Why is every Kirby Game so GREAT?

Why is every Kirby Game so GREAT?

because shitpost, shitpost shitpost.

Is this what you wanted?


They're incredibly safe games. The visual style is easy on the eyes and largely unchanged from the first game, first few worlds and bosses are often familiar but with a twists here and there, the music is nice, the gimmicks are usually used conservatively, and the games are easy. Anyone can pick up the game, enjoy a light nostalgia rush, and be done with it in a sitting or two if they don't care to go for 100%.

Most of the yellow reviews are complaining about the core gameplay being more of the same


Because Kirby games design themselves

>All you need is some platforming
>Lots of enemies on screen you can absorb
>Lots of different powers

To make a bad Kirby game would take some effort.

>Kirby games will never get higher than an 8.9


Mmmhmm, just picked up Robobot yesterday and honestly it may be the best Kirby game since Super Star Ultra. So much fun, using the mech feels so satisfying.


Didn't TD get a 70?

Robotbot generally improves on some of TD's flaws.

Fun time with Poyo!


>not Roboborb
come on, son

I hate that the stickers are actually so fucking small, maybe someone will take pity and make high-res versions of them

an 8.0-8.9 is pretty much a safe space for good games unlike 9-10 (hurr overrated) or 7 (FLOPPED!)

In the extra level on Resolution Road Area 2. Where on earth is the first cube?

Robobot is OK and I'm a little shocked that I enjoyed Triple Deluxe more especially since Robobot's gimmick is so much better.

should HAL tone down the blocking?

Make it like smash bros, there, fixed.

In the second area of the stage your Robobot needs to have stone to punch the third construction car thing holding the blocks to the end of the room. It'll make it so your Robobot can reach a alternate path to go the next room & in the following room you will need to break some grey blocks with the brobot to get to a puzzle room.

What makes you prefer Triple Deluxe over Robobot?
I guess, I could see it making things too easy at times. Then again I tore through everything with wheel due to it's invincibility frames.

Kirby games are actually mostly mediocre.

Reviewers are mostly full of shit. Show the user score at least.


Sounds about right

Thanks user.

The only good Kirby games were Super Star and the Gameboy games.

Everything else except Rainbow Curse is rehashed bullshit, and in Nintendo fashion, it gets good reviews anyway.

I think the stages and bosses were better. Robobot's stages felt way too samey which is definitely the fault of the game's setting.

but this is the worse Kirby?

Rainbow's Curse is worser version of Canvas Curse

Which Kirby game should I start with if I haven't played any of them?

i wonder who's behind this post...

>replying to his nonsensical bait

Either Super Star Ultra since it has a variety of game modes with could lead you to other games in the series, Dream Land 1 to start from the very beginning or Kirby's Adventure since it's the first game to introduce copy abilities.

Open at your own risk

>That Dedede Clone fight

Just keep in mind that starting with Super Star Ultra has you starting from pretty high up in the tier list of Kirby games, so you might risk ruining the rest of the series for yourself.

hey buddy, mind keeping the "classics were only good, all the new ones are shit." meme to Sonic, will you?

>Why is every Kirby Game so GREAT?

Because you're a delusional, biased Kirbyfag.

Alright, thanks user.

you don't deserve a (You)

They're cute and easy

>safe games
>Every other game is compltley different

>every game is rehash bullshit except the game that is actually rehash bullshit

I think he means the platforming based ones.

None of the Kirby games try to do anything ambitious, which makes them boring.

>what is epic yarn
I'd call that game the complete opposite of generic.

"ambitious" as in what? desire?

what would make you play Kirby games, user?

The reason Kirby gets away with this, while even casuals have to admit that Mario games are coming out a little too often with nothing new to offer, is that Kirby games are fewer and farther between than Mario, and they usually make sure Kirby games are released amongst darker, non-platformers, so that people don't get oversaturated with cute shapes, colors, music, and simple but effective platforming.

Usually by the time a new Kirby game comes out, Nintendo fans still have the taste of the last Zelda/Metroid games (ever more "dark" and "dramatic" themes, while also straying further and further away from the formulas and "architecture" that made fans like them) in their mouths, so when another new Kirby game comes out (light-hearted, trying new gimmicks/features without sacrificing the same formulas that made the series great) it's a breath of fresh air for them. They can then say "Alright, at least Kirby is just as good as ever. Nintendo's still got it!"

It's mindless fun, they just want to make the games fun and comfy, and it works.