
About what?
It making a profit was already expected.

I went in expecting shit, but i had a fun time. I'd definitely watch a sequel if they get to make it. I could use another LotR type movie trilogy.

>movie was cheap fun, very corny not great but enjoyable
>american movie critics hate it because we can't have b movies anymore unless they are doing it ironically
it was ok, It was what I think a video game movie should be, not too serious and lots of silly fights

Shit movies can also make money OP , that's the reason Hollywood still exist

NO!. They need to apologize because they baited so many people to watch this shitty movie.

Still doesn't mean it doesn't suck

Was going to be a flop if they released it in the states first so at least they knew how to make their money back.

It's not making a profit...

$160 mill movie
$150 mill advertising budget

fuck off activision slave.

It needs to make about 600 million at least for it to be justified.

Take a look at Tron: Legacy. Kinda a niche movie with a similar big budget. Only had 400 million box office and was considered a flop, enough that Disney canceled any sequels.

There was advertising?

Usually advertising is rolled into the budget number.

No it isn't. Production budget is separate.

bitch please, you owe me 2 hours back for your subpar attempt at a movie.

First of all
>Specifically American Critics
Second of all, a B movie might be fun because it's bad, buts it's still, well corny/bad. It's like complaint about how a critic didn't like Big Rigs for it being so bad it's good.

B Movie does not mean a movie that's bad, it just means lower budget.

Is it China?

Are you actually comparing lotr with this turd

Honest question, in what way was anyone "baited"? Just because it's called Warcraft? The trailers were awful.

I seriously wonder how any of you idiots thought this would be good.

>he thinks lotr is good

oh so unique and contrarian! so edgy, so bold, so brash, a true free spirit. Tell us more, you clearly are a fascinated enlightened individual who sees what others can't see, you must have so many followers, can I follow your movie critic blog?

Were the sales only low at first because it was for EU only?

oh so you're one of """"""""those guys""""""""

>thinks lotr is some kind of epic geek culture masterpiece
Woah lad, calm down.

>shits on lotr
>probably watches Game of Thrones

Why even base it on the first Warcraft when you're just going to retcon the fuck out of it?

Sounds like they were trying to be really faithful to the series.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.
>The fights were the best part of the movie, but even then there were a lot of shit animation outside of the focal points
>hard to give a shit about the characters what so ever.
>Durotan was the only one worth a damn throughout the whole film
>really left wondering what the point of several side characters were
>Tries to pull heartstrings with a character's death when he had 2 minutes of screentime. A minute and a half of it being his death
>From light comes darkness, from darkness light
>no point to the high elves being in the movie. They did absolutely nothing other than attend a funeral and say no in the war meeting
>Fel Blackhand going down like a bitch to Lothar
>Ogrimm betraying Durotan
>No black armor on Ogrim either
>Baby thrall
>royal meeting in Goldshire of all places

I work on the marketing team for Warcraft.
He is right

Also AMA

How come people haven't kill Metzen yet?

1) What was the budget?
2) Funny how domestic ticket sales were either a bust or shit ended up getting pirated.

lotr fags triggered lol

this should be pasta its the perfect response to about 75% of the posters in this board

get assblasted on his stupid lotr opinion


movie was way better than I expected
human scenes were prertty cringey at some parts but the orc scenes really made me wish they made a solo orc movie

> i work on the marketing team for warcraft
my dad works at nintendo we should go for coffee

>there are no marketers on Sup Forums :^)

Just watched it last night.

Only the Orc fight scenes were good.

Everything else was pure trash.

>im a commander, i watched my son die
>the good wizard is actually a bad wizard
>half orc/human love story
>she knows every bit of english language ever

Everything containing real people. Any scene in this movie containing real persons acting was TERRIBLE.

The CG fights with Orcs. Thats the only good part.

>torrent it

I enjoyed it. It tickled all the right lore bones for me. One of the things I didn't like is how they changed around some of the events. The way they have it set up Lordaeron was never formed because Stormwind was never destroyed, putting a big hole on the whole Arthas/Lich King deal and the how the forsaken came to be and Varian Wrynn's upbringing. Also no shadow council, just "you gotta kill me for peace between our people" shit.

Oh and CGI baby green Jesus. That was pretty retarded.

>the final climactic fight between lothar and blackhand of the movie lasts literally 5 seconds


>shitposting namefag with no other contributions to the thread appears outta nowhere
What a surprise

And ok, not that user but the last blackhand fight was at most 10 seconds of drawn out bullshit followed by sword clashing trope where Lothar pretty much dove under the large fuck and skewered him/ slashed his guts "open"

How different is the plot of this film to the game lore?

The production budget is $160 million, the marketing budget $110 million.
That means it needs to make more than ~$500 million to make a profit

>Is this possible?

After his weekend it has guaranteed made over $100 million in Europe.
It's projected to make at least $300 million in China, but considering it has broken several of F7 records (although, F7 did have a massive opening) it could very well get closer to $400 million.

Considering it will make continue to make money in Europe (it hasn't even opened in a few European countries), and the fact that it will make even more money in Korea, Japan, South America, Australia etc, it will definitely make more than $500 million.

How much over $500 million though? Not too much I would guess. I'm guessing it will reach ~$600 million.

>the half orc love interest didnt let the human be killed
>"You'll look bad to the horde."


Oh thats right...

>in love with that human


Are you honestly surprised that a Blizzard product has shitty writing?

Who are the targets?

You can thank China for that. China is crazy into Warcraft.


About what?
It's a fucking awful movie.