People need to stop picking this fucking useless character
People need to stop picking this fucking useless character
His dragons are slow and awkward when they fly around.
People need to stop making these fucking useless threads
All Hanzos and Widowmakers go on my avoid list regardless of skill. They are annoying. Usually all refuse to switch if we lack a healer or tank.
If I switch I ask them to do the other and none have ever done it.
Awful leeches on the community.
>b-but m-muh main
i wish these cucks would off themselves already
It's the character I'm best with. Sorry.
hanzo pickers are the worst people playing the game
If you can't shoot >30% accuracy with arrows, you need to stop and hit up some AI or training mode.
>tfw you die and the killcam shows hanzo was just randomly shooting arrows and you walked into one
He's the perfect mix of damage and utility. I usually get 3-4 gold medals a game, including time on objective.
You fuckers are just salty coz you can't aim for shit.
Hanzo pulls off little to no impact in a game even when played perfectly.
Widow actually decided games all the way up to the pro bracket.
You should probably care about skill with the later.
literally 80% of my hanzo deaths are from this
1% is him actually aiming and 19% is me turning the corner into his ult
I met a guy with 60 hours as hanzo. Total play time was under 61 hours. He claimed to be 8th best Hanzo in europe yet only had a 48% win ratio.
Why does this ignorant shitter think he is so good when his win ratio is awfully average?
I would really like to play one of the DPS classes in this game someday but all I get to play is Roadhog, Zarya, Reinhardt and Lucio because people are fucking retarded.
Roadhog is pretty fun desu
>Attacking on Hanamura
>Playing Junkrat
>Right before we cap, I use my ult to destroy the enemy team from above them
>That's POTG for sure
>POTG is a Hanzo just randomly shooting people as a Mercy rezzes them
Ego. How did you not know the answer to this already.
Nigga all you have to do is aim vaguely near someone and youll get headshots
Not to mention his ult, which is tied for least skill required with le high noon man
t. Less skilled hitscan widowmakers
>2 Hanzos or 2 Widowmakers on payload offense
>neither wants to switch
>we lose
Are Hanzo players the worst players in the game?
If you get two good widowmakers, having two of them on offense is an instant win condition due to how broken widomaker is and how much Synergy she has with herself.
99% of the time both are shit, though.
1. insta lock hanzo
2. when game starts or everyone picked change to hero u wanted to play
2nd way
if someone locked hanzo before you DO not switch until he switches
this works 80% of the time but sometimes u get uber autis weaboos who won't get off him and die 20 times and get 3 kills
>Trying to have a fun game
>Someone picks McCree
I hate having to try every damn game.
>sick of seeing Hanzos on my team
>they are always useless
>he's my least played hero because I expect him to be bad
>started playing him yesterday
>get MVP and PoTG almost every game
People just suck.
How to predict if you lose a game
1. someone insta locks hanzo
2. someone picks hanzo instead of healer / tank if there is no healer or tank
if someone insta locks hanzo you can ofc still carry him with the other 5. but the fact that your chance to win dropped by 20% is not good.
proof it show your hanzo records right now.
>Hanzo PotG
>expect extremely well placed long range arrows and shit
>it's just him ulting into a random location and eradicating a few members of the enemy team
>trying to have fun game and atleast win
>someone picks Hanzo
even when i play with 5 man pre-made THE RANDOM always PICKS hanzo
fuck off hanzo... you are useless
oh wow u got 3 kills? wow man and whats that oh 10 deaths oh that not so good.
>tfw play widowmaker well and usually pull a 3 - 4 K/D
I know you autists will say something and me ooga team booga shit, but she's fun. hanzo tho...
>have some great plays while playing hanzo
>jumping and picking people off, shutting down a reaper right as he ults
>got potg, its just me ulting on objective
Hey man, I wish they showed the actually cool shit.
>Payload, Attacking
>2 Hanzos
Hanzo is the strongest character in the game if you have amazing aim
get gud
>Draw an italian man
>Call him Japanese
My aim is literal ass, and hanzo is the only damage dealer I do well in, he's just so easy.
hanzo is so fucking bad
I've gotten to the point where if I'm solo pubbing I will grief hanzo pickers if they don't switch after I tell them to fuck off
He's not nearly fat or hairy enough. Also japanese genetics are superior in every way.
>if you have amazing aim
nigga the hitbox on the arrow is literally a coffee table
>200 HP character
>Suddenly die
>Killcam is Hanzo strafing left and right shooting into your team's general direction
Italians don't have cheekbones like that.
We have stronger dicks and that's all that matters.
Post your Hanzo stats then since his aim is so easy
A good Hanzo doesn't huddle at mid range, he goes up close and personal and can easily win most 1v1 fights
I agree the hitboxes are bullshit though
>Have Hanzo on my team
>Attack on Volskaya
>instant lock widowmaker
I'd fuck Hanzo
>not just shooting arrows everywhere and hope one hits someone
i might have 10% hit accurace but at least i get 25+ kills every game
>playing games were you have to rely on other people for it to be any good.
I never understood the online MP meme.
pic related
There is something about that pic that made me kek. But you are absolutely correct.
Hanzo would be better if he was a cute girl.
>kys tier
>cherrypicking the only attractive italian in the world
Now post the average fur-covered lardblob that calls itself italian.
You're playing a fucking sniper. 3-4 K/D is unacceptable.
>Defense is torb, reinhardt, bastion, mercy, symmetra, and a widowmaker who isn't shit
how does one do this?
