Disregarding the memes are these any good?

Disregarding the memes are these any good?

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>disregarding the memes

You have to skip the second one for that.

1 is pretty good. The DLC "Armoury of General Knoxx" is 10/10, however.

I've never played any of the games, but I can't get past the cel-shaded art style, and the fact that enemies are all bullet sponges, so the game looks like a first-person single-player MMO

I only played the first two. I enjoyed the second one a bit more, though I liked both games.

I think they're abysmal.
The weapons are unsatisfying, the quests are boring, the enemies and bosses suck, and you can't do anything without getting overleveled

The first one isn't memey. 1 is pretty much all black humor, and your just mercenaries looking for treasure. 2 made it into some sappy hero tale that was so embarrassing and gay. Roland and Lilith are some of the biggest faggots I've ever seen in vidya. Didn't play the moon one.

The first is OK all the DLCs except for that last one are fantastic.

2 is, well, both worse and better than the first. The vanilla game is balanced and paced pretty well. But the damage and health scaling that comes with Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode REALLY fucks up the game. It mostly revolves around the fact that all of your damage comes from your weapons, as opposed to the first game where most of your damage came from what level you were. Combine this with the fact all of the good loot you need to have a good time in UVHM is locked behind bosses and later story quests, meaning you wont be able to obtain better versions of items you acquired towards the end of your last play through until you get there in UVHM. As a result UVHM gets very hard very fast, and unfairly so.
All of the DLC is also garbage, aside from Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep.

I have not played the Pre-Sequel and have no intention of doing so.

Borderlands 1 has the best lootgrind setup of the three and is a fun co-op game to blast through with a bro or strangers, but the weak/nonexistent plot and poor quests make it a slog for singleplayer unless you're REALLY into just grinding guns and doing replays on higher difficulties.

2 fucking ruined the lootgrind aspect by fucking the drop rates for legendaries, making enemy scaling broken as fuck, and stripping out a lot of meaningful variation. NG+ also sucks because you HAVE to use a minmaxed build to stand a chance and you HAVE to constantly use slag weapons (an elemental type) to keep on top of DPS.

However, the quests are slightly better, the main storyline is better in terms of the variety and setpieces, and the classes are all way more fun bar one or two. The DLC is great also.

It's worth at least one playthrough, even with the awful writing, if you like 1

The Pre-Sequel still has fucked enemy scaling but fixed the droprates somewhat in the end and added a lootgrinder that lets you use trash drops to try get better shit.

Mechanically the gameplay is by FAR the best - laser and ice weapons add much needed meaningful weapon variety compared to 2 while being great fun, slag is gone, you now essentially have a jetpack which makes combat a fuckload more dynamic and hectic while letting level design get fuckhueg and more interesting, the classes are literally all great, and way fucking more builds are viable on higher difficulties compared to 2. It's just fucking great to play, if some of the classes from 2 got ported over it'd be near perfect imo.

The main storyline is also probably the best of the trilogy despite Sup Forums's incessant bitching about a few tumblr pandering characters and one major character acting like a retard at the end.

It also has by far the least content of the trilogy, the dlc season pass literally got cancelled halfway through, and honestly most of the quests until the halfway point suck dick. I'd still recommend it solo or co-op tho.

Only coop online with friends, mediocre as fuck single player experience

>i've never played any of the game but what i read on the internet is ABSOLUTE FACT

1's great, 2's alright if you didn't care about what little writing 1 had, and PS is barely playable.

I played Borderlands 2 and enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed the fantasy board game expansion. Music was pretty good. youtube.com/watch?v=__JW4SRM_PU

I guess it would have been much better with friends but I pirated it. Played as image related.

>you cant tell anything about a video game by watching youtube gameplay videos and reading reviews.

Not enough post space for me to discuss my disappointment in these games.

> music

perhaps the only redeemable aspect


Gaige + Anarchy + Norfleet and Sham is fucking hilarious and is arguably the best build in the game.

>bandit slaughter
pretty rad track, flimflampai.

> There are people who played 2 and/or PS before 1
Why would someone do this?

>bullet sponges

Why do people always say this? Even on Ultimate Vault Hunter mode nothing can be described as a bullet sponge when using Slag.

Not if you're using gaige. Or gunzerker. or psycho.

user that's patently false and you know it. Unless you autistically grind legendaries for a perfect build or play Gaige/Salvadore/that one fire-based Krieg build I can't recall the name of, enemies take way too fucking long to kill.

If you don't kill literally anything within seconds playing Gunzerker you must actively be trying to fail, it's ludicrously overpowered.

