Nintendo NX [Fanmade]

Hi Sup Forums community !

I would like to share with you one of my new creation (fanmade) about NX

Clip here :


sorry for my english ...


Wow, user, that looks...

fucking awfull

slidepads are horrible

This is a really shitty design. Why the fuck are the buttons hidden under the screen?

>circle pad

Fucking dropped

I dunno, man.
I'm getting some bad PSP Go flashbacks.

I thought it looked cool but then realized it would be very uncomfortable to hold. If it was a phone and ran Android I'd consider getting it.

Because the screen are "haptic"

Looks like one of those shitty old cell phones. Holy shit op delete this before you embarrass yourself any further.

Why do people waste time doing stupid shit like this? This is worse than the Dreamcast 2 fan video get out!

This monstrosity is what happens when an artist designs a device instead of an engineer.

I like it but like said it would probably be uncomfortavle to hold

Fuck you I loved those phones. I first sexted on one of those phones.

It doesn't look very comfortable to hold but I like the idea of that controller dock to charge the thing.

There's nothing in the world worse than fanmade renders of rumored consoles.

>Cutting out parts of the screen to fit analog sticks

Literally no reason.

>Round edged screen

This wouldn't even be manufacturable, let alone be a good experience.

Slidepads are great. I loved my PSP go.

Free-Form display exists because of Japanese engineers.

Of course the idea was to use it for SmartCar dashboards.

>Round edged screens are not manufacturable

Why would you waste your time designing a random, imagined version of something that has already been designed that you haven't seen?

More tolerable than A and B pasted on Left and Right sticks in the middle of the screen.

Not a fan of the circle pads though.

Shut up motherfucker the Go was god tier.

>Why would you waste your time designing a random, imagined version of something that has already been designed that you haven't seen?

Training, hobbies ... not dangerous;)

But NX is a console.


But... Like...
It's like those "fan artists" who are just shit illustrators. If you want to design something then design your own thing, don't randomly try to rewrite someone else's work. It just doesn't make sense.

looks like it would be incredibly difficult to hold and use. Nice render though.

holy shit someone screencap this


Nintendo fan, inspiration... Nintendo ? :'(

And, amateur of cours.

>looks like it would be incredibly difficult to hold and use. Nice render though.

Yes surely ;)

thanks !

On the contrary, this is good portfolio work. I remember a guy got hired by Microsoft after he made new designs for all their product logos.

>handheld that comes out of a console dock

That's interesting.

Ah, ok. I hadn't considered that. Still, I don't see the need to call it "nx" or anything.

We don't know what it is. Feel free to show proof that it is.

Protop: Rumors are not proof.

This is a solid mockup. The freeform screen creating room for full-size analog sticks is brilliant.

It has one obvious problem--the lack of grips and an L2/R2. These buttons are extremely important, as they can be pressed at the same time as any other button or directional input. And the grip: not an absolute necessity, but given that your mockup is already too big for most pockets, take a look at the Wii U tablet for inspiration. You could kill two birds in one stone borrowing their design.

Some minor quips: the D-pad should also probably be a little bigger, and personally, I'd prefer a gamecube button layout with larger face buttons as well. Sliding the screen up more to accommodate these features would probably make your mockup "pop" more, if you're considering revisions.

On a technical level: there's room in there for something roughly akin to a Tegra X1 scaled down to 14/16nm in your design. It's enough to run Unreal 4 at 720p, which is to say it's "enough." Since it's primarily designed to only use one screen, you should be able to eke out a little more power than the Wii U: enough to get ports of Fifa and Call of Duty, but definitely not full parity with the X1 or PS4. Regarding the "base station" at the end--aside from charging, there's nothing meaningful that thing could do. You can't channel additional processing power ota. If you're fine with a system only slightly more powerful than the Wii U, the only companion this system needs is a(n admittedly unsexy) chromecast stick with a broadcom chip to stream video to your TV. When attached in this way, the bottom screen could have a DS-like function, showing you a map or item screen.

it's shit, you're trying too hard to make something that looks CURAZEE without giving a single shit about functionality

The new Zelda game will be on it and it's open world. And no think back how much of a jump from DS to 3DS and the pricepoint before you say a theoretical new handheld will magically be as more powerful than the Vita.

thanks doc

>This is a solid mockup. The freeform screen creating room for full-size analog sticks is brilliant.
>It has one obvious problem--the lack of grips and an L2/R2. These buttons are extremely important, as they can be pressed at the same time as any other button or directional input. And the grip: not an absolute necessity, but given that your mockup is already too big for most pockets, take a look at the Wii U tablet for inspiration. You could kill two birds in one stone borrowing their design.
>Some minor quips: the D-pad should also probably be a little bigger, and personally, I'd prefer a gamecube button layout with larger face buttons as well. Sliding the screen up more to accommodate these features would probably make your mockup "pop" more, if you're considering revisions.
>On a technical level: there's room in there for something roughly akin to a Tegra X1 scaled down to 14/16nm in your design. It's enough to run Unreal 4 at 720p, which is to say it's "enough." Since it's primarily designed to only use one screen, you should be able to eke out a little more power than the Wii U: enough to get ports of Fifa and Call of Duty, but definitely not full parity with the X1 or PS4. Regarding the "base station" at the end--aside from charging, there's nothing meaningful that thing could do. You can't channel additional processing power ota. If you're fine with a system only slightly more powerful than the Wii U, the only companion this system needs is a(n admittedly unsexy) chromecast stick with a broadcom chip to stream video to your TV. When attached in this way, the bottom screen could have a DS-like function, showing you a map or item scree

Thanks for your feedback ;)

I am an amateur / autodidact, is not basic in design ect ...

but I agree with everything that is said, it is far from perfect or original, just a little try ^^ '

I look forward to seeing the true nx!

You did a good job! Thanks for sharing your design; it was fun to think about how it could be implemented.

>You did a good job! Thanks for sharing your design; it was fun to think about how it could be implemented.

thank you very much ^^ '

Explain why you think this.

Only a manlet would ever say that.

GameCube joystick+VR headset+PSPgo

the screen is in a try hard impractical form that is a pain in the ass to manufacture and making games for it, also the analogs have no purpose in that place, it just tries to look different at the cost of actual utility

I don't get the point of this, so I'm just going to assume it's some school project or some shit.
The renders and video itself look nice, but the overall design is pretty fucking bloated and just impractical. It would be a pain to hold in your hands and not make it slip out of your hands, let alone play something with it.

This honestly looks like crap. The screen has no logical reason to be like this. The analog pad placement would piss people as they would likely close the thing by mistake more than half the time. And No ZR/ZL Seriously, this is a poorly done mockup.

I disagree. The analog sticks could actually be elevated considerably compared to how they are in the design since the screen doesn't have to move over them; you could afford to put complete analog sticks there instead of nubs. It also allows for higher placement of the analog sticks, so the D-Pad and analog don't compete for space as much and both can be placed within comfortable range of your thumb. It's actually a very smart design.

no, it isn't
if you want higher analogs just make a flat console/controller instead of a psp go ripoff, that way you don't have to kill the screen

Slide pads are objectively fine, you need to Git Gud.

They tend to either break completely or break so much that they start to close down on their own, in the long run.