Tell me why I should stop playing Dota to buy this shit then only invest 4 hours just to not play it again.
But seriously, why are people shitting themselves over this? It's just TF2 reskinned mixed with some MOBA elements.
Also, fucking Pudge.
Tell me why I should stop playing Dota to buy this shit then only invest 4 hours just to not play it again.
But seriously, why are people shitting themselves over this? It's just TF2 reskinned mixed with some MOBA elements.
Also, fucking Pudge.
Its a pretty bad game... casual to fuck. so many games that constantly go into overtime... its just terrible hate the game.
cuz it's blizzard.
icefrog made dota, you liked dota for the blizzard elements, thats why you played it as much as you did.
you dont wanna play this because of Sup Forums stigmatas telling you not to, when in reality, you should play it for what it is; a goofy, well-made FPS.
>why r people doing thing omg i dun get it thread#834089
dota2 sucks cock btw. 40mins for 1 match no ty
>stop playing Dota
You shouldn't. Just play only Dota, all the time, that way no one else has to deal with you.
Right? I've never had an Overwatch game last more than 20 minutes.
its like discovering piss sniping again
its so easy to counter but people get so mad
>Sup Forums stigmatas
>you liked dota for the blizzard elements
the blizzard elements being?
>i don't own the game, therefore here is my opinion
>But seriously, why are people shitting themselves over this? It's just TF2 reskinned mixed with some MOBA elements.
because they still haven't released ranked
because we know esports is going to be pushed
because there will probably be more maps and heroes released
because most are hoping that the cosmetics aren't going to get out of control like with TF2 and Blizzard just might try not to jew the userbase
and all of those are basically pandoras boxes
>well-made FPS
>aim assist
The game plays fucking nothing like tf2 besides having similar game modes.
The gameplay is very different.
Right now the main problem with F2P games is starting to pop up. 3rd worlders are popping up to play the game. They or their internet connection are usually shit, and they'll never spend money on cosmetics. This is why valve doesn't update TF2 with good content anymore. Dota is starting down the slippery slope as well. But that's still a cash cow for now.
>It's just TF2
When you say this it shows you know absolutely nothing about TF2. You realise that right? Just because the game has colour and projectiles doesn't mean its anything close to what TF2 is like.
>Tell me why I should stop playing Dota
You should probably stop doing that anyway.
You're trying too hard to b8, user. Have a (you). Get well soon.
How do i play roadhog effectively?
So far i've only managed to scare people away with it. I literally won a match because people were to scared to even get near me. I didn't even need to do anything .
yes I used words, is there an issue?
>TF2 with MOBA elements
Confirmed to have never even seen the game
>But seriously, why are people shitting themselves over this?
it's the most shilled game in a decade
nice meme-spouting
eys (educate yourself)
>playing any character other than tracer
she literally decides games with her ability to lurk so well. nobody counters her, not even mccree.
>I am a fucking autist that thinks every game needs to be played for 500 billion hours autistically as the only thing in your life.
only on console, you know why if you were smarter
that part pisses me off completely, and is a fucking valid-ass point
Throw hook, hook people, shotgun their heads off at close range.
When hook's on cooldown, use right click for the medium range attacks.
When you're damaged, back off for a second and heal.
right click + hook + left click + melee
enjoy murdering everything with less than 250hp in one ez combo
I need to get at least 10 hours into a $60 game to feel like I got my moneys worth, unless if it is a story game.
What more is it?
Lol who is Widowmaker?
Tracer dicks widowmaker lmao are you seriously dying to Widows???
>and Blizzard just might try not to jew the userbase
Why do you need the approval of others on fucking /vee/ of all places
Pay attention to actual reviews
Because they're jacking eachother off over it and I need to know why
You get a lot more than that in overwatch I'm pretty sure
It's a time sink, you play it like you would rocket league
warcraft 3
tracers counter is junkrat because even the most talented tracer player will still fall prey to a junkrat dropping and instantly detonating mines as well as the randomness of grenades just landing everywhere. because of the random nature of Junkrat he can also predict your previous position a few seconds ago.
So pretty much just the models and textures?
Because it's just normie casual shit, man
It's fun and has as high a skill cap as any game with a gun, if thats what you want
I think it's fun and an excellent replacement for the empty hole in my brain where tf2 used to be
You're absolute trash and shouldn't ever play tracer if you ever die to junkrat. Thanks for demonstrating you're shit so I can simply discard any opinion you have on the game.
It's fun.
Shortes matches.
It's my fps fix.
Don't you fucking dare try to call out Blizzard for making a clone of Pudge when Pudge is a clone of Stitches
Overwatch is not fun.
play vs a player with some experience with the art of aiming, something you are incapable of
yes, your opinion really countered all my points like the pro you are.