>Hanzo on the opposing defending team
>a cross between Hawkeye and Robin fucking Hood, spends 99% of the match on fire from headshots and ults every 20 seconds
>Hanzo on our attacking team
>never pushes the cart because muh sniper's nest
>couldn't hit the side of a barn from the inside
>goes 2-15 at the end of the game (from scattershots) then talks shit in match chat like the Reinhardt/Zarya/Mercy core were the guys who lost it for us
Even better when you're attacking and your team has double sniper, you may as well just quit and make it a 4v6 at that point.
ha you're so butt blasted over a male model that looks closer to hanzo than any nip ever could. Moreover, italians vary from germanic looking people in the north to arab looking people in the south. I can't say the same about japs who all look like flat faced monkeys.
are you forgetting the hundreds of people that pick genji and get creamed? They never switch as well.
Genji to pick apart the Bastion/Torbjorn, a good countersniper or harass to keep Widow away, and a tankbreaker like Reaper or McRee to sort out the Reinhardt and Mercy.
Winston and Roadhog counter Symmetra nests hard too, and she doesn't have the toughness or damage to do anything back.
Missed your chance to say "would maim themselves already"
>play hanzo
>some shitter tracer thinks they have me on the ropes
>i nail her with an arrow in the head every time
>this is the only time I actually feel like I have to aim with the character
6 D.Vas.
thats not symmetra
There are people who consistently will pick defence heroes on offence and switch to offence heroes in defence.
I noticed this happen time and time again. They have to be saboteurs, paid by competitors to enter games and ruin them, making the community complain.
He's basically hard mode Widowmaker but immune to Winston since he just just dump two limp arrows in .5 sec and kill him.
>Instant lock in as Hanzo
>yiffmeharder1998 locks in as Mercy
>Round starts
>Now I can switch to Pharah
>yiffmeharder1998 sees we have no Hanzo and switches over to his wolf Hanzo
>Now we have no support
>play as bastion on defense
>have both hanzo and widowmaker on my team
>end of the game i had 80% of the eliminations
shitty players should stop picking snipers
>His appearance is based off of a Japanese actor
>"No he looks like the guy at the laundromat"
But non charged arrows only do 28 damage. Even if you rapid fire them as fast as you can into his head, you're only gonna be doing like 100 damage a second. Widowmaker can do like 260 with her machine gun mode if she's hitting him in the head. Unless you're using the scatter arrow, Hanzo seems like he'd be fucked even harder by Winston than Widowmaker is.
Hanzo gets a bad rep because all the noobs are picking him.
90% of the time I get a gold medal on payload objective time when I pick Hanzo.
Literally god tier and also counters Widowmaker if you know how to play.
>Literally god tier and also counters Widowmaker if you know how to play.
oh boy it's another episode of "Sup Forums knows better than the pros"
>Play Hanzo for hours
>Do really well with him
>Decide to give Widowmaker a go
>15 player kill streaks and headshots everywhere
I like playing as Hanzo a lot but holy shit is Widowmaker so much better.
Also, daily reminder that if you play Met, you're terrible at video games and everyone hates you
Junkrat is fine you cuck.
>counters Widowmaker
>attack the payload
>1 hanzo, 1 widowmaker on the team
>Give up
>pick mei
>keep building ice walls infront of those two
You're so delusional. You're telling me that Hanzo looks like this orangutang looking motherfucker? You fucking weeabos are pathetic. Let me make this clear. Hanzo looks like a European, a white man, dressed up in asian clothing.
>4 hours as hanzo
>22 percent win rate
>4 hours as widow
>68 percent win rate
He's so fucking terrible I only played him because he's attractive
>not making them pass through the iris
>team can't even cap first payload point
>1 minute left
>sit in the spawn and knock shit around
>shit widow in chat
>yo wtf u doin
>tell him game's over and the team is shit
>u could try
>ask him why he's still widow
>she's my best hero
Reported for harassment.
Anything counters bad widowmakers. Especially Hanzo. He's literally the easymode sniper. They put travel time on the projectile so that you could feel better about missing most of your shots. After all, it's not *your* fault you can't aim, it's hard to predict the drop at range, right? right?
nah m8, YOU kys. I'll give you the other two though.
>that feel when you hit three consecutive headshots on a Winston charging straight at you
I only play Hanzo so I don't have to listen to people around me complain about Tracer and Genji.
>literally 4 of my teammates stop what they're doing for 20 seconds to chase a Tracer or Genji without doing shit all for damage
>one random arrow into the general direction ends up killing them
Shutting down Genjis, Tracers, Pharahs and people who think their sneaky snakes is pretty fun.
Why is it called spirit dragon when in fact the model was wolf and there's wolf howl
The problem might be that you're trying to aim. Common mistake with Hanzo. What you do is just spam arrows down corridors or at corners and let the enemy walk into them.
the hanzo you were fighting or playing with is using the lone wolf or okami skin, which changes their dialogue and the look of their ult
My first time on Tracer was memorable for this. Was in Hollywood, the gap between the door leading out of the room by the first defense node and the door across from it near the alley behind the first old west building. I spammed her dash three in a row and died. Kill cam showed a blind fire and the message that they had killed me without ever appearing on their screen.
Meanwhile your team suffers and your losses skyrocket.
but both of those counters hanzo, u gotta be pretty low mmr
It's a Sup Forums meme.
...until their MMR gets low enough that they get slotted in the matchmaking's carry spots with higher skill people because forced 50.
Guys! I'm a level 30 hanzo player and I'm getting put in games with prestiege 40s! I must be god tier!
Hanzo gets shat on by Widowmaker, m8.
The lvl.8 widowmaker you rekt in a pub game earlier doesn't define the matchup.
>It's a Sup Forums meme.
reeeeeeeeeeee no it fucking isnt it's from Sup Forums
>Sup Forums meme
6 player teams leave very little room for dicking around.
Hanzo is complete garbage and Widowmaker makes him completely irrelevant. Even his ult is one of the easiest to get away from.