More importantly than gameplay, which game has more charm and personality?

More importantly than gameplay, which game has more charm and personality?

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>which game has more charm and personality

They're equally lifeless.



Clearly the spy, both games are shit.

Now? None.

Originally? TF2.

>More importantly than gameplay

Please leave.

TF2 by far.

Overwatch cast is all over the place. Robots, Nathan Portans, Chinese Ninjas, Alien Snipers, Swedes

TF2 has a lovely cast of retarded mercs

Why does tracer have a tumblr nose?

You tell me

why would you compare tracer with the spy instead of the scout?

TF2 by far. I like Overwatch but TF2 is hilarious and charming.


The scout has more personality on his jeers line than the whole OW cast.


TF2 = Bugs life

Overwatch = Antz

I like both in regards to both charm and gameplay, but Overwatch tries to take itself way too seriously. It has no real story or single player content (No, making shitty movies and posting fanfiction tier backstories on a site isn't part of the game) and I find most of it cringeworthy. In game, it's all pretty cool and just fun, but it still tries to make the characters something more than they are. In the end, the game is just a fun MP shooter. TF2 isn't guilty of this. Its characters are built just for being in a fun MP shooter, so it gets the nod.


I'd say Overwatch

>Overwatch: Waifu simulator

I miss everything about TF2 but I can't stand the fucking hat economy and furry autists that have made 80% of the servers 24/7 2fort

This is such a good analogy, like it's spot fucking on

>More importantly than gameplay
>in a videogame

TF2 = Crayola crayons

Overwatch = RoseArt crayons

Hey, I liked Antz

TF2, and I didn't even play it all that much, the horrendous community drove me right off, but it sure is fun.

I play OW now

I like Overwatch but Valve games have this charm to them that no developer will ever replicate.

Both TF2 and Dota have great memorable characters, the writing and the banter between them makes the game feel so alive and cohesive.

I don't like Blizzard's style of humor at all.

>You'll never hit me, you'll never hit my tiny head

Blizzard couldn't write something this funny if they even tried

>Scout video is 15 minutes
>Tracer video is 50 seconds

We need a TF3. The hilarity of all the characters in TF2 made it so much more fun to play. Overwatch takes itself too seriously. We need a dedicated Sup Forums TF2 server that's pure vanilla.


The "Meet the Team" videos are still hilarious, and I probably watched them a dozen times each when I was younger.

Blizzard can never compete in that regard. All they can do is make the gameplay good.


Spy managed to fuck Scout's MLIF, Tracer's lesbian undertones can't compete against those skills.



welcome to the 'diversity is strength' age.

TF2 has some of the most memorable and funny characters I've ever seen in a videogame

overwatch characters are all over the place.
One cowboy, one edgy assasin, one big robot from korea, one guy who is so huge he should not be able to walk, one monkey, one dwarf and one jamaican.
This is the defenition of "LEL SO RANDOM XD"

TF2 just has a bunch of mercs.
No one is over the top and just what they need to be.

Overwatch, no question
TF2 is the meme shit of its days

Overwatch is a bunch of cartoon cliches
TF2 is a bunch of ethnic stereotypes

The latter is better




pretty much the same with starcraft 2 and CoH2 in terms of voicec acting and unit banter. Relic blows SC2 out of the water so hard, its not even funny.

>Your white flag cannot stop American Bullets


Overwatch's characters are designed by a commitee of marketing executives. They're a collection of random cliches and dollar-store knockoffs of popular characters to appeal to all demographics, that are a multicultural group of all faiths and creeds to appeal to all countries in the world, and with blandly inoffensive dialogue without any kind of vulgarity or insults to make sure they don't violate their PG rating for mild violence and comic mischief.

TF2, the voice lines seem better. Overwatch feels really robotic and unlifelike for some reason.

One game has a realistic despictions of australians
The other game has a newzealander pissing in jars

I don't like Blizzards style of writing in general.
Guess Metzen is still a huge influence even if he isn't directly responsible for it. The guys greatest feats of writing are muh corruption and boring middle aged people going through a midlife crisis.
Did he ever write anything genuinely funny?
Fucking hell.

the characters have lines beyond the unlockable quotes that are situational

I still wont defend Overwatch as it is not really trying to be funny at all
all the heroes are played pretty straight vs TF2 where everyone is kinda a charaicture/parody of themselves.

the scout voice actor is a huge nerd like me

>Oh, hey, you shapeshifted into a dead guy

The problem is Overwatch isn't really trying to be funny. It's trying to be serious. And taking itself way too serious for what it is. It's just a silly MP shooter, like TF2, but Metzen wants them to be all tragic superheroes with deep backstories and crap, even though there's no room at all for that in the game since there's no single player content at all.

Maybe it's because Overwatch was originally Titan and supposedly something else, like an MMO that probably had lore and quests and such. It just didn't carry over well. Heroes of the Storm actually has some top tier banter between its characters, and maybe that's because it was only ever just intended to be a simple MP game.

He did this a week ago



you can have a serious game and still have excellent banter. Company of Heroes 1 and 2 both have it.
Dawn of war had it.
Dawn of war 2 had it.
>inb4 relic fanboy

TF2 cast is from all over the world too, but at least they have a unifying art style, Overwatch characters are all too overdesigned and look like they're from a MOBA

>Overwatch isn't really trying to be funny. It's trying to be serious
Is literally trying both.
Is like one of the dreamworks shitty movies, one scene have the main villain killing a guy and the next scene is a ̶p̶a̶n̶d̶a monkey stuffing his mouth with food and acting retarded

OVerwatch made me realize how good TF2 is.

