What did Sup Forums think of X-Play during it's height of relevancy?

What did Sup Forums think of X-Play during it's height of relevancy?

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sexist gamer show


the brain i have today would see how scripted and fake the show actually was. even though it was supposed to be aimed at an "older audience" its obvious the targeted demograph was young males/teenagers who like games. for a younger person's mentality this show was perfect and actually had some funny moments. it would be cool to see the show adjust and evolve to present day as an twitch or youtube channel where they can actually say how they feel instead of scripted jokes and shit

You'd hope that the brain you have today would be able to type like an adult, but I guess some hopes just don't pan out.

I loved it
Watched it everyday it showed on tech tv then g4
I was like 11 at the time

Hey, c'mon user, that wasn't called for. Be nice.

judgment day had better reviews

xplay was funnier

Cool they're showing of dead or alive beach volleyball. I better record it on this vhs tape.

I always fapped to Morgan's feet

I watched every episode. Loved it.

Same. Doesn't really hold up today but for a preteen X-Play and G4 in general from 2006-2009-ish was pretty excellent. G4 Icons is probably what got me into video games to the extent that I am today.

They had good writers

Mr Coke goes off script and he's completely insane

>Adam Sessler
Remember the days where you legitimately had no idea how people felt about politics, religion, social issues, etc? It's unfortunate that Twitter and such has given public figures every opportunity to show their asses. I don't like not liking Sessler anymore.

Peak X-Play was 2003-2005.

Once the 360 came out and the other next gen consoles were on the horizon, the show was starting to lose steam. Its surprising how long that shit stayed on the air.

The Tech TV/G4 merge was actually really good for half a year or maybe even a full year, but by 2006 everything was terrible.


son of a bitch
are you going to slide your fucking christian xxx meme on here?
once again?

you have been doing it for 48 hours easy


I became disillusioned with it after they gave Red Orchestra grief for its manual bolting rifles.

just wait till someone asks how sesler is doing right now

OP will start posting fake twitter posts about sesler fucking transexuals

you can not make this shit up

Sessler with a writer = xplay = good, because he has to put ideas through a filter before giving them

Sessler without a writer = rev3games reviews = shit, because he didn't filter any of his shit ideas

Webb was breddy gud, but I don't know if it was her, my love of tits, or her writer

OP here, what? I was just watching some x-play reviews on YouTube for nostalgia and decided to post on v.

please tell me that pic isn't real

my ass

people are falling for your fake tweets like motherfuckers

so i have to give you that

Twitter threads pain me
And half the time the person apologizes and or deletes their tweet

Having anyone on a global scale to type their personal thoughts on a minutes notice without thinking about it is probably the worst thing for civilized society

>during it's height of relevancy

When was this?

G4 was always terrible. This show was just a side effect.

I did watch their e3 coverage though.

When I was a kid I would tune into X-Play(and G4 as a whole for that matter) any chance I could. I loved their reviews and little skits. When E3 would come around every summer I was stuck to their coverage events like a gnat on syrup. I was a damn excited mess with each game reveal. There was stuff that I knew I wasn't gonna buy, but it felt so good to the industry pumping out new and exciting titles that were good upon release. Unf. 2005 was one hell of a year.

Good show, but Sessler was obviously a hack who had others write for him, because his stuff is garbage now. It's a shame, because I really liked him.

Seriously what the fuck are you talking about? If it means anything, I saw a some pic of him sucking a tranny's dick and that's what got me thinking of X-Play. Didn't know there was consistent shitposting going on.

I thought the episodes were they reviewed shitty games were the best. Once they moved their studio from San Francisco to LA the show definitely went down in quality until it's death. I still miss Adam and Morgan though.

you filthy fuck

48 hours
plenty of threads of christian xxx fucking trannies, while mixing them with pics of sesler

even went as to take christian twitter, and using paint to change the author posts to sesler

you son of a bitch

It is.

Not everyone lives on here.

Yeah, I really loved Xplay and TechTV as a kid. I didn't have many means to look up info on newer games, and there was something genuinely exciting about a comedic show that was completely dedicated to new content.

Easy to see why the same style wouldn't hold up today though. Internet, older audience, etc.

>female host

if you are not him, i hope this thread lasts so that the guy rejoice and take control of your thread throwing all his tranny arsenal

>public apologies
Literally the most useless thing ever, too. You're clearly not apologizing for having a thought, you're apologizing for expressing it, and it won't change the taste people now get in their mouths when they think of you. Whatever happens, happens and the way bits and pieces of the public bounce off each just fuels the fire. All apologizing does is make things significantly worse by validating the opposition's feelings and, if we're talking about SJWs, allow them to lube themselves up with righteousness, squeeze themselves through the door, and try to cash their inches in for miles. It's the equivalent of starting a fight, then going into the fetal position. Sad to say, but the public does not give a fuck about apologies. When you've pissed somebody off, publically apologizing is literally the worst thing a public figure can do.

what did he mean by this?

there he is

i knew it

hey but credit were credit is due

he posted an 'adam sesler' doctored version
nice try anyway, but you are not the real seslertrannyfag


Why was this screencapped? The guy has a beta awkwardness about him, but I'm not seeing anything weird here. I assume this has something to do with somebody being a cuck?


christian xxx is playing overwatch with trannies he meet over twitter

that has become a sesler meme, because christan looks like sesler

X-Play and AOTS was my favorite thing to watch everyday after high school.

This, I'd watch it then masturbate to Morgan Webb. This is how you fapped in the days before fast easily available streaming porn

Come on man, we're all friends here.

Someone post Morgan's nudes, I know you have them


I remember liking Cheat as a kid as well.

It was a long time before I was ever able to get a PS2 or Xbox, but there was still something exciting about being able to see the new stuff on tv.

At it's best it was great and not afraid to give an honest review despite how big the game was or what their fans wanted them to give it. By the time it ended though it wasn't even a shell of it's former self.

they reviewed one of the Resident Evils and made fun of fixed camera angles, that was always one of my favorite skits

Was there a reason given for why Adam left? I don't recall watching much of the show after he had gone.

As I recall they cut his wage, or wouldnt pay him what they paid Morgan.

I'm gonna have to call bullshit until proven otherwise.

adam my dick fell off and walk out door

i find myself humming this from time to time

it was okay

i was young back then and any sort of video game media was good to me. now that I'm older and have more responsibilities, I feel like it was a waste of time.


I liked it when I was younger and didn't have internet because I could see all the games I could never have.