Chie appreciation nation.
Chie appreciation nation
el koppe kat xddd
>Chie appreciation
wot dis
All I can remember about this character is that she liked meat.
Her english voice actress is realy realy shit
I want to stroke that pussy.
Chie is best girl, but if you're just going to dump images of her, you should go to /c/.
>not play in undub
Hocchan is the best!
There was no options to chose the japanese voices
What even is this image representing?
Everyone says they love her so she sweats and cries? Because that's stupid
>Appreciating the town bike
Her vanilla voice is, but I don't think her P4G voice is as bad as it's made out to be. They definitely should have had her redo some lines, but he end result wasn't abysmal, wasn't great either, but ti wasn't too bad.
What I really want to know, is why every girl in the English dub of Persona heavily annunciates the letter "s"
This is now a Naoto thread. Post Naoto.
Thats not Rise.
some slut from idolmaster
I suppose that will suffice.
which slut
What did she mean by this?
Disgusting Ganguro slut.
She is barren so you can save a lot on condoms
I love a girl who likes a good meat
Makes me want to buy a Vita or whatever it is and play Dancing All Night. So sexy in that.
Classy as fuq.
if i wanted a man, i would take Yu
I like this Chie.
this one
Doesn't waifufagging get tired after awhile?
I can't wait to shelf the p4 girls forever once p5 comes out
You'll understand when you find yours
Mayu a slut
At least one of them will have a cameo in P5, and they'll also show up in Persona 5 Arena. You'll have to wait for P6, if not longer.
They'll never truly be shelved. P5 will be the big thing for the time of its release but after that, you'll see P3/4 girls make their return.
Yoo, user-kun. Wanna watch some kung-fu movie at my place today?
cute feet
ERPing Chie
[email protected]
post logs
Fuck Yeah Naoto!!! Best Girl!!
>Posting pianofag shit that never bathes
I wonder how long it would take before she would want to practice what she just saw from those movies?
God what was the point in giving them redesigns if they were just gonna revert them back in the next game.
You dumbass. You should really watch the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Debra finds Raymond's break-up tape. She's obviously reliving old emotions, probably due to a lack of closure. That doesn't mean she isn't happy NOW. It just means something was brought up about a bad moment in her past.
I've never actually played the game so I don't even know what the fuck is going on.
Guys can you stop posting so many pictures of my wife. It's pretty fucking weird.
This is now my wallpaper.
I don't see a ring on her finger.
It's a guy who went to the same middle school as Chie but goes to a different high school now, so they're no longer friends.
People post it trying to imply that he's Chie's ex-boyfriend and therefore she's a slut
But he was, she say it herself.
Kinda hard to fit a ring on that fat, grubby meat gobbling finger of hers. Plus she eats a lot of steak too.
>Everybody Loves Raymond posting
I didn't even know this brand of shitposting existed
>have one best friend in elementary school
>turns out she has a best friend FOREVER
>it's some kiss-ass shiteater with an overinflated opinion of herself
>never see best friend after elementary school
>occasionally see her friend during middle school
>get a Facebook friend request a couple years ago
>old best friend has gotten feeyat and mostly spends her Facebook time reposting BLM garbage
I don't understand
proof that if you waifu chie you're unironically a cuck
No, she says that they were friends, but he and every other guy wanted to fuck Yukiko, and so she became insecure about her femininity.
She must feel comfortable around you then if she is willing to let herself go like that.
I want to balls deep animal fuck Chie and cum inside her
They couldn't get Yukiko so they used her, obviously.
Do you do facesitting and ass worship?
I appreciate Chie
It's mandatory.
That's not Rise.
Tomboys are for developing teenagers and closet fags.
>persona 4 came out 8 years ago
Have a discord or a skype?