Finished the demo with a party of lvl10 characters

>finished the demo with a party of lvl10 characters
>got the full game

this game is really fun
is it ok If I keep trying builds and resetting from time to time or will I get my ass broken in seven pieces?

raquna is a qt

>playing story mode

Never finished the demo. I prefer IV, which I ended up buying. Atlus doesn't really do good dialogue/banter, it goes on forever and it feels vapid and pointless, and it interrupts the action a lot.

As for rebuilds, I don't think that's a good idea, but then again the Untold games are a lot more forgiving, so who knows?

Base party is good enough to get you through the entire game on Expert. Playing with different party comps is what Classic is there for.

I gave up on this game after getting to the 3rd stratum. This is my 3rd Etrian Odyssey game (EO4 and EOU2) and there's something about this game that makes it so easy that I lost interest in it. And I am far, far away from being any kind of master or even good Etrian player.

Highlander and Gunner definitely give you an advantage.

>Not playing both
Casuals, get out

I'm playing pic related in Story mode, but my god, I hate the party characters. None of them are really interesting, just a bunch of cliches, and the team is 3 supports, 1 half support and one physical attacker. I liked the team from U1 a lot more. Does this game also gives you bonus stuff for Classic for completing Story mode? Because as I said, I really dislike this lot of uninteresting characters

>playing dungeon crawlers for the story
>playing EOU story mode where they always give you a class so OP it trivializes everything, even on Expert.

No, they fixed it in EOU2 so that you don't get any bonuses, so that people wouldn't feel like they have to play story mode first.

There's no long-term penalty for resetting other than the minor lvl loss which is usually easily made up again.

What I would do is try to see if you can find a skill building guide somewhere (there's usually something on the first page of the etrian thread in /vg/) to get the most out of skill point investment as it's rarely efficient to max out skills.

I liked the characters way better than EO1's generic fucks. I'm with you on the party composition, though.

SO there is no real purpouse of completing the story mode? Not even getting the Fafnir Knight class? Fucking bullshit. I guess I will just restart the game in classic. Any class you guys recommend?

Witch and 4 Protectors

Funny enough the characer I likes is this chef chick you posted, and the Inn keeper's daughter. But my god, the cynicism from the mage girl and the protector dude is too much, the princess is retarded in a not-cute way, your character seems to be LITERALLY the chosen one, and the bow guy is too straigh and worrysome.

Fafnir Knight is the only reason to play story mode, but I have no idea why you would because that class is so grossly strong that it practically plays the game for you. But, yeah, that's the only reason. Fafnir Knight and the "story".

Well there's always the loli bath sidequest.

Why do people play weeb games? They're always terrible.

what do I get for finishing EOU1 story mode? Do i get these rewards on a new lvl1 party? or will I always have the story characters besides the ones I create?

>mage girl
Chloe and Bertrund's relationship is really sweet and feels genuine instead of just "stock anime character trope #5." And Chloe's autism is adorable.

But yeah, chef girl is my favorite character. She needs her own spinoff game.

It keeps normies like you out of our threads and not be able to participate with us.

You get access to ultimate weapons or smth. And I think an optional bonus dungeon?

>weeb game
If it was Senran Kagura you'd be right

Any games that use the anime/manga art style aren't intended for the western audience. You're trying to fit in with a group of people when you simply aren't one of them.

Had a good hard laff. This is shitposting with skill; I commend.