Welp, time to find new work

Ask someone who worked at 343 industries from 2010 to 2016 anything.

Were you fired?

Hows Halo 6 shaping up


Give us some details about halo 6

How do we stop the Warriors from 3peating and eternally ruining basketball?

What was your job?

>Were you fired?
No. I was allowed to resign of my own will.
However, they were letting me go either way. So my file will indicate that I just resigned, but the real reason is that they are cutting staff

Where did your life go wrong?
How many people from Lucasarts went to work there?
Why haven't you killed yourself?

Were you guys actually working on a Banjo Kazooie game at some point?

Did you liked how 343i remade Halo?

do you have waifu?

Were you embarrassed by Halo 5?

Did anyone really think Halo 5's story was good in any way?

Is it true you guys were just a hack job team of interns scrambled together in desperation to keep Halo alive after Bungie left?

What actually happened during the Crimson Map Pack free trial thing? Was that a cover up for a pricing error like I thought it was or did they legitimately plan it and not tell anybody until after the "trial" had started?

Halo "6" was supposed to be just more of Halo 5 with another subtitle. (Nemesis was the name going to be used). But now there's a new game being made from the ground up with a new engine. That being said, Nemesis was never canceled.

King James needed to come out last night and he didnt. I don't want to say it's because he's too old, but he's certainly too burned out.

>Were you guys actually working on a Banjo Kazooie game at some point?

>Did anyone really think Halo 5's story was good in any way?
The narrative got pretty butchered when we had to cut it down (about a third of the campaign got cut) but the bigger alteration came when we had to adapt the story to the squad system which was never part of the original plan.
That being said, most of the team, myself included, never disliked 5he story we shipped. I feel like when you make something, you get attached to it and grow a bias.

Is Halo 5 coming to PC?

Anything big you can leak?

But what was your job there? Were you a modeller, writter, PR...?
Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone there work on multiple departments (modelling+concept, for instance)

post proof if you want us to give a shit

>Ask someone who worked at 343 industries from 2010 to 2016 anything.
Prove it.

What kind of women do you like? Do you have a fetish?

Does Bonnie ever come into work in a diaper?

Why didn't you guys get Marty on for the music?

That's my biggest complaint about 4 and 5.

chances of halo 6 being set in tokyo or akihabara?

>but the real reason is that they are cutting staff
Why didn't you let them fire you, then? there is compensation and wellfare in those situation. Leaving on your own mean you can't get wellfare.

Did any of the employees make casual racist jokes about Black Master Chief?

>Were you embarrassed by Halo 5?
We were upset with the attach rate.
We gambled on the esports scene and lost.
I don't think Halo 5 is a bad game.
It was a decent compromise between what people expect in a shooter today and what is true to Halo. Halo 3 movement speed would not work today.

>Is it true you guys were just a hack job team of interns scrambled together in desperation to keep Halo alive after Bungie left?
No. Most of the original studio have resumes from established successful studios throughout the industry.

>What actually happened during the Crimson Map Pack free trial thing? Was that a cover up for a pricing error like I thought it was or did they legitimately plan it and not tell anybody until after the "trial" had started?
It was a pricing error. I was actually directly involved in working with this. It was our first real DLC release and we fumbled it. Microsoft has a pretty strict policy about what to do when there's a pricing error, so yes, we released a "patch" that locked the downloaded content behind a paywall. Yes, that's legal via the terms and service agreement of XBL.

>Is Halo 5 coming to PC?
Only the forge release. No plans ever for the full game or the MCC.

but couldn't you have gotten severance?

>Only the forge release. No plans ever for the full game or the MCC.
For what fucking purpose

An employer doesn't have to give you severance

He could collect unemployment benefits though

I believe you're legit for some reason.

proof or fuck off

What were your working conditions like? Better or worse than the usual?

Tell us about cut content in Halo 5

>halo 3 movement speed would not work in a shooter today

I don't know man, overwatch seems pretty successful

Why'd you fagots axe Marty?

Maybe MS wants to do Project "did you know it came out and is now gone?" Spark 2 Electric Boogaloo.

Not the same studio.

wrong company

Why do they feel the need to completely redo everything in their own image? Why couldn't they leave the original designs alone?

It's supposed to have full custom game support so at least we'll be able to organize private lobbies on /vg/ or wherever.

You fuckers ruined Halo.

Is Frank O'Connor as much of a bitch as he appears to be on Neogaf?

Did anyone on the team actually think it was smart to launch halo 5 with so few gametypes? missing ones like infection, Race, VIP, King of the hill, oddball

What does it feel like getting bungie's sloppy seconds and then taking a dump on its chest with how terrible 4 and 5 were?

I was just about to ask this question.

I'm seriously considering never buying another Halo game because he seems like an insufferable leftard cunt.

Why is the covenant being replaced by these boring plastic bionicles?

Seconding this question. I really want to know what the business strategy behind shipping such an unfinished piece of shit was.

