I really want to get into the GB / GBC / GBA library and I was curious if anyone has had experience with these...

I really want to get into the GB / GBC / GBA library and I was curious if anyone has had experience with these backlight modded GBA originals that you see on eBay. Are they a scam? Or are they actually worth it?

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At that price you're better off getting a DS and just pirate any GB/GBC/GBA roms on it.

How much are SPs? And DS Lites? You can't play GB/C games on the DS but GBA works at least

Get an SP, it already has a backlight, will be cheaper, and can play all the same games. Those prices are bullshit.

>Paying $160 for a fucking Gameboy Advance
How could you even begin to think that's a good idea, OP?

This, buy a GBA SP if you want a backlight that bad

A gameboy SP is the best option if you don't intend to play the games on the computer, but you're getting something you have to sink money into and frankly, isn't worth it if you buy a console. There's good games on the GBA, but not enough worthy of buying an $160 console. I'm saying this as someone who use their GBA for almost 8 years

>buying a modded console when you can mod it yourself

i will never understand why people do this

>Console is modded
>Console in MINT condition!!!

I don't think they know what that word means.

Just get a fucking SP instead of that price gouging bullshit. I'm willing to bet you can get one for like 1/3 of that price easily, maybe less, and it has a backlight already.

>download VBA emulator
>download a shitload of roms
>play all the gb/gbc/gba games you want

Why would you go out of your way to play games on such a tiny screen anyway?

The SP is a little small
and the buttons are pretty shit

Emulators are laggy and I just prefer original hardware

You mean you are a hipster.

Nah son. The VBA runs flawlessly.

I made one myself, but it has weird scanlines on it while playing. I'm not sure I put it together right.

You're an idiot. VBA is chock full of emulation bugs. mgba is better, but there is still delay in inputs, delay in audio output, and screen delay from your monitor and shit.

I bought mine from here

It was a little tough buying it since they have such low stock, but it works great.

Strange.. is it very bothersome? I'm considering making one too cause I've already got an original advance and a backlit sp.

The buttons on the original GBA aren't that much better, the D-Pad is literally the same D-Pad on the Gamecube controller that everyone always complains about being too small.

>VBA is choke full of emulation bugs
Works for me :^)

I bought a kit from that guy and built my own. He seems to be on the level. I really love the end product and I've been playing it a lot.

Backlit GBA phat > DS

Wow that looks really nice, Do you remember his eBay?

At $160? Fuck no.

You can snatch an old DS for $20...

Yeah, TheGodOfGaming.

this is a fucking shill thread isn't it

The buttons on the original GBA suck balls. The SP's were an improvement because they had clickiness to them.

It's expensive, sure, but if you really love the GBA it's worth it. I'm going to be paying $100 for a new screen for my Game Gear this summer which is in the same ballpark.

buy a worm light son

Nigga a 10 year old laptop can emulate GBA games flawlessly

Nah, just considering buying one. they are pretty overpriced so ill probably go for a ds lite

The buttons on the GBA are fine. You probably just has dirty contacts.

is there a mod that prevents it from devouring batteries?


why would you get a gameboy advance when you could get either a gameboy micro or a ds lite? both of them have superior screens compared to the ghosty as fuck screens on the gba and sp.

>lime green GBC
I didn't ask for these feels. Mine is probably long gone.

Clicky buttons suck ass mushy buttons are the shit


PSP can play gb/gbc/gba with a better screen, backlight and battery lifetime

Just buy a PSP and emulate

Micro huh? Can it play GB GBC? and are the buttons nice and mushy or shitty n clicky?

yeah, I always carry my laptop in my pocket for a quick session of Tetris

>DS Lite >>> Any GBA

> Better battery life
The GBA has like a 15 hour battery life when the PSP has like a 5 hour battery life

How easy is setting up emulation on PSP?
There is a good handfull of GBA games I wanna play, but I cant stand playing them on a keyboard or my phone.

>Mushy buttons

What the fuck?

The Dpad on the DS Lite is shit. It's as bad as the Wii's.

Very easy for gba

SP has best A,B,L,R, Select, Start and D-Pad ever put to a controller, only ever equaled by the Dino DS which used the same ones

No. Fuck that. The original GBA sucked. Having a backlight is nice but the buttons suck. Even if that weren't the case, it's not worth that price. For $160 you could buy a DS and a few games or a 3DS/2DS.

I'm just doing a blind 2 second search but check out the pic. For $39 you can get a GBA SP and a charger. A much cheaper option. If you really searched, you could find cheaper prices. The only thing you want to be careful about is you want to make sure the SP you are buying is BACK-lit. The early SPs were front-lit which is not nearly as good.

Why do all you fags like shitty clicky buttons? ever play fucking NES or Playstation?


as far as i can tell it can't play gb and gbc. if this is something you're looking to do, a dslite would still be a better option for you, since emulators are perfect for those two on flashcarts now. if it's the real deal hardware you're looking to play with, then a gba sp would be the way to go, but keep in mind there are two versions. there's one that's top lit, and a backlit model (AGS-101) that's surperior in every way but also harder to find and more expensive.

however the sp has them clicky buttons. i prefer them personally since controls are more precise on the dpad, but some people don't like it.

maybe your battery is bad, man
1 charge this thing one full night a week.
and I listen a lot of music and at least I do like 2 trip of 4 hours a week.

battery is like 15% at the end of the week.
just remember use. this plugins
and disable the umd reader.

there are some stuff that drains battery more than otther like
miku project diva 1 or 2.

or stuff that doesnt even use it. like PS1 emulation or music with hold plugin

very easy, practically put emu folder on tue right place and thats it. also am using:

gameboyadvance unnoficial gpSP kai

otther emus are more complicated like mame and neogeo stuff. nothig imposible for a non retarded human.

even an n-gage qd battery last longer than 5 hours dude. (10 hours of gb emu)

since this is some sort of shilling/suggestion thread im gonna ask this here

how is the jojo's bizarre adventure ps1 fighting game? im pretty interested in picking it up but it's pretty pricey so i wonder if it'll be worth it

too soft, it's like trying to play a video game on a giant marshmallow


Piss easy, download the CFW, emulator, and roms and run them in that order. They run stupid well too. Pic related. SNES works well but not at a constant 60, but GBA works perfectly.

