Why is this unfunny Bitch back at E3 again?

Ubisoft pls.

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>he doesn't want to order his own life-sized meme

To annoy faggots like you

I, for one, am glad. Not because she herself is funny but because she turns ubisoft"s press conference into even more of a shitshow and that amuses me.

She has girlwood

To amuse faggots like him

Because she's sexy as fuck.

who /giantess/ here?

Because she knows how to make a meme

I hope this guy is back too

because she's a sweetie pie

I want to see another autismal fuck in a costume be turned into a LE MEME XDDDD

Because negative press is still press. Complaining about this bitch is giving more attention to their conferences, I've seen many stating they're watching Ubisoft's conference in the hope she does more "wacky" bullshit. You are all to blame for E3 being terrible.

>0 booty

who was this designed for??


The only people who dislike here are MEMEY CRINGERS who are always CRINGING AT THE CRINGIEST MEMES, like they're LITRALLY HITLER or something and should just KILL THEMSELVES

Because there are way worse alternatives, like previous Ubisoft hosts.

Listen here fuckers, I am her husband and I don't appreciate these comments. This has been going on for 3 years now and it will STOP.



Yup, and because she's black you're not allowed to say she's awful otherwise you're racist.

>diversity points
>she's attractive
>she's more well-known than any of their other hosts

Pretty much this.
She's not good, but she's a lot better than most other announcers. At least she pretends to care.

Cuckold sjw company, nigger woman minority on stage every year despite cringe performance every year, you can't make this shit up

Can't wait for more beautiful cringe

>tfw half of the show is an interview with pelé

I just have question for all you faggots that hate aisha tyler, you limp dick virgin basement dwelling faggots.

Who left the Christmas lights on during the apocalypse?

Because she's female and black. Basically means they don't have to worry about getting tagged for diversity bullshit.

Basically, Sup Forums managed to be as braindead as those they're against.

She's really amusing. You need to loosen up a little, faggot

She's a meme machine and I'm glad she's back again to piss off Sup Forums

I seriously can't stand this cunt. She made me want to kill myself last year. I hope someone cunt punches her live on camera.


I heard he killed himself with his own hidden blades a couple of days later

I dislike her. I don't know what you're talking about with this memey cringers bullshit. Is that the language of kids these days?

I think she's unfunny. Just like almost every other female comedian of the past 30ish years.

Because she's a confident presenter that appears genuine, as oppose to Mr Caffeine who is clearly dying on the inside. Even though she's not that good, it helps her be perceived as good.

le black meme lady is the only thing remotely interesting about ubisoft's conference.

I'll be watching for the memes, I couldn't care less what games ubisoft announces since they are a terrible company.

>You are all to blame for E3 being terrible.
E3 was literally never good.

>she's attractive
She's a 5 on a good day

She's good enough

>trace the file name
>LITERALLY literally me

to avoid complains.


Pick one and only one.

You only think that because you associate her voice with Lana.


underage newfaggot detected

She's not that bad imo, she looks like she genuinely enjoys presenting and being up there.
She says things that sound cringey/awkward but they don't really come across like that because she looks comfortable with it.
I blame whoever writes her lines more than anything.

How many time is she going to say "SHIT" on stage this year?

She's worth watching just for the cringe and the manlets they inevitably hire to stand next to her.

epic. epic for the win.

>hoping that one year she comes up on stage and twitch chat only spams LOLOLOL and HAHAHA and JAJAJA every second she is on stage

To turn an otherwise boring as fuck show into a glorious meme-fest ofc.

she wasn't even entertaining last year though, she did this fucking garbage here and that was it.

Man, E3 2015 was so shitty. There was nothing bad in it.

yea thats funny

Female + black = good boy PR cookies
That guy behind her looks like he's came out straight of the early 90s.

Kekkaroo, dude.

But I want someone who's bad in an entertaining way

Is she really? What is this, like the 5th E3 in a row she's hosted Ubisoft?