Surely you guys must have known better - I certainly know for a fact that a lot of the content, such as armours, were modelled up and ready to serve pre-launch. The file tags in the Waypoint armour customiser prove such.

why is halo so shit and why is it only americlaps that enjoy it?

do you ever feel ashamed for contributing to the casualisation of the FPS genre?


Because he was a cunt who got mad over fucking advertising not using his song

Seconding these.

Did you enjoy your job at 343?
What was your previous occupation in the games industry?

Is 343 ever going to hand off Halo to another dev and work on a new or existing IP?

Is Bonnie nice lady?

Favorite soup and sandwich combo?

Be honest, was Halo 5 a flop?

Hey OP if you're going to fake some shit at least stick around a bit longer


Seconding this.

On a possibly related note, did you sign an NDA and would you get in trouble if this thread went public with your name?

Please be patient. I'm literally pulled over at a rest stop on the Washington Turnpike and posting from my phone

I was brought on to work with the handling of the exchange of the Reach servers from Bungie to 343. I was also involved with the major Reach title update (implementing it, not designing it) and later worked on the stability of the Halo Anniversary Reach multiplayer.
I had a limited role in Halo 4, which was already being developed during all of this. I had a bigger role with Halo 5.

Originally at least, Marty was almost purposely avoided so that we could set a new image via music for the newer Halo games. Yes I'm serious.

Halo 5 "Nemesis" was going to be set largely on Sanghelios. Now that it's essentially scrapped (but not officially), I have no idea if the narrative plan has changed. It almost certainly will given the way this company handles negative feedback.

Resignation almost always looks better on a resume than a termination.

Not really. We actually really liked Locke. What you guys got was a shell of what we wanted out of him.

Is there any chance of future Halo games not having microtransaction system?

>Washington Turnpike
are you leaving the state? Were you just roadtripping from New York?

How does the future for the series look? Good or not so good?

I second this, REQ packs ruined one of my favorite things in Halo.

>stability of the Halo Anniversary Reach multiplayer

Obviously a job well done.

>Resignation almost always looks better on a resume than a termination.
Not when they are cutting staff out. Employer will usually go "why were you lay off" you do "there was a resturcutration" and they are like "allright, this sucks" and then move on with the rest of the interview.

What was the primary reason behind Halo 5's lack of modes at launch?

As in, why were Infection, KotH, Juggernaut, Assault, etc all missing

Who came up with
>I'm impressed. Arbiter has females in his ranks. War has traditionally been a male's job on Sanghelios.

Why did you guys butcher Cortana's character? Don't you think she would have been better off dead than brought back as a cartoon tier villain?

Was Halo 5 infection at all held back or did it really take half a year post launch to finish?

Does "343" come from the 343 different pixel colors in ClearType text?


oh god don't remind me of this
i can get arbiter leading the sangheli towards a more liberal way of life but for women to get high ranking military leadership positions in just a few years is so stupid

What're your plans now? Got any studios you've got your eyes on to work for?

What is the craziest co-worker/corporate/office story you have working there? Also, did you have any experience before working for 343i?

it's the name of a character dummy

How does it feel knowing you worked for a company that took a well franchise with a well established story and turned it into a game with literal fan fic tier writting?

Was it your fault that we missed games 2 and 3 of EG vs. CLG in pro league and is that why you're fired?


How much of Halo 5 was rewritten before release.

Nobody who works in the games industry is stupid enough to sabotage their career for posts on Sup Forums. OP is a liar.

Getting blacklisted is no joke. We have PR staff for a reason.

What is the best Transformers series/generation?

get cucked

Looking at Hunt the Truth, it's gotta be all of it

He didn't give out his name or anything

Are they going to undo what they've done to the story and characters? Because they should.

Make it all a dream in Chief's head while he's in cryosleep at the end of Halo 3. I wouldn't care.

>implying 343 is going to hunt down OP's name

Project Beast was leaked to Sup Forums.

>hasn't posted any hard proof

If op isn't a faggot he's pretty safe you mong. Chill out.

Maybe the character got his name from ClearType?
I never played any Halo

I reverse engineered how ClearType text rendering works a few months ago and found that each color channel only every has 7 unique values
(For example: 0, 43, 85, 128, 171, 213, 255)
But since it is RGB that means there are 343 (7*7*7) possible values
So I thought that maybe some of the people that made ClearType are involved in this studio


What's the reason for all the cut story content? Looking back and considering what you're telling us, the missing story is on the same level as MGSV.

Thanks for doing that Q&A here. It's cool to have something like that on Sup Forums - if you aren't lying of course.

I don't think you realize how easy it is to track someone down when they speak out on the internet. People who leak shit get found out so fast it's retarded. Trust me, it's a small industry.

>not a Bungie theme

Why did you cut splitscreen and local co-op?

The studio is named after 343 Guilty Spark you mong. A simple google search would tell you that.

>Trust me
Would I trust a snake?