Nathan, is that you?
Nathan, is that you?
settle down
Can you hear me?
Can you help me build a boat?
Stop saying "alright", I'm asking you a question Daniel.
Could you repeat that in English?
What amazes me about his videos is the amount of autistic people playing online games on PC, PCucks get mad over fucking nothing.
>the Farmer John I just spoke to was a lot friendlier than this.
What amazes me about Sup Forums is the amount of autistic people posting on there, they make console wars out of fucking nothing
>"My name is Officer Big Daddy"
what does the daniel meter measure?
I've been looking for this rare kitty.
The Farmer John I knew was a lot nicer than this
Fuck you.
Roleplaying games or RP servers of games are autism central.
sociopathic tendencies
need gun
God bless Daniel I haven't this much fun with any vidya channel in like six years.
His Farmer John video had me in tears.
>The Farmer John I knew was a lot nicer than this
Yeah, it's $40. It's a $40 mouse.
And why are most of the guys he plays with British?
What's his stream? When does he stream?
Daniel would be unfunny if it wasn't for his skill at vidya.
But sir, how can you arrest me, when you're dead?
I've been gone from Sup Forums and Sup Forums for a few months and i keep seeing this posted. What the fuck is it ?
he is from UK
shit no more gas
He streams about once a week. It's twitch tv/danielfromsl
This guy.
Uh, learn to drive, ok?
I'm in uh...
I'm in the brown house, okay?
ah need ta be sichq
and quichq
This was pretty funny too. Some chick was convinced this other troll was Daniel.
Collect. Vood.
he's funny because of his almost sociopathic persona
he's not like stgggs where he just comes off as a shithead who likes to fuck with people, Daniel acts like he's not doing anything wrong, like messing with people in video games is his actual job which he doesn't particularly care for
What does this have to do with anything?
>once a week
kek yeah right
Really? He's got the neutral America accent down pat.
but sir, how can you arrest me if you're dead?
Because he's from America, he just lives in the UK.
Daniel gave that chick PTSD lol, that guy was pretty good too.
>posting a cat
>having an opinion
Pick one
Not really. You can hear his accent (whatever it is) poking through all the time. The way he says certain words, the way he struggles to find certain words. He's a white European of some sort, that much is certain.
He's not from America you retard.
So what's the point of this thread?
Everyone is just quoting Daniels lines like Reddit.
Fuck off manlet
settle down
Do you need a taxi?
[spergs in german]
settle down
What is you... COLLECT VOOD
How can I see if I have any bullets? Oh shi-
The NPC is krazy.
What, you never smoked a joint in life?
Hopefully this guy doesnt turn into a faggot like that Manlet Britbong. Otherwise he seems pretty decent.
Reminds me of my cousin whose parents never bothered to raise him so just sat him in front of a TV all day.
He speaks with an American accent despite being from England because that's all the social interaction he had.
I honestly thought it was manlet tears because of the video title. Usually when you have to include (TROLLING) in the title of every video you make it means you're doing a shitty job.
lol thinking this guy is Britbong the 30 year old still trying to be relevant.
Whoa, dude
>no past broadcasts found
That british people are retarded by nature.
How do you even find people to troll in Second Life?
I joined up and there weren't many people there, also speak was greyed out in a lot of places.
That's what I mean, without his ability to basically wreck people while acting ignorant he wouldn't be able to get the same reaction in most of these games.
It's a different kind of method than Charlieez and Manlet Tears who focus on creating "characters"
keep looking until speech isn't grayed out
I think my favorite scene is when they run over the Arab kid in Arma and then just surround him and laugh as he breaks down
man, that's kind of creepy.
But then again, both of my parents have regional US accents, but I have a standard one.
Can you blame me? I see a second life thumbnail with (Trolling) in the title and safely assume it's that cancerous manlet shilling his videos.
Also when did you newfags start calling him britbong? He made that name to shed his old destroyed image and you're helping him do that.
God, britbongs are fucking disgusting.
He deletes them so you have to pay for his patreon.
Probably why he keeps making threads about himself here.
He deletes them.
That's kind of disappointing.
He doesn't have them up on his patreon. There's literally no reason to sub to his patreon.
Ive seen either or used. However considering this is a Daniel, and I guess Violet's thread now who really cares.
He uploads videos you have to pay $5 for.
*gets run over*
Eh, makes you appreciate each stream that much more. He's been doing it long before he got a patreon, it's clear he only want what he considers to be top notch content out there. Although I'm of the opinion that most of his streams are hilarious and filled with gold material, apparently he doesn't think so.
If you'd ever actually seen one of those videos you'd know there's no reason to sub to his patreon like I said. They're laughably short and not at all like the vids he uploads to his channel. You're literally not missing anything.
Everyone from Daniels chat post your twitch username
Hahah, this guy seems pretty decent. Apparently he was some mod for Manlet, and turned rouge for Daniel or something.
Huh, that's kind of dickish imo. But it is to make money so I guess it's understandable.
Bit of a shame.
I hope that's the case I find his videos really funny. Wish he would make more desu. Although I've only just been made aware he's on twitch so I'll be sure to catch him when he's next on.
Why are all the British people in his videos about 12 and chavvy as fuck. Makes me feel ashamed desu
>the amount of autistic people playing online games on PC
Almost as if PCs attract the lowest common denominator
Your mom doesn't even know what a PS4 is
>I hope that's the case
I'm a longtime fan of daniel, was a mod in his chat before he removed half of us, and I make threads about him from time to time. Trust me when I say you aren't missing anything.
post the hogwarts gmod vid please
>mfw that's my name
How did you know my name?
No shit, Daniel is superior to Brit the NEET manlet anyway.
Plenty of people do that. The Scandinavian Prince is one. The fuck corned the market, and I think it helps with Youtubes system.
Came to post the same thing
i just into tang on my monitor