Whats your favourite Gta clone ?

whats your favourite Gta clone ?
mine is pic related, pls dont bully

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RDR or Saints Row 2
SR2 is even better than GTA4 imo

Watch Dogs was really sad for me, there were aspects of it that I liked but too much of it felt soulless and phoned in. If a competent company was making it, it'd be a really good game.

sleepin dogs


Get out you fucking obvious shill.
We arent going to buy your biggest hack of the history game.



Scarface: The World is Yours

It was bad in a lot of ways, but the style and the drug running was fun as fuck.

This, or Saints Row 2

>its open world so that means its gta

GTA: Hong Kong


i'm honestly thinking about going back and playing this game again. it was really fucking good.

Saints Row 2



Shenmue's not like GTA at all

I like watch dogs but uPlay means noPay.


Sleeping Dogs

I like it more than any GTA except Vice City


Saints Row 2. Actually played it more than IV or V. Co-op was so fun in it and making characters was great.
Not exactly a GTA clone but Crackdown 1 was amazing.

Would really love a new Saboteur game

Spiderman 2


I think if they didn't overhype it with the original trailer people would have liked it more. If they showed cinematics with that much detail everyone would have been like "meh, common practice." But they showed the whole level that way. At least there are mods to give it back some detail, but you shouldn't have to mod a game to get back what should have been the original functionality


>Start to replay the game
>Get to the part where the local boss starts to trust you
>Two days later it's his wedding
>Suddenly you're a Red Pole
>Suddenly you're at big meetings and making moves
>Everyone is making moves around you and there's nothing you can do
>The game's plot starts to snowball massively and everything begins to hyper-accelerate to FTL speeds
>Suddenly the game is over

The progression in Sleeping Dogs is all fucked up. It just doesn't make any sense. Instead of Sleeping Dogs 2 we get pay-2-win touch-pad fake-MMO shit with the EXACT GRAPHICS AND ASSETS from 2011.

This, highly underrated




Was going to ask if this game is any good and then I saw it was only 1.22€ on origin an thouthgt, fuck it!

>inb4 origin

You know it in your heart that it's never going to happen. I would love a sequel as well though.

Saints row 1. Before they got rid of pimp my ride and fucked up the whole franchise by going full blown retarded.

Fuck. I meant "protect the pimp"

A man who never eat pork bun is never a whole man!
Plat sleeping dogs yesterday, was pretty fun


The radio in Watch Dogs sucked ass, for a game where you drive all the time.

I always felt that they should have had a hyper liberal radio show and a hyper republican radio show. The Republicans would liken your actions to terrorism and talk about how you should be tried for treason, the liberals would talk about how it's amazing someone was standing up to the "man", all this while you're dicking about deleting people's bank accounts and just being a douche.

That game had so much potential and it wasted it all, I doubt the lazy French fucks will put any more effort into the new game either.

It's an older game and kind of janky but I think it's super fun. I really like all the angry spanish rock, all the gimmicky special moves you have, and the maze of ramps on the rooftops. It's a really videogamey videogame and there's hardly anything that represents spanish culture out there.

RDR isn't even a GTA clone

saints row 2

it was such a good clone i liked it better than the original. Kinda like Ben Reilly

Watch Dogs has good gunplay

that is about it

Classic example of the story being edited and paired down to meet deadlines.

Watch dogs and sleeping dogs. Watch dogs had the open world liveliness and atmosphere and shooting, sleeping dogs had the combat and story and characters.

The best GTA.

Playing through it at the moment and I love it. Sure the main missions kinda suck but still fun as fuck.

And random npc conversations are funny as hell.

This game was so good. Such a breath of fresh air, even if it's a clone

I liked Saints Row 4, Just Cause is also decent.

I really liked True Crime Streets of La and the follow ups like Sleeping Dogs.

>make a game series so good people dying to copy it
>you have basically named a genre
>people are discussing whats their favorite clone of your game

man , devs are R* must be very proud and happy. its so kek position to other devs though.

