Fuck Sony.
Fuck Naughty Dog.
Fuck gaming.
Fuck Sony
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Good luck pirating physical DRM.
The average Sonyggers doesn't even know what crash is anymore.
So really nothing has changed.
Not that difficult m8.
Modded Wii-U's can pirate Amiibo shit, this ain't much different.
They know him from Uncharted 4 now. Of course from now on that means if we ever get another Crash game, all the YouTube comments will be "Like if Uncharted 4 brought you here".
Yeah. And nothing has changed. They know him as a mini game in a newly released game. Finding out they ain't bringing him back really won't affect any of them.
Crash really wasn't that great anyways.
Yeah, buddy, I'm sure the far-and-away industry leader is going to miss your money. Good luck with that.
So, with that having been said, what are you so angry about exactly?
They are doing the same thing as they did for FF, first announce the Skylanders thing then DUNNDUNN
Crash was literally just the first endless runner, except instead of side scrolling it scrolled away from the camera so you couldn't see what was coming. Today it would be nothing more than mobile shovelware.
What's with that poo-in-loo ad?
You're not a shitskin are you?
you think sony has anything to do with this?
whats the problem? is it because they were teasing crash bandicoot and turned out to be some skylanders amiibo faggotry? that sucks if so, i was hoping for his comeback.
jesus fuck
Crash, Spyro and Croc were always shit anyway
t. ex-N64 kid, Sonygger since PS2 days
And therein lies the answer, it would never happen because platformers don't sell to their new audience of faggot hipsters who only want edgy and depressing stories. That's why Uncharted 4 isn't even an Uncharted game, no fun allowed so the story is predominantly tinged in sadness without any supernatural elements. Naughty Dog died when they put all their eggs in Druckmann's basket and got rid of Amy Hennig.
I pirated ur mom's physical ass
All this. All the Easter Eggs for a fucking Easter Egg in Uncharted 4 and now Skylanders? FML
hold on a second they did this big teaser for crash and everything to make everyone think their bringing him back from the shitter only to throw him back in their?
am i understanding this right?
Yes. Crash is dead and all the weaboos and /nofunallowed/s are rejoicing
This is fake, isn't it?
You do realize it could be part of a larger push to revive the franchise right? You're not THAT stupid are you?
Wheres Spyro then.
Rotting in the hell he created. That little dragon fucker went full Sonic, and you never go full Sonic.
Exactly. Skylanders eats franchises and shits Jewery.
>tfw when i saw there was a crash segment in uncharted 4 i knew to curb my expectations to near zero
>all of my huge sony friends were ecstatic
>this was the result
welp can't wait to break the news to them
Ironic that Skylanders was a Spyro game at the start. He was the main figure of the first version. Now it's all just something else entirely.
Millennials only pretend to know crash. They only reason they heard of it is because their favorite e-celeb brought it up in a video.
I laughed at first. Posted it in the E3 thread. Now in just really hurt. I feel betrayed man my childhood was gaming FUCK SONY.
>dumbass assuming this is all we're getting from Crash
I'll be laughing so hard at this in 2 days. Sony obviously knows people want an actual Crash game. They wouldn't have two required sections in UC4 where you have to play Crash if they didn't. This seems to be obviously a tie-in to promote a new Crash game coming from Sony and Activison, similar to how Sony and Universal worked together on Crash from the start.
It scrolled toward the camera.
You're an idiot if you think this is all that's coming.
OP here and I sincerely hope you're right. All I want is A Twinsanity tier crash game. No more I swear.
>it's a "millennial pretends he isn't one and tries to blame everything he hates on such a nebulous concept episode"
I'm sorry this had to happen to you man
I played crash when i was kid and i feel your pain
but this fucking industry has taught me to never get excited over anything until it's in my goddamn hands
Crash a shit
you should be mad at Activision you bumbling retards they're the ones not doing anything with it
Just think about it for a second OP. Why would Sony hint at Crash for 2 years with Crash appearing in commericals, cameos in games, the whole shirt tease if it was just for Skylanders? If it was Activison doing the teasing I could understand, but it's all been from Sony. Who to our knowledge still doesn't own the IP. I honestly think they just bought the license and will be sharing the IP with Activison just like how the shared it in the past.