Fuck off. An E3 without

>Aisha Tyler
>Todd Howard
>Hideo Kojima
>Reggie Fils-Aimé

is not a real E3.

She is the difference between the amusing shitshow of Ubisoft and the painful shitshow of EA. She is the hero (or villain) that EA deserves.

I want this chocolate godess to ride my white boy dick.

She's better than the other hosts that Ubisoft has hired. She actually cares about the presentation.

Even though last year's Ubisoft conference had cringy shit, it was the only conference that showed any games worth a fuck.


Get memed on kid



Mr. Caffeine was better.


People would rather see someone dying from the inside out live on stage than dying inside out themselves.
Mr Caffeine was a beautiful disaster (YIKES!). Girlwood just makes me wanna shoot myself because it's so dreadful watching her.

>Female + black = good boy PR cookies
This. I like her work at Archer, but at E3 she feels cringy.

Don't even joke about that.

You only say that because she has no ass.

go back to reddi t you little bitch

What did she meme by this?

>Neo/v/ likes Mr Caffeine

I'm not even surprised.

>mfw Pele

Because Ubisoft are out of touch. A voice actor from a Reddit cartoon and edgy Watch Dogs characters are the best they can do to capture the youth demographic.

>getting butthurt because of Mr.Caffeine

she's literally the best thing about the ubi conference, their games are trash


I think she's funny, but not during E3.
She gives off a strange personality which is a mix of a down to earth person who likes games and a corporate's twitter who doesn't know how memes work yet.

I'd like to see her talk about games when she's very much removed from any actual events because she's pretty likable in everything that's not the Ubisoft stuff

>Mr Caffeine does something stupid
>Cringe then laugh about it on Sup Forums

>Aisha Tyler does something stupid
>"Oh god just fucking shoot me."

You say that, but if you're still here in 5 years people will tell you the same about #girlwood.

How can you blame them? They were 13 and it was their first E3.

>mfw it's true

This. I watch it exclusively for the cringefest.

You have to be at least 18 to post on this website.

I liked mr caffeine because it was so surreal how terrible it was. It's as if Salvador Dali directed this with the intention of being the most terrible presentation that year.

Who was the guy that was a comedian but was so bad they had him pulled off stage because nobody laughed? Was it a Sony intermission show or something?

anyone have the pele pepe?

>mfw I'm re-watching last year's PQs to prepare for the fun tomorrow
>while playing Blood and Wine
>while drinking tea
>Dew and Doritos already prepared
I'm getting comfy here guys. Despite everything, I still like E3 and I'm looking forward to the live shitposting right here, as always.

That was Jamie Kennedy on Activision's show the year before IIRC

Because E3 is Normie Central.

Lots of people like her, and the people that don't like her talk about her too (as evidenced by this thread) so there's little reason not to go with her.

No not Jamie Kennedy it was some other guy. He was kind of short, I think he had glasses.

It was in 2007, not 2010. Sorry for the bad info.

>hating #girlwood
>hating manlets getting btfo

you can leave faggot

I'm really weak when it comes to watching cringe
I literally just fucking cant watch anything even slightly cringy.

Ubisofts shows and presentations each year are a fucking nightmare, I just cant do it

okay I get it user you are depressed because every single "friend" you had in high school suddenly stopped calling. It's not because they suddenly got busy, it's because you are a massive faggot who spends his days on a Chinese image board jerking off to 2d mongolian lolis. I don't think you realize how sad your life is, whichnis a shame. You are white yet, you are capable of getting a good job and having good looking well behaved children. But nope. You talk about random shit like vidya and porn. Where did it go wrong user? Your parents had high hopes for you and you squadered it. They thought you were gonna be a doctor with a high social status. But nope. It didn't happen. Damn shame huh? Well I gotta go kill myself so thank you for reading.

Is this a recent pasta? I haven't seen this before.

I dont remember that one, then. Kaz (RIP), House and the bald fat guy I don't remember the name usually host Sony's shows

Stream link?

custom made for just for you senpai