I liked New York a bit more for some reason.

>Winching a vehicle with a larger helicopter
>Getting into a medieval flail battle with another helicopter using said winched vehicle vehicle
>Supporting ground troops by coming in like a wrecking ball with said winched vehicle

I played this all winter at my old job because we got paid to sit around so we brought in a ps2


I liked Mercs 2 also it wasn't as top tier but still fun as fuck. I miss Pandemic...


Too bad both Watch Dogs and Sleeping Dogs were better than GTAV

this shit is cuhrayzee

Yeah, it was a 6/10, but it was really charming in it's own way.

>Always taunt to grind for rage mode
>Jaws pops out of nowhere


It's kind of like a mix of GTA, Asscreed, and Arkham.

And it's great.

>Oi, Ranger!

>tfw pic related will never be real
>you'll never spend hours driving, just discovering new bits of map, exploring and such

>You got shot in the ass!
>I want Serrano!

epic joke

who made this?

For all the dissapointment that MGSV was, I think it was a great Mercenaries 3.

none of them, but my favorite GTA is GTA2

The game is a massive novelty. Once I beat the story I never wanted to touch it again.

Anyone on the fence about it, don't fall for this shit. The game is a mess. Just a complete mess.
The melee combat is basically Batman with a grab button, the TPS parts are even worse than Spec Ops: The Line and the driving is just utter shit. The world is completely dead and static, you won't have any fun fucking around with civilians.
Oh, and when's the last time you played a game where if you ran against a wall, you kept running indefinitely? because Sleeping Dogs has that, like they didn't even fucking care to do basic quality assurance.

Crackdown 1 or sleeping dogs

Some magnificent fuck with a lot of free time.

It's a great novelty though. How much replayability are you looking for in your asscreed clones anyhow user?

It has DLC now but I haven't gotten to it yet,

It had more to do in it, but LA was more ambitious with its Storyline which had endless multiple paths.

Most of the house decorations are genuinely hilarious in how ridiculous they get.

Such a fucking good game.

I only finished it as a kid when I used cheats but it was still so fun when I tried without cheats years later.

i would bite the bait if you didnt include watch doge

not my favourite but it was great fun and I'm posting it for the sake of variety

This. I never understood the meme of liking that turd. Maybe some marketing campaign that sunk deep.


I never understood the meme of disliking that gem

>Saints Row 4
Why would you call a super-powers game GTA-like?

I could understand 1 and 2
Even three with it's flying motorcycles or whatever
But 4?

>Actual retarded guy helps you out of that asylum in New York

I never beat the first one...

Nobody disliked it.
It's just a 5/10
A really forgettable mediocre game.

Could have used an old-man voice
Or Ron Perlman, but what couldn't use more Ron Perlman?

Now that you point it out I can see it somewhat. I love mgsv but recognize it's faults.

I never understood the meme of rating a gem low

Origin is not even that bad. They even had a refund policy before Steam had one

I agree with just about all of your criticisms and yet still love it. The game is a massively flawed gem, like a less extreme Deadly Premonition. Also, the world and soundtrack are top notch.


Where would you like to settle in, user?

I thought it was fun ;(

RIP saints row series, althought 1 was good 2 was great.

Vice City
The feeling of having to spend 3 hours driving to get anywhere in that map is glorious.

No it's an original game, I swer on me mum

I loved Sleeping Dogs despite everything.
Deadly Premonition is fun as fuck imo.

>Fill up at the gas station and get weird conversation with slut or buff man

Why don't games have gas stations? I know it's retarded wanting to have to refill but it was cool in Deadly Premonition.

It's not really anything like gta outside of being open world.

This shit's fucking garbage though.

4 was decent.

3 was complete shit though

Wish it got a proper sequel. The PSP game was disappointing in that regard.

When the fuck is Rockstar going to do a GTA in an Asian city?