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even hitler understood the importance of diversity
Nice gameplay trailer EA
>GamesBeat: You’re talking about revealing sides of the war that people don’t necessarily know about. A lot of people have made note of the fact that your cover character is black, even though obviously black people fought in World War One. For you guys, was that a conscious decision, an opportunity to show that there was more breadth to this war than people know about?
>Berlin: That’s the thing. People don’t know that this was the case. We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal. You can see in the trailer that there’s a Bedouin woman warrior on a horse. She’s a playable character in the single-player campaign.
>We want to show diversity in the game. That’s been a key goal
Why is Sup Forums so ignorant of history? WW1 was fought by colonial empires, colonies have a lot of manpower - usually nonwhite. The German empire wasn't the biggest, but large numbers of colonial troops still fought in Europe on their side. France and UK employed absolutely massive amounts of colonial troops, especially the UK with Indians. America also has a lot of black people who decided to join the army. This game is going to be absolutely full of historical inaccuracies, it's a battlefield game, yet Sup Forums seems to concentrate on the one thing that is probably accurate.
>WW1 was fought by colonial empire
Yes, a bunch of africans fighting with sticks surely decided the outcome of WW1.
That's some next level WE WUZ shit
>Bedouin woman
I thought it was just a teenage boy.
>tfw no child soldiers
The germans didn't deploy africans in europe at all. Even the anglos eventually decided to withdraw most of their indian personnel to the middle east and beating the turks up.
>that one indian cavalryman who got a VC for charging a turkroach MG nest with a fucking lance.
it's not that blacks are included. if there were a handful of blacks, no one would whine.
but there's two things that piss people off:
1) ww1 was 98% europeans fighting europeans. to have the MAIN CHARACTER be an african is utterly irresponsibly, mindless political bullshit that spits in the face of history
2) america was in the war for one years, at the very end when it was almost over. 98% of the war was france vs germany, not some usa usa america circlejerk.
I don't think that's supposed to be a nigger, he's definitely wearing gloves unlike the actual nigger in the first reveal trailer and I think the lighting is to blame for the rest.
He isn't the main character he's the cover character, it's a multi-protag game.
He's not a nigger though, he's wearing gloves. His neck is just dark because of the lighting
This. Every Battlefield has a cover character.
Also for the record they've released the playable factions, at least some of them, and I think the English and French are included as well as Americans. Sure, Americans weren't in it for very long, but the point is they were in it, and this game is about that time period. The waning years of the war, as it drew to a close.
The lead character who is advertised most and who is on the cover the game is the main character. His point still stands. This bizarrely political move is spitting in the face of history. People are tired of leftists trying to rewrite history.
We know there were a few blacks fighting for America in the war. But these are small sidepoints of history, to blow them up to being the most important is mindless nonsense indeed.
>More Frenchmen died in one battle than there were niggers in the entire war
>Niggers get a central role in the game and the French are absent entirely
Ah yes, very faithful to history.
The french are in the game though
When Men of Valor came out ten or so years ago, and featured a black main character fighting in Vietnam, nobody fucking cared. The ONLY reason you Sup Forums faggots even care is because of Gamergate, and the irreparable damage it did to the industry and to this website. Seriously, Sup Forums and Sup Forums has always been bad, but GG absolutely ruined this place beyond all repair. It'll never be the same and all we'll get now are faggots like you crying BUHHHH DA EVIL ESS JAY DUBYAS!!!! at literally anything.
When were they revealed? Because they sure as fuck weren't in the first trailer.
It's been confirmed the French are a playable faction. You could have done literally any amount of research (see: googling) to find that out.
But nope! Let's just take to Sup Forums and spout nigger over and over without fact checking! That'll show dem sjws!!!
>rain has jaggies
Nobody fucking cared because an American fighting in an American war isn't a statistical anomaly and the devs didn't sit and waffle on about diversity. This was a political decision, not a gameplay decision, and that's what pisses people off.
Because there were actually a large amount of niggers in the US army during the vietnam after the massive mistake that was 'desegregation' of the US military.
There's hardly a photo of US infantrymen in Vietnam that doesn't include at least one slope-faced big-lipped pavement ape.
Ergo it's to be expected and much more easily excused.
They're featured heavily in concept art, many french vehicles/weapons are already in the game. If they're playable, who knows, but it's a fact that they'll be in the game
>Google "Battlefield 1 French faction"
>Precisely zero official results confirming them as playable
Ah, very interesting.
>Frenchmen relegated to fucking concept art in a game about the First World War
Spit in their faces, why don't you, DICE?
Good fucking lord, there's a point where the playful racist banter on here turns into absolutely disgusting racism. Go ahead and call me tumblr or a shill or a cuck or an sjw or something, but you're a deplorable person.
Seriously, I actually feel sorry for you.
This isn't the website for you.
>there are more europeans than blacks therefore playing as a black is historically inaccurate
what is irresponsible about playing as a black in a conflict you just admitted had blacks in it
>>WW1 was fought by colonial empire
>Yes, a bunch of africans fighting with sticks surely decided the outcome of WW1.
>That's some next level WE WUZ shit
Where is that implied? Fuck off stupid Sup Forumsbaby
>playful racist banter
If you actually thought Sup Forums was being racist "ironically" then you're a fucking retard. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
>relegated to concept art
What do you even mean? The game isn't out yet, it's still being developed. How is concept art a bad thing? How is their appearance in concept art a bad thing? Isn't that a good thing? They're literally still making the game you clod.
I find it a billion times more likely that you're just fishing for a reaction as an impartial third party rather than you actually being some kind of ass-blasted turbokike redditor who actually is so diligently offended on other "peoples" (sub-humans) behalf.
You really think they'd make a WW1 game and not feature the french?
When you focus on a minority of a minority who had next to zero actual impact on the war, while disregarding the fucking French entirely. That's where is becomes irresponsible.
The French were at the absolute core of the war. They don't even show up in the reveal trailer. No a fucking glimpse of them. But instead, show lots of footage of a nigger who fought under the French in almost inconsequential battles. That right there is a problem.
Daily reminder
playing as a black is focusing on blacks as a whole and their role in the war?
You cant play as them
That just brings up another issue
Who the hell chooses a black guy to represent for a WW1 game on the cover