What's in the box?
What's in the box?
weeb shit
Another box, now smash it with a hammer.
Dragon dildos
It's not so no worries
and don't worry, its gonna be a quick unboxing
better not be any vita weeb shit or nintendoller play things.
Where have all the dragon dildos threads gone
>tfw it's never dragon dildos anymore
It's out of the box
time for an unveiling
>mfw if it's another reproduction Mario RPG cart.
And where are all the gods!
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds!?
A HEAVY DUTY (30% stronger) horse dildo?
Hello there
new gpu, who would have thought
Something completely underwhelming
>its gonna be a quick unboxing
you lied
Sony makes Dragon dildos?
psh, I already don't care.
what a cuck
It's for their new VR stuff. Need to feel the dragon enter you after all.
i just posted 3 images in less than 5 minutes
faster than previous threads
Well, guess I don't care any more.
My skin is getting darker and darker
kuso thread
just kys mein familia.
god damn people are fucking stupid.
Having fun sure is a luxury around here
Congrats, now go buy the new SRW whenever it comes out so they keep translating them, lah.
what kind of an idiot buys consoles online?
you have no idea how badly it's been manhandled
Literally first post. It was weeb shit after all.
Kys op
Bought 3 consoles in the past online, all still working and perfect condition, choose your sellers carefully lad
"""""""""""""""""Having fun"""""""""""""""""""""""
>$400 cinematic walking simulator in glorious 23fps.
This shouldn't disappoint you lads, its a classic
Time splitters or clock tower???
Why yes it is Timesplitters
I've never understood the love for this game. Guess I could never like console shooters.
Bra, I can emulate that shit on my stupid sisters chrome book.
I've got some Sony magic beans if you wanna buy that too? Only 500 dollary-doos.
>buy PS4
>has to buy PS2 titles because no games
Thanks for waiting
You may not like it but hey, doesn't hurt to have fun
Take care folks
Yeh, fuck off dick head.
>all about 1 minute after each other
Stop bumping your thread OP. no one cares once the boxes are all opened.
>no one cares once the boxes are all opened.
If what are in the boxes are actually interesting and worth discussion, then bump all you want.
This isn't one of those instances.