggling, no great bosses, it looks like shit, and it was a rushed fan service game. Funny enough, people criticized Raganrok Odyssey, whereas it was a much better FF explorers with proper character building and great controls.

I don't know what you're on about OP.
But I got exactly what I wanted.

A Disgaea 4 on handheld, Killzone merc which surprisingly turned out be entertaining(expected a trash tier fps), P4G, Ninja Gaiden since I never played those before on my old console, Trails of cold steel(played Sky before on psp), Muramasa, Dragons Crown, DT2(got me into dungeon crawling again) and many more.

For me it was more than worth it but I guess it depends on the games people are looking for.

SS is far from that. You're just an idiot.

>Why do people like Fire Emblem games?

You have to ask? I do agree they are really shit, Disgaea is better in almost every way. It's a terrible "Strategy" game.

This, Stella Glow, 7th Dragon and 2 other game are the only games worth owning.

Unlike the vita which at least has good visual novels.

Wow mine isnt that loose when you wobble the screen but it does move back and forth slightly

But more games are still coming out and being localized. Ace Attorney, Dragon Quest, SMT, Mon Hun, and more.
Now, the quality of the localizations is up for debate, but they're still coming over.

The pacing is fine, its controls are fantastic, the jobs and skills were customizable as fuck, I don't think any game has ever had good monster Ai, it was dead after a month indeed it is short

>air juggling
what is this DMC?

>no great bosses
this is as subjective as the rest I loved fighting shiva

It does look like shit.

Mine wobbles too. I remember the forced gyro controls in OOT would move with the screen when I was on a bus. So annoying.

My friend had one of those self scratching screens.

>Freedom Wars
I can't get past the tutorial. The next logical step seems to be requesting special operations but when I tried the first one on the list I couldn't even get like 5 steps towards the enemies without getting killed. Besides that the online play actually worked but it doesn't seem like progressing in the story. Am I missing something?

Can't you return it to moment you notice this shit? I mean we all agree the 3ds is a shit piece of hardware with a handful of decent exclusives. I don't think a single person out there actually likes playing on the 3ds.

Or you can own both? I play my Vita way more than my 3ds anyway.

DQ and AA have/get mobile ports though.

Check requests, you may have missed a simple one like view the menu.

I "use" my vita more than my 3ds. But it's mostly visual novels and ps4 remote play. 3ds is pretty bad hardware wise. It's a cheap piece of plastic.

That doesn't mean that they're not being made for the 3DS. Does Odin's Sphere being out for the PS4 mean that it's not out for the Vita and PS3?

>faster than standard SD cards and more secure

This is a lie. And I've had an 8gb card die on me that I had to send in for repairs. So they're not more reliable either.


Get better at solo or hop online where people just want to show off their overpowered gear and bikinis. It won't seem like your progressing through the story but that doesn't matter because the story goes nowhere.