I just want to be a heavy motherfucker and tank hits without giving a flying fuck but THEY WON'T LET ME

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Poise works on the step attacks dosen't it?
Read the item descriptions that add poise and you won't get staggered when doing that specific weapon art..

No, it's stupid

>Use the Profaned GS stomp
>The followup doesn't have hyperarmor so you can get staggered out of it by someone just spamming R1

Anyone who complain about the poise in ds3 is a casual shitter. Poise in ds1 was absolutely awful and made the pvp boring as shit because it becomed a battle of numbers instead of a battle of skill


Spreadsheets bro

t. Estocfag

my source said tomorrow at E3, the DLC you know

dark souls 2 poise

Yeah, sorry. You need to roll spam like they intended. Don't even try to parry, either. It's got changed timing and now costs about three times the stamina of dodging.

Hi R1 shitter

Poise is completely disabled and does nothing except increase a number in your stats screen, stop spreading lies.

Hello fellow estoc user, truly this shitters need to acquire profficiency, after all the poise system in DaS3 is obviously working as intended, truly a balanced masterpiece.

Must be, because all they have to do is change a number from 0 to 1 and yet five patches later and its still disabled.

Its ok, but I'd rather not have a stat that does absolutely nothing.

Is this a joke? Parry spamming is the easiest shit now. Most parrying tools have such short recovery frames that they can parry twice in the time it takes to attack once with a heavy weapon.

Caestus parry was just nerfed significantly.

>He doesn't get that Fromsoft has actually made poise terrible on purpose in order to fuck with people who actually believe heavy armor is supposed to work like that

Here, you need Cheat Engine, so you can only use it in offline
The game is pretty balanced with poise actually
Archdragon Peak can still go fuck itself

Oh, I haven't played in a few weeks, so I don't know what has been patched recently.
Did they just delay the frames on it or did they slow down the animation or something to that effect?

Roll roll attack

>stack buffs to become the POISE MASTER
>wear the wolf ring +2
>use Yhorm's Greatshield
>use the Lothric Knight Long Spear
>wear huge-ass armor
>heaver than an M1A1 Abrams
>become a walking tower of steel
>still able to be stunned by starting hollows with broken swords in the cemetery of ash :^)

Poise will never be fixed, you have to spam rolls or rely on moves with hyperarmor if you want to foil an r1 shitter's antics.

The animation is slower but the amount of active parry frames is the same, just delayed more.

Poise is working as intended, user. Enemies have it and players dont ;^)

Poise is terrible and would make the pvp even worse than it is now
It was needed in DaS1 because your character was so much slower, now it serves no purpose other than letting people put on the heaviest armor possible and mash R1 to their hearts content

from said poise is working as intended

if tou want poise use the perseverence WA or learn your weapons hyper armor

Completely different from the skillfull PvP that we have today with no R1 spamming faggots right.

Go fuck yourself.

What's weird is that enemies in NG+ get increased Poise damage.

It takes 4 hits in NG for the Cementary of Ash hollows to stagger you and 2 hits in NG+.

>now it serves no purpose other than letting people put on the heaviest armor possible and mash R1 to their hearts content
So fucking fix it and don't let people do that?

Nerf straight sword damage, have them deal little/no poise damage, plenty you could do to fix that. Make trading in heavy armor with someone mashing R1 actually worth it.


I don't understand From logic at all

>Nerf FUGS, the heaviest fucking weapon in the game with the highest str requirement and make it deal less damage than any average ultra greatsword because logic
>Meanwhile straight swords are perfectly right and balanced :^)

I wish I could punch them through the servers

I didn't knew about this shit and wasted all my souls creating a tank build that is pretty much useless, now i had to fucking reset, something i hate doing.


I shit on estoc and you're a retard if youcan't deal with them with hyperarmor

have they patched the ags leo ring bug yet

FROM was just the next in line after Bethesda to show everyone how inept they really are.

they made one or two good games, and then it came to light they really dont know anything.

haha nice one bro u ROASTED his ass haha damn

shit weapon

broadsword and sunlight straight sword has better stamina effiency. both being able to attack six times for 100 stamina.

you can buff the SLSS with carthus flame arc/lightning sword and also its own weapon art buff for huge damage

the broadsword has better weapon arts than the dark sword. particularly the R2 which is a peach for catching people out of roll

darksword is a meme. it isnt even the best at what its supposed to excel at. not to mention it weighs 150% of what many other straightswords do

They never will.

FROM is Apple / Blizzard tier "We know what's best for our customers"

Which should i use, Black Katana or Uchigatana?

>Adjusted poise

The patchnotes are a fucking joke

they just need to make heavy armor have some value that makes it worth the huge stat investment it takes to wear it. it doesn't even necessarily need poise. like i really don't give a shit, i just wanna wear some cool-ass heavy armor and have it not be useless.

M8 what if the weapon you want to use doesn't have hyperarmor but also isn't as fast as an estoc?

ya i do "love" how enemies have poise but no one else does

you get creative and/or find a way to adapt. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of ways to do it, personally I like having the arbalet in my left hand to punish mindless spam. When it happens, generally they lose hit and rush me which is even easier to punish

also, I just wanted to add the most important thing in my opinion : if you add poise to the current ds3, the only difference it will make is that I won't be able to stagger them anymore with any weapon and THEN it will be unbearable. I don't know why Sup Forums doesn't realize that, they want everyone to be forced to go full havel

Hyper Armor is literally superior to poise anyway.

>the only way to break hyper armor is to kill the attacker
>hyper armor standing r1's can NOT BE PARRIED. EVER. FUCK OFF DON'T EVEN TRY BITCH
>it completely destroys dark sword and estoc users because they can't adapt to it

Bringing poise into the game will only make the straight sword/estoc fags WORSE. Fuck off and keep it the way it is.

>It was discovered poise affects how many i-frames you lose after a stunlock
>More poise means you recover i-frames quicker
>This implies that you're supposed to roll a lot... while wearing the heaviest armors around? What?
>Working as intended

Also, this doesn't surprise me. Miyazaki has a real hardon for stunlocks ever since Bloodborne. I bet that when he plays, he's a full dexfag shitter.