ITT: Favorite main series monsters

ITT: Favorite main series monsters


I loved him until he got all fat. so i just went back to my old favorite

How can you resist these eyes?

good taste, both toads are good but Street Shark is God tier.
It's even one of the few monsters that has an amazing sub that is different enough from the main monster

the great wroggi is cute cute CUTE!

I wish their armor was better

Fuck off Dobson.

Their G-Rank is pretty sick.

Jay Leno lookin' ass

Both love and hate the khezus. They're so simple that I actually doze off fighting them, but they spam their shield and roars so often that its annoying.

OP here, Deviljho and Glavenus are tied at a close second for me.

>not pic related

Not my favorite but after playing p3rd with a friend for fun recently I realized how much I missed Barroth.

Yeah I wish he was in Generations...and I actually liked his subspecies too.

Holy fucking shit give it a fucking rest


khezu has literally no reason to exist now that they made gigginox


Barroth has an amazing design because it fits perfectly with the world-building of the Sandy Plains

>covers itself in mud to protect from heat, has a fire weakness when not muddy
>eats Altaroth which live in tough mounds, uses it's scalp to smash them open

and then we get grabage like Zinogre which makes very little sense why it collects thunderbugs other than gameplay.
The most I can understand is because every other monster in Misty Peaks has a lightning weakness but even that is stretching it


MH has had both monsters that have some biological explanation and giant elder dragons who are borderline magical since the beginning.
I like the idea and I think they both appeal but I definitely favour the ones with neat ecology and are influenced from real life animals/phenomena. G-Rank makes them all unrealistic anyways.

Yeah, Elder Dragons are fine because they have always followed some sort of mysticism or culture behind them even since MH1.

Wyverns on the otherhand really bug me otherwise when they don't fit into the world-building. I'm not one for realism but I like when a fantasy world stays consistent with it's own rules.
Another monster I really like that was added recently is Mizutsune because it's entire design shows it is a possible contender for prey to Zinogre but has a means of defending itself from it. Zinogre is P3rd was described in the first few pages of the game manual to mainly reside in the Sacred Mountain before Amatsu took residence there, scaring them away to the Misty Peaks. It makes sense for a defense against them to be quick to run away and have a defense against something that could chase on uneven footing.
It's even shown in the ecology video and intro

See I agree with everything you said about barroth but I don't understand your beef with Zinogre.
I like the design and the symbiotic insect electricity thing does not seem out of place in monster hunter.
also love the weapons and armor you get from it.

Why does Zinogre not fit into misty peaks?

>barroth's nostrils are on the top of its head to allow for full mud submersion
>breaking the crest effectively involves ripping off its nose

It's probably a good thing that MH is T rated, some of the breaks could get pretty gory

He means that Zin only fits in misty peaks because every other monster is weak to lightning, probably for balance reasons or because it fits an ecological niche or something.
What I can really say is some people think Zinogre is too anime.

Barroth is magical. The fucker digs through the ground.
If you see that thing and that big and you think it makes any sense or even just more sense than a zinogre you have weird idea of nature.

Zinogre is literally anime
>break dances
>thunderbugs power him up
>can literally go even further beyond
>even has a "dark" version
>has a waifu that creates bubbles

EVERYTHING in monster hunter is anime.

The idea is that it is its own idea of nature, but with similar concepts applied to bigger monsters. In the eco vid it shows Barroth swimming through mud only but in terms of the gameplay its just easier to make it dig through all areas. Some monsters are more natural and less magical than others, and that can be appealing.

Yeah but barroth seems more magical than zinogre to me. Just looking what they can do and how big they are how it explains what they can do Barroth is even more illogical
If Zinogre is this extreme of non natural design then I don't understand the love for barroth.

if the comparison was to lets say Monsters which spew fire or shoot fire lasers which some do then maybe I understand it.
But Zinogre is always the most offensive one to realists.

I wish that one day he'll escape from Frontier.

He's in MHO, if that's anything

How is it more magical? There's a whole family of different Brute Wyvern Species, and Barroth evolved to adapt to the environment of Sandy Plains. Given their size they could easily carry quite a bit of mud around and if I'm not mistaken one of the materials description explains that it secretes a chemical that makes the mud harden and stick to its body or something. The whole mud flinging onto you and turning you into a snowman is exaggerated for gameplay as well as other attacks, but other than that I can't see how its more illogical than Zinogre.

How the fuck did it evolve that big if it eats fucking insects?
It should be incredibly tiny evolution wise. Zinogre in relation is not as ridiculously compared to a real wolf.

I am not saying either of them are reasonable. Both of them are ridiculous. Just barroth makes evolutionary less sense.

Whales eat krill, shit that is ridiculously tiny by comparison. Altaroths are pretty fucking big as well, and judging by the Barroth's lifestyle it probably doesn't need to be constantly hunting for food. But then this would just turn into autism about what are the estimated nutritional values of insects of that size and wyvern metabolism, and other things too smart or stupid to talk about on Sup Forums.
I'll agree to disagree.

>Whales eat krill, shit that is ridiculously tiny by comparison
And they live in water nigga.
Everything is bigger underwater.
>I'll agree to disagree.
Fair enough.
Its not like there isn't someone shitting on Zinogre in every Monster Hunter thread on Sup Forums. So if I would want to continue I would just have to wait for the next Monster Hunter thread.

That gives me hope.

Well, the insects are pretty big.

Peru and other South American countries have entire foods of just insects.

Well I hope there isn't anything as big as a barroth in peru.

Hopefully not.

this guy, I'm a sucker for explosive punches, his theme is pretty dang solid and the fight is fun with multiple people.