So what's Square doing at E3? Final Fantasy XV is a given but since KH 3 won't be there, will they show off Final Fantasy VII Remake?
So what's Square doing at E3? Final Fantasy XV is a given but since KH 3 won't be there...
Probably new VII gameplay and maybe World of FF
They already showed of World of FF
Hello mr. future man
They showed off a new trailer and gave out info already
Theres gonna be a 2.8 demo, plus they may have unannounced info theyre saving for the streaming thing theyre doing
Where here /stillhopingforKH3atE3/ here?
no one should be disappointed. it was pretty much expected that we wouldn't see any kh3 at e3. We're just hoping it comes out before the summer next year.
It's not going to be there user. Don't hype yourself up to get disappointed
Leaked E3 2016 Kingdom Hearts 3 Trailer
Sorry if this is a stupid question. Did they change the voice actor for Sora or is does the voice actor just sound different because he's older? I haven't played DDD so I don't know.
It's the current VA trying to mimic KH1 Sora's voice, but doing poorly because god damn the nigger is 30 years old now.
>not putting the logo of KH3 right after they clash
one job
It's still Haley Joel Osment. And he's almost 30 now. Dream Drop Distance was using KH 1 model Sora so Haley tried to make the voice sound like younger Sora.
Makes sense. I kind of like how he sounds though.
>Missing the now in devlopment at the end
How could you fuck this up
It's coming out Late 2017 or early 2018. No way it's ready for next summer
>You treat hearts like bottles on a shelf!
I am hype, though.
we all know it's coming out 2017, no doubt about that. no way it's coming out in 2018. the team has had enough time to develop the game after finishing up that POS FF15
They have a lot, and that's not counting the new announcements.
Nomura said months ago that there won't be any new info about VIIR until both WoFF and 2.8 are out.
Different teams, you titanic retard. Different SE divisions, even.
I wanna play the Fragmentary Passage. Don't care about DDD HD. I need more KH3 info.
I fucking hope that we get FF VII part 1 this winter. And I hope Squenix doesn't fuck us with the price.
They showed trailer for pretty much every game over the past 7 days
So E3 will just be an empty stage?
KH Back cover is going to be better than anyone expects.
SE don't have their own conference this year. They show trailers, will hold livestreams, and will almost certainly have a large presence at the Sony conference.
What did she mean by I'm doing it again?
I haven't played BBS.
Square Enix is great at building up hype. That allows them to be complete lazy fucks and take 10 years to make one game.
Things that can only happen nowadays, really.
They've had a December fetish lately
Can't blame them I guess...Winter is comfy
Falling into despair and insanity
then you fucked up
go play that shit, its good
This. I was honestly expecting Back Cover to be another rushed, half ass, lazy bunch of cutscenes like 358/2 Days and Re:Coded in the HD Remixes but damn I'm shocked. This is looking like an actual movie. Nomura is putting effort into this one. It's looking fantastic
Ignore this guy The game is trash just watch the cutscenes in youtube or read some summary online and you're good to go
Losing herself in her loneliness and making selfish wishes, which is a sign of falling into the darkness in KH.
Go play Birth by Sleep now user. It's a great game. And to answer your question, she's losing her sanity from being in the Realm of Darkness for so long
Shills gtfo
BBS is trash
Don't play it
Just watch the cutscenes
Why are there so many mobile and handheld games
>wanting to be with your best friends means you're being selfish and becoming evil
>Mobile game
I knew there was a reason this series sucked. Now I found it.
Don't be this fucking retarded user legit good voice acting and use of Unreal engine 4. Legit looks like a good Disney movie.
>I didn't get the story
Good for you now fuck off.
You'd be surprised, but the Japanese definition of "selfish" is more strict than you'd think. Even something as simple as spending time with your friends can be twisted into something selfish. In this case though, I never said evil, just selfish. A lot of people that fall into the darkness in KH tend to be focused on a simple wish by the time they come out of it, and how it's achieved no longer matters. Only one that didn't was Mickey cuz lel-hax.
Why do the character models for KH 3 and 0.2 look so fucking weird on the Unreal Engine but Back Cover looks absolutely fantastic? I don't get it.
In KH1, I thought they lived on Destiny Islands, a small isolated Island surrounded by water. That is why they were so obsessed with the outside world.
Then in KH2, they showed that the mainland was like 10 feet away from the island.
Then in BBS, they explain that Destiny Islands was just a place they went to play in their free time.
Am I retarded and missing things, or do they keep retconing the island?
Yeah dude I have no idea either, that kid with the White wavy hair in the trailer looks fucking fantastic like a legit disney character in CGI.
If they just get it right in the main game all will be good and forgiven. Aqua didn't look too bad but could be better.
Would you help her regain her sanity, Sup Forums?
Remember in KH1 when Sora was inside his room and he saw the dark ball coming down to take Destiny Island? He was basically in the mainland at the time.