I played exclusively as Zero - using Snipers everything dies in a couple shots if you know how to use Critical Ascension, using Melee just oneshots everything.

>Why do people always say this?
Probably because people didn't or couldn't find good weapons. With how bad the loot grind in this game is its likely that case.

This, I'm currently doing a Siren play though and I'm on UVHM and it would be impossible if I didn't have a Bee shield for 38k amp damage that's still 7 levels under leveled.

First one is solid fun.

>watching youtubers
>reading reviews
i bet you enjoy the games of EA and Activision

This user has it right

TPS > 1 >= 2

I liked Tales better than the base games.

Also thought Jack was great.

TPS ?!?
fuck this slow as fuck game, i fell asleep waiting for my char to land evertime i jumped and if it wasn't slow enough : have some fucking ICE !!! FUCK !!! AND NO SCOOTER FOR YOU EITHER !!!!

I think they are actually terrible as games, personally. The bossesall suck, and the shooting mechanics are very bare bones like, say, doom, but the encounter design is bad, the game is slow paced as fuck, and the guns feel bad to use, so its just bland to play.

The classes aren't very fleshed out (didn;t bother with 2s DLC classes so I dunno about those), but they're basically stat lines with some passive effects and one whole active ability, so not very interactive.

Both of them honestly put me to sleep and I was playing with 3 other people I play everything with.

c to buttslam.

>the fastest of them

Surprised you didn't kill yourself halfway through 1 and 2

>NG+ also sucks because you HAVE to use a minmaxed build to stand a chance and you HAVE to constantly use slag weapons
For NG+, Slag is nice but not mandatory
NG++ you should be using Slag (there's no lack of sources for it, unless you're playing Kreig solo I guess) but you definitely don't need to be minmaxed. I've just been playing through it with a friend recently since he only just got the game and I never played past normal NG+ before, and we're almost at the end of the last DLC and we've had no major problems clearing the game.

The game's got a lot of issues, and the HP does get a little bloated as you approach levels 60+, but I think a lot of people really overblow how bad it is.

I dunno man
I'm level 70 on Axton right now and my best gun is some generic blue Torgue spingun and I'm shredding enemies just fine with my turrets up.

Is there a point in doing all the sidequest? I outlevel most of them as i play the story and they're so goddamn boring

Did they fix NG+ balancing in Pre-Sequel?

BL2 got fucking ridiculous with enemies have a billion health.

I enjoyed the original Borderlands quite a lot, although it is pretty rough around the edges, especially on PC. If it was give more polish and variety it would have been amazing.

With Borderlands 2, the more I played it the less I liked it. You can't even put the memes aside because half the time you're gonna have to wait for a fucking NPC to finish his """"""""hilarious""""""""" dialogue, just so you can open a door or progress the quest. It just LOVES wasting your time. That whole first blizzard area with Claptrap still infuriates me. There were other problems like bullet sponges on higher levels, elemental types that were just useless for 90% of the game, terrible drop rate for weapons and issues the quest levels. It's kind of a mixed bag honestly.

The Pre-Sequel is weird because I found it to be the most fun gameplay wise (low gravity shenanigans + laser weapons + ice were great additions) but it still has a lot of the problems 2 has, mainly the terrible writing which you can't skip. The absolute worst offender is probably that mission where you infiltrate a ship and have to listen to Pickles and Felicity. If there's a moment which is put there to waste your time, that would be it. Terrible shit aside, I do like how the player characters actually had lines this time around and the grinder was a nice addition even if the drop rate was kind of shit. Also the game lacked the variety of 2 but thankfully it was pretty short.

Basically if they can mix the writing of BL1, the variety and color of BL2 and the gameplay of TPS and remove the horrible forced humor I think you would have a pretty decent game.

Also bring back revolvers, that shit was cash

2>1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Nah not really, unless you need new guns
After your first NG+ everything scales to your level so they're worth doing for EXP then

Up to UVHM it's good. After that shit tier leveling ruin the game. Disgusting drop rates. Hope you're ready to farm the same boss hundreds of times every 5 levels.
Gotta go slow. Aussie jokes get grating as fuck after 30 minutes in.


Tales was pretty great.

I gotta admit I really enjoyed that power rangers mech battle moment, it was just so stupid I couldn't hate it.

Ending was kinda lame though

1 is good.
2 isn't as good.
PS is crap.

Okay guys, what is your most hated character out of the entire franchise?

Pic related for me

Wasn't a fan of 1

Absolutely love 2

Wasn't a fan of the pre-sequel

2 fucks you in the ass with dlc

1 and 2 are fun to play with friends but a slog if you're playing it alone

Janey "Lesbian" Springs