It's fucking great

Not worth playing. Its licensed game and has the expect quality of one.

The old frontlit SP screens look like ass. The buttons are subjective, and I happen to like the GBA phat's better.

>The old frontlit SP screens look like ass.
Exactly. OP should not buy frontlit if he can help it.

These things are all just prebuilt bootleg chinese shit. You can buy a beat up GBA, your own parts including the screen and put it together for maybe a fourth of that price.

Most phones can emulate GBA perfectly. Stop being a hipster fuck

mine works but has a blown out speaker, are these easily replaceable?

Get an SP and flashcard or just get a PSP and run an emulator on it

I am a big fan of the GBA and PSP, used both extensively years ago. The best GBA emulator for PSP is still rather flawed, so I use a GBA SP with the flash cart. Some people complain about the screen and buttons on the SP, but they are actually the best it gets for handheld devices. You can't improve them with non-integer scaling on different screens, and the buttons on 3DS, DS or Gamecube are shittier. All the emulators have problems.

If you really need something better than SP, get a gamecube with the GBA player and a CRT TV. The buttons do suck but you can use a PS2 controller adapter as well, then use whatever you want. You could even play Gradius III with an arcade stick.

What flash cart do you use and where do you find them for a decent price? everywhere I look they are fucking expensive and sketchy

You can play GBC/GB games on a micro with EZ Flash4, use Goomba Color

>80 bucks
>Nice screen
>Comfy buttons
>Feels good in the hand
>Comes with a flashcart

For once the chinks made something nice.

ez flash iv is the best I know of. Takes 2GB mini SD (not micro) which is enough for everything you might want. Also has built in flash you can copy games to so you don't need to wait for your favorite games to load. Supports all save formats, has a replaceable save battery, and build quality is fairly high. Not that you will even be removing it once you have all your favorite games on it.

it has worked well for me even with rom hacks like fan translations. I played the JP-only Fire Emblem in English that way. I bought mine from a retro games forum for $40 about five years ago. I already had some GBA games, so I just sold a few of those and essentially got it free.

Do you use a GBA SP backlit? if you do, do you notice any ghosting ? I heard its kinda bad on the sp

OP if you're ready to spend that kind of money for a gba you might as well get a retron 5 and play gba/gb/gbc games on your HDTV

I use a front lit as I always have since the SP first came out. There is really nothing wrong with the color quality, and if you want the 'original' experience, you can just turn the light off. That's how all the earlier GBA games were designed to be played. Rather less ghosting than the backlit model. My friend has the backlit and it is perfectly playable, but I thought the colors were too garish since I am used to the GBA and SP 1.

Why not just get VBA? Shit works fine.

Playing Yoshi's Island on my pspgo, its in widescreen thats why the pixels look like shit. but good shit either way.

Seriously psp does all your emulator needs don't know any other handheld that does it better.

Dunno I just want original hardware. plus them memory cards are fucking expensive

buy a psp go, comes with memory built in.

N3DS blows it out of the water desu

Cheapo chinkdroid tablets with buttons do literally everything better except psp games.

Get a 3DS and hack it. Every 3DS has GBA hardware inside of it so it's not emulation.

>160 for a gba


There's adapters for the regular PSP that let you use micro SD cards, and can get you up to 64GB storage.

Same guy I bought a kit from on amazon. Kind of pricey, but 101 screens aren't as plentiful as they used to be. Works just fine.

hows that going? I downloaded ironfall and the files to install homebrew and it worked, had snes emulator running on it and it ran for the most part, but some games ran like shit,

Has it improved? I accidentally updated my 3ds and now I cant use it,.

GBA with a backlight will last you about 3-4 hours.

Already gotta 3DS
but meh rather just buy some sorta GBA console

You can buy an adapter they´re like 5 bucks and buy a 32Gb micro SD
you can also put 2 Micro SD at the same time

I want people seeing me playing retro games. They will think I'm cool

>Screen stretched to shit
Whatever pleb. I'll stick with my 2DS for GB emulation.

i have this exact one and i fucking love it

You can't play PSP or PSX games on the N3DS lol

you can put even more. but you need to format that memory on your pc with an specific soft that i dont remember.

PSP cant format more tha that due its ram shit stuff.. im not wiseman

128gb here

I got a used SP ags-101 for $100 less

Just get an sp or a micro

>Screen stretched to shit
are you fucking blind

dont you se those black bars?!

illl thing you mean this.
but still youre retarded. because aspect ratio option is there on any psp emulator

Sp has clicky buttons, it's un-arguably superior to to originals spongy buttons

Don't waste your money.

I went though that phase, bought a modded GBA and an EZ Flash IV when they were expensive.

Eventually I realized it's just not worth it to waste your money like that.

3DS GBA injection works great and looks good on the home menu.

I have a PSP 3100 what is the best gba roms i can download

You can play PSX games on the n3DS, actually.

PSP have no games, so it's not a big problem. PSP can't play any 3DS game tho.