>I'm doing it again
Every now and then Nomura surprises you and delivers the feels
In KH1 you can clearly see that Sora lives on an island separate from the one they play on. He takes a boat to get there when the storm hits and he wants to check on the raft
Only one thing to do with DARKNESS, user
Why do you people like this series? What do all of you even see in it?
>That Aqua voice acting
>All that voice acting in Back Cover
Goddamn KH voice acting is fucking quality. Can we add KH to the list of series where the English dub is better than the Japanese?
They all never grew up and stay with things from their childhood because they can't let go.
It's the equivalent to people continuing to tune in to SpongeBob or Fairly Odd Parents for 10 years. They never grew up.
It's the music
Aced's voice makes me cum hard
Good gameplay and amazing soundtrack
Is he teaching them how to use a lightsaber?
Your opinion is wrong
Is it because Disney does the voice recording compared to the usual Square/Final Fantasy fare?
It'd be gay if that voice didn't make you cum
You can see the whole of the "play island" from Sora's room in KH1. Therefore he must have been on the mainland. Also, less obvious but when he gets there he notices Riku and Kairi's boats, meaning they had to have come from somewhere else.
I love Aqua's VA, Willia Holland, and she is a great actress in shows like Arrow, but in KH her performance falls flat. I think it's the voice directing, like with Steve Burton/Cloud, they WANT her to sound kind of monotone.
I thought Square does the voice recording?
>more masks
Can these writers be any larger of hacks?
You mean a composed character named Aqua sounds calm, soothing or otherwise placid?
How odd.
>Kinggom Hearts 2 Released 2005
I was 16 then user.
I might as well finish this ride.
Willa Holland got better. She was hit or miss in BBS (some lines she nailed, some she butchered) but in the secret episode in 2.5 and the 2.8 trailer, she's great. I think it comes with her having more acting experience. She's capturing Aqua's crippling loneliness/depression and losing her sanity very well
She's improved for 2.8
>Roxas' VA will never hold you
Why live
You tell me.
>Aqua's VA, Roxas's VA, and Riku's VA look like supermodels
>Haley Joel Osment looks like a horrific monster
I thought he has lost weight recently?
Or am I missing something?
I don't even like Kingdom Hearts but this trailer just feels really good.
Everyone is the chosen one in KH except Sora, so it kind of makes sense.
>tfw traded in my PS3 for credit towards my PS4
>Cant play 1.5 and 2.5 in preparation for 2.8/3
Ps3 emulator when?
I get the feeling that .2 is running on or at least the footage that was shown is running an older version of the KH3 engine my guess is without the kingdom shader since it's just the RoD
My basis for this is the glossiness, much of the first Unreal footage they showed of KH3 was really glossy and weird compared to the clay like soft textures in the Luminous engine trailers
but they have since obviously been improving the shader based on the Mysterious Tower footage which is much closer to the original "train vs titan" demo
Either way this game isnt coming out till December so I'm sure they are tweaking it too
>this is what KH whales actually believe
Oh fuck me, no wonder this cringeworthy series is still alive
She definitely has improved on her skills as a VA but she does not always convey "calm, soothing or otherwise placid"
When she fails a line, she sounds "confused, fucking asleep, or imitating some kind of cross between Kristen Stewart and Raven from Teen Titans"
>Terra throws a bitch fit because he doesn't get to be a Keyblade Master
>Runs off and proceeds to fuck up everything he touches
>Aqua tries to fix all the shit he's done
>Gets trapped in Hell
>Now going crazy
She doesn't deserve this. She's STILL suffering because of that walking fuck up known as Terra
She's with Ansem now, so at least she has a friend
>meanwhile, on /vg/
Don't mix up voice acting and voice directing and writing.
How is Roxas the chosen one if Sora isnt
If you're saying the acting's shit due to the shit directing and writing, I agree.
Vanita's VA was fucking amazing
>best KH
Haley Joel Osment got carried away with Vanitas. I loved it
>post yfw Xehanort pretends to be Terra to destroy Aqua emotionally
Look at cloud. His voice actor for Advent Children and KH is a fine actor but they made him sound monotone.
Also, Jesse McCartney (Roxas) may be the best voice actor in any animated media.
So how do you play this now? This shit confuses me. So I finished KH 1.5 now doing 2.5 so after that its 2.8?
That's correct. All the games you need to play are in these collections.
It's good but don't forget how fucking bad some people like Terra are
Jesse McCartney shocked the hell out of me. He's a fantastic voice actor. Easily the second best VA in the entire series. Leonard Nimoy will forever be the best. Whoever replaces him will instantly suck
Thanks familia. All these 3ds games mixed in are so confusing
Leonard Nimoy?
>This shit confuses me.
Clearly it doesn't. You know what to do.
I don't know what you are confused about, but Leonard Nimoy (Spock from star treck) voice the main antogonist, Master Xehanort.
Mark Hamill (Luke skywalker) does Master Eraqus.
This is on purpose.
Didn't they already have most of his stuff completed for KH3 before he died? If there's anything missing, they can always fill it in with another incarnation of Xehanort. He's a multi-formed enemy so the old man xehanort can just disappear.