I hate the "TF2 was better when it was vanilla" fags

TF2 was better before the Uber update

If you find a good community server then it's really not that different (yes, community servers still exist)

Tf2 hands down

Overwatch is already more popular than TF2 on pop culture around the world. Fucking hell, I saw my cousin talking about it the other day (and we are on Perú atm.) Friends I have from Trinidad & Tobago/Rumania know the damn game, and they barely play videogames.

I'll say for sure that 10 years from now the cast of Overwatch will be super iconic and remembered by everyone all around the world. Their designs, personality and being people with different nations/being a Blizzard product will push this further and further.

Again, this is fucking Blizzard. Valve may had a chance one day, but that is over today. They just can't compete. Hell, is any Dota 2 character iconic enough to be on mainstream culture as much as WoW/Starcraft?

It helped a lot that the best and only good artist from Udon made the characters of Overwatch. They feel like Capcom characters, they could easily be a cast on a golden age fighting game. Hell, this is the greatest compliment anyone can give. You can say whatever you want about them, but Capcom were literally The GODS of videogame art and illustration.

I don't understand the 'tf2 was better before x' meme. I just jump in a server, play a few rounds and have fun

el peruANO.....

TF2 story-wise.

Overwatch design-wise.

Overwatch will never be "iconic". Never. The characters are so forgettable.

This man gets it.

This is exactly why I was so excited about OW and have been playing the shit out of it. I love TF2 but I can't fucking stand what it turned into. OW isn't a perfect replacement but it does scratch the itch.

>Overwatch design-wise.

Tf2 because it's had a decade to make a name for itself
If we could see into the future to look at overwatch a decade from now, this would be a good thread

meant for

Overwatch. It's way easier to connect with the characters. Not to mention they have a personality that isn't just mindless babbling autism.

lol ya ok

lots of shit is popular now but shallow. Overwatch isn't the first of it's kind. It'll be popular for a while, but it won't be considered a classic and will last as long as blizzard pours their endless supply of money into it.

none of the characters will be remembered outside of the nostalgia teenagers have playing it now.


Lucio is from Brazil.

I agree, I connect really well with Winston because I'm also a space gorilla with glasses

Spy kills people without dying in one shot and has more style while Tracer is a slower scout with a short range primary and no backup weapon
Why would anyone pick Tracer over Spy besides
>muh waffle

TF2 no doubt, look how much content their community was able to make thanks to it, now look at Overwatch in the following months (porn is good but thats just it).

Describe the Engineer's personality.

Describe Torbjorn's personality.

Cocaine logic, dumbass.

I can really relate to Reaper. You don't want to get on my dark side.

its popular BECAUSE blizzard spent forever marketing it. The in game interactions are shallow as a puddle compared to TF2.

Tf2 easily.
"Scotland is not a real country, you are an englishman wearing a dress". Soldier 2k16

>you fat, bald, fatty fat...fat fat!

God dammit I love TF2

Overwatch I guess.

tf2 without any fucking doubt
overwatch is new, fresh, prettier but get completely BTFO if you compare with the personality and voice acting of tf2

How can overwatch even compete?

Yeah because hats are less shallow than skins.

They don't even have quarter the voicelines TF2 characters have. And yet they have more character?

Lmao please bitch, I've been playing the game since closed open and now full release and you're just spouting shit.

TF2 desu senpai

What does this post even mean

Zarya is literally me.


TF2's art design is fine and definitely more consistent, egregious amount of hats aside.

But I'm quite fond of most of Overwatch's diverse and colorful designs and how they play up to the unique powers and skill-sets of each character. Even if a few are hit-and-miss.

It's TF2.

The problem with Overwatch is that Blizzard's writers are just so fucking horrible and lazy these days. All of the heroes have terribly bland and cliche lines as well as horrible one-note trope personalities.

Valve when it created TF2 was at the height of its writing and creativity. The lines are all top humor, the characters unique and likable.

Most of all they all blend together. Overwatch tries so hard to cater to everyone that the heroes end up looking as if they'd all been pulled from different games and slapped into one. And not in the good 'Smash Brothers' way.

Hell, Dota 2 has like, 111 heroes now? And every single one of them have more unique/stronger characters than those in Overwatch.

Your retarded faggot. All of tf2's voice acting is just screaming autistic bullshit. At least in Overwatch there's actual lines.

TF2 was at least somewhat original with their cast.

Overwatch is literally TV-tropes the game, it's like Blizzard just hit the random button on that site and made the most generic characters they could think of, kind of like the FF7 cast.

Nice meme

Said literally, so around Russia would be the answer.

It's hard for me to stomach the safe American family friendly vibe I get from Overwatch

I don't think he's saying overwatch is bad. Just not as good as TF2

For better or for worse, the designs in Overwatch feel less organic. They give the perception that the process went along the lines of:
>Hey you know what would be cool and hilarious? A drunk black Scotsman that loves explosions - with only one eye
>What would easily appeal to X audiences? Ummmmm, okay how about a big Russian lady with pink hair or an ambiguously chubby Chinese girl

With that said I still like a lot of OW's character designs, they just feel have a vibe of being more calculated.

>more importantly than gameplay