This was already known about, Activision agreed to sell but wanted to keep him in Skylanders as a Sony exclusive DLC thing
No it didn't. Think about it. The character came towards the camera with the level constantly moving away as you progress. Therefore, scrolled away from you. If it scrolled toward the camera, the gameplay would be reversed and you'd be running away from the screen.
Have people forgotten that Naughty Dog don't own the license to Crash anymore?
Can you people please fuck off, this was already known about and announced, ND owns Crash again but part of the deal was to keep him in Skylanders as a SONY exclusive, he will never be on the Xbox or Nintendo Skylanders, relax
I feel you. Im just expecting the worstafter how Spyro got killed. I still play the first 3 of both series' and feel bad about how they've gone to shit. They really were my childhood and its nice to go back to em after a long day at work.
Got a source for that? Haven't heard about Sony getting the rights back yet. Adam Boyes even said Activison still has the IP. How do we know they arn't just sharing it?
It's Crash's 20 anniversary. If Activison wanted to, they could have put Crash in Skylanders years ago. Just give it a few days and we will know exactly what's going on.
Spotted the generation Z.
good leave
You are most likely a millenial too, like 95% of people complaining about millenials. The definition includes people born between 1980 and 2000 +/- a few years on either end.
>born in 1981
>niece is born in 2000
>saying I'm a fucking millenial
I'm tail end Gen X. I had my media golden years in the early 90s.
>I fucking QUIT.
Literally nobody gives a fuck.
Do you honestly think Sony or Naughty Dog gives half a fat shit what you do?
>Millennials. In October 2004, researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss called Millennials "the next great generation," which is funny. They define the group as "as those born in 1982 and approximately the 20 years thereafter." In 2012, they affixed the end point as 2004.
If we go based on every twenty years, 1965-85 should be gen X, 1985-2005 should be millennials, and 2005+ is gen z or whatever they're called.
no one gives a shit about some amiibo skylander bullshit. people want a real crash game. they arent mad because they think some amiibo shit is going to nintendo or microsoft consoles. moron.
Here have a handy dandy chart. Figure out where your parents were born in and you're the gen that follows. My parents were baby boomers so I'm a Gen Xer. My sister is a Gen Xer so her daughter is a Millenial.
>The experts say the media get to determine when generations happen, and we're the media. We also get to say which generations are the worst, and the Millennials are the worst. But you already knew that.
>Millennials are the worst. But you already knew that.
>people want a real crash game
and you're getting one. no one is forcing you to buy a skylander too
My parents were born in 1964, and didn't have me till 1993. There's no way I'm a gen Xer even though they're baby boomers.
The tears from some of the crazier people are going to be delicious.
>born in 1981
>behaving as immature and stupid as the underage kids you're getting mad at
>shitposting here like a child at 35
There can be exceptions to the rule and you also should thank your parents for increasing your risk of having autism by having you so late.
>and you're getting one
Shit man, that's sad.
Oh, they're shitty people, I should "thank" them for a lot of things, not just that.
>>behaving as immature and stupid as the underage kids you're getting mad at
That's your opinion my friend. Do you have any thing else you'd like to green text story us with today or are you finished?
Give it two days. Actually watch the fucking conference.
>early 30's
>"having you so late"
>35 year old man posting anime reaction images
>paying any attention to skylanders
>Leak states there are three games planned with a deal between Activision selling Crash Bandicoot back to Sony. Activision wanted something back before they handed over Crash. First one has already been leaked. Crash in Skylanders. He's exclusive to the PS4 version of Skylanders because Sony owns Crash again. Second deal is PS All Stars 2, Crash Bandicoot is to be a character in it. Final deal is a brand new Crash Bandicoot game developed by Naughty Dog themselves, exclusive to PS4. Naughty Dog putting Crash Bandicoot in Uncharted 4 was not just a nod to the series. It was the first hint on who's coming back home.
Skylanders is N O T the only Crash reveal, it is part of three.
I tried to tell them but all they could think about was Spyro.
>PS All Stars 2
There is no FF skylanders thing.
How do two of those benefit Activision? I get him being in Skylanders, but how does him getting his own new game and being in PS All Stars 2 help Activision who would have no part in either of those games?
There's that "BUT NINTENDO" post
Are you me?