I dont get how it has any MOBA elements
or you could, you know, not be a fucking retard and play the cowboy or the fucking pig
Gameplay-wise, Stiches is a clone of Pudge because Aboms never had a hook ability.
Everyone copies everyone else anyway so who cares?
Any game with a gun is basically the same game tbqh
Don't stop. If you don't atleast have 2 other people constantly playing this with you, you will just waste money. The game forces you so hard to have a 50% Winrate. It's unbelievable. I easily get a 60-70% Winrate when I'm playing with competent people on my friendslist, but when you play Solo you will get mixxed up with total retards who think this is some sort of Call of Duty. They don't know shit about this game and just want the ebing POTG. The worst thing is that 90% of Sup Forums players that are on the Overwatch General list are that type of players. This game just showed me how fucking casual and bad the average Sup Forums shitter is. Worthless opinions from worthless people.
and like, 90% of the hero abilities
Heh it became too popular to still like it edgy fourchan child?
it's unranked but balanced at win/loss ratio to give some sort of difficulty so every game isn't just a steamroll. So yes, only gods and total losers will not be at the 50% mark.
People bad at videogames / FPS LOVE Overwatch.
Also, so does tumblr.
>gawker threads yesterday, little Overwatch threads
>notorious tumblr forum sliding damage control
>nothing today, see a shit ton of Overwatch threads
Also kiddies and the weekend.
Don't buy it if you're even decent at videogames.
>high skill cap
No, it doesn't shitter.
>20 tick
>no it doesn't
Yeah I'm sure you could hop in and play some tourneys with a pro team right?
Fucking meming faggots that never played the game talking shit.
you're beyond help anyways
>He plays Dota
>He thinks his opinion matters
...... ... . .. . ..
pick one
Better tell that to all the people already playing it kid.
largely the generic ones. Warcraft 3 didn't have particularly creative or interesting hero designs
What's worse?
The constant Overwatch thread spam, or the constant "I hate Overwatch/Stop making Overwatch threads, let's talk about it" thread spam?
>It's just TF2 reskinned
this is stupid. they're both class based team FPS but they play nothing alike
>MOBA elements
not really, except for the thematic choice to use characters rather than classes. abilities and ultimates have all been done in FPSs before and nobody saw it as moba elements.
I'm seriously just trying to figure out what the fuss is about. I mean what makes it different from all of the other games that take skill (inb4 implying ow takes skill). I'm starting to think it's just the console peasants finally getting a game that takes some skill
This pisses me off so much.
>Cartoony artstyle
>What are game mechanics
Still no one tells me why people are having orgys over this game.
>hasn't played it
>gives opinion on it
Yeah. No.
Because it's fun. It's your own fault if you didn't play it in open beta like everyone else. What the fuck do you want us to say?
Well, it seems to have a skill cap, since most people are so fucking shit it's unbelievable.
>explain to me why you like it
>"it's fun"
Roadhog is literally best tier fuck you and your shit opinions.
Push off.
I once spent 15 minutes in a double overtime lock, it was amazing
It's closer to Call of Duty than TF2 since this game has overpowered killstreak rewards
Except they made getting killstreak rewards even easier to get since your ks doesn't reset to 0 when you die
I'm not your fucking mother, nor in charge of your finances. If it looks appealing and you can justify the price tag, buy it. If it looks like it's not your cup or tea or the price is too steep for what you get, don't fucking buy it.
Alright OP here.
I'll buy it when I get $40 to do whatever I want with, but I'm only going to play roadhog.
Am I too late to the bandwagon? I just found out Overwatch was a thing 2 months ago.
What the fuck do you expect you god damn autist? I'm not here to fucking cater and spoon feed you you little faggot bitch.
I don't think i would ask my mom nor my finance guy whether I should buy overwatch. That's why I'm on Sup Forums you cuck
>Also, fucking Pudge
Which game created the "fat man who hooks people" archetype?
I want to imagine it's a Diablo1 or 2 thing, but I never played much of those games. The chapter 1 boss in Diablo 3 is that "fat hook" guy. The Act 1 boss in Path of Exile is this type of character too.
Where did it start?
Thank you, I got what I needed :v)
Diablo 1 had Butcher which Dota 1 Pudge was based on. But it started in WC3 with the Abominations who had the meathooks.
fat guy with hook is a blizzard archetype now since WC3
I believe it was Advanced D&D in the 80s
>People are still saying Overwatch has MOBA elements
It has literally none unless you count having heroes and ultimates as MOBA elements, which they really aren't.
Why do you have to stop playing one game to play another? There are many hours in a day, especially when you're a whiny little neet bitch.
Honestly I'd call the Ultimates closer to CoD killstreaks since you have to do well to get them with any consistency.