>Sequels are numbered in Roman numerals
Sequels are numbered in Roman numerals
Other urls found in this thread:
>the sequels random pick between using roman or regular numbers rather than stick to one
>*record scratch*
>You're probably wondering how I got into this situation
>Well it all started when I...
>game has spears
>you cannot thrust with the spears, only slash
How does a picture like this even get taken.
>well human, it seems you have found yourself in a predicament which is less favourable than you might have hoped
>sequels use something that look like roman numerals but isn't, making people think it's the 5th or 7th main game when there's only 4 of them
what a well spoken bearbro
Name ONE game that isn't final fantasy that does this
I triple dog dare you
Elder Scrolls
>Game II
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 3
>The Game
dragon quest
breath of fire
You sound like a guy that would love the game Apotheon.
Dark Souls
kingdom hearts
>calling KH "numbered"
>Final Fantasy gets 2 more games
>Final Fantasy X-Seven
>theme song composed by Limp Bizkit
>Game: Expansion
>Game II
>Game III
>G.A. 2 M.E.
>The Game
You just lost it
>Game has spears
>You cannot slash with the spears, only thrust
Saints row
Why the fuck are Roman numerals still used and even popular?
Well, there's KHI, II and now III on the way so yeah I would dumbass.
what the heck
>that Harry Potter calendar
what am i looking at here?
and probably aesthetics.
>Kingdom Hearts
>Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
>Kingdom Hearts II
>Kingdom Hearts Coded
>Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
>Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
>Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
>Kingdom Hearts X
>Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
>Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix
>Kingdom Hearts Collector's Pack: HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
>Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
>Kingdom Hearts III
Fuck me I feel old. I wonder how many people here actually get it.
Except they're completely fake numbers. There's more games in-between and they most certainly aren't spinoffs story-wise.
>Game 2
>Game The Third
>Game IV
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 2
>game has a class based around spears
>PC swings them a fucking sword
Legion is going to be shit, I just know it.
Is slashing really a viable option with spears, though? I mean, wouldn't you want a polearm or poleaxe for that?
>condemned 2.jpg
MGS 5.
Probably the residue of what's left from a corpse.
There was a pretty good nip movie about the poor fucks who had to deal with discovered bodies and clean that shit up. It's fucking nasty.
>Game II
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>Game III
>Game IV: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
And throw in a shitton other "Game:Subtitle"s that are unimportant side games, though the ones listed are extremely important and you'll be completely lost if you go straight from 2 to 3.
you mean pokemon XD isnt the 490th one?
Assassin's Creed
You need the right spear for that.
no, it's a german pokemon spinoff
i mean yes, you can slash, but spears get their main functionality from being able to penetrate shit like light armor.
Get out.
when you're trying to hit something that simply side steps a lunge, slashes get the job done.
yeah actually, it's not the best thing you could do with one but consider that most spear tips are essentially daggers so you could use their reach and leverage to get it close to the other guy's face and jab him.
a documentary?
chill, i was just talking about pokemon XD
It has an edge so yes.
What's the name of it?
Metal Gear Solid V and Megadimension Neptunia VII?
get out
>game has spears
>you can only slash with it
>actually it's just using the sword's moveset
>you can't thrust with the sword either
people are retards
Nah, just a movie. Dunno how factually accurate it is, but going by that photo, probably not far off.
I think it was 'Departures', or something like that. Mostly it's about a guy who accidentally gets involved into the funery business, but there's the part with the messy business of an old lady who died and wasn't found for a week or so until someone noticed the smell.
It's purely a design choice.
Ask instead why imperial measurements are used, and there you have a true conundrum. Ask why people use the mile to mean anything but 10km like sane metric using countries do. Ask why people still refer to america as a country of freedom.
is she kill
holy shit, conan is huge
>game has spears
>you can only punch and kick with it
She's Kill la kill
He's a big guy
jesus fuck how tall is conan
no she was fine then, but she died in the bath later
that little unkown game series called Grand Theft Auto
>Xbox 360
>Xbox 1
>Hannah doesn't even get a spot on the rug
when i first looked at this image i thought it was a bear dashing around a corner and not a bear sitting down in a corner. it was funnier at first
6'4" or so.
I-I'm that tall too, user.
he's 6'4, not even that unusual
>he bangs her head and drowns
holy kek
Is this the sequel to Drown your Sister and Break Her Fucking Neck?
what's she saying>
Something something the pleasure of being cummed inside
>tfw burgers and bongpakis argue about their shitty ass imperial system and steering wheel position
Conan was on got?
>sequels aren't numbered
>Saints Row
>Saints Row 2
>Saints Row The Third
>Saints Row IV
>5aints Row
>Numbered using Roman numerals
Are you a fucking retard?
>Rules of Nature in the background
Kekked my head off
Mainline Shin Megami Tensei.
he asked the midget about getting a cameo there and he says he needs to grow a beard first or he's gonna get cast as a lady
Yeah, except for the part where II is a sequel to Chain of Memories rather than the first game and so on.
you mean Agent5 of Mayhem
My point was they're still sequels that have Roman numerals in them.
Thus, you're a fucking retard.
Besides, spin-offs don't fucking count.
are you a girl?
>A game that's part of the main continuity
>Comes in a chronological order
>Features the main character
>Game 1942
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game 1
>tfw no Amazon gf
>forgetting game 2142 and game 4
>not to mention game vietnam, or game bad company/bad company 2
Wew because there was SO MUCH stuff that was SO VERY IMPORTANT to the plot of Kingdom Hearts in Chain of Memories. It's not like you could skip CoM completely and still be able to follow the plot of KHII just fine.
Jak and Daxter
>Game: Subtitle
>Game: Subtitle
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Subtitle Game 3
>Game Subtitle
>Game Subtitle
>Game Subtitle
>Game 4
>Game 4Subtitle
>Game V
>Game V Subtitle
I like how they usually start Roman numerals after fourth game.
>Game 2
>Game Protagonist
>Game Protagonist 2
>Game Protagonist 3
>Game Protagonist 4
>Game Protagonist V
sophies a big girl