Dumping info on Zelda U/NX

>no gender options for Link
>voice acting, not full, more like the Fire Emblem games
>Link has no dialogue
>open world does have geographical restrictions, despite marketing
>the main dungeons (of which there are seven) take place in a Twilight Princess-sized portion of the overworld
>rest of the overworld will have optional smaller dungeons throughout
>sections of the overworld will be opened on completion of certain numbers of these dungeons
>the dungeons are bigger than the random caves in TP, more comparable to the optional color dungeon in Link's Awakening
>these dungeons form a sidequest similar to the Mai Mais from a Link Between Worlds
>the rental system from ALBW will not be used, but the optional dungeons serve to upgrade your weapons
>the bow seen in the trailer is a pre-upgrade and the playable demos will allow players to tackle the dungeon which upgrades it
>there are twelve of these optional dungeons
>the main dungeons are linear in order, but the overworld ones are not
>the main dungeons cannot be completed without the player venturing out and completing optional dungeons, the item upgrades are needed but it is up to the player to figure out which dungeons to tackle
>title is The Legend of Zelda: Eternal World

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd be ok with this. If it wasn't fake.

These Zelda names all sound fanmade until they're officially confirmed.

>no gender options for Link
Kek, first sentence in and you've proven yourself to be full of shit

Honestly, making Link female wouldn't be bad, as long as they kept the romance hints with Zelda.

Like that they'd have a female protag + a lesbian protag. 2 shots for political correcteness in one game.

You're a fucking idiot if you think that's happening, dude.

>Eternal World
You could have tried at least, it was almost convincing until you got to this.


Only so long as there are gay dudes too

If you get lesbians then I should get my homo fix

Tell us more OP, it'd be nice to have some leaks so we can compare with tuesday's reveal

Nah, man. Gays aren't opressed enough nowadays.

Well I guess you could make Ganon make some advances on Link.

Implying what's his face in Skyward Sword wasn't already doing this in the cutscenes, senpai.

And this is why I believe this pastebin.com/2fFL6yPa is legit.

You immediately notice the difference between both. Pastebin actually goes into detail and there also was a letter and screenshots.OP text on the other hand is pure bullshit some 12 year old just wrote.

>Eternal World



>Some guy wrote all this shit for a Taiwanese imageboard

Why do you stupid drones keep getting hype about this shit series?

Just move on.

>combo system
And this is why I believe that's not happening, it's fucking stupid.

>And this is why I believe this pastebin.com/2fFL6yPa is legit.

You must be an idiot to believe that shit.

eternal world has to be the worst title I've ever heard for a fake leak.

Because it's actually the only game series that didn't become shit yet?

Yes, SS was shit, but that's just because they had to waste so much time trying to implement the fucking motion controls well (which they actually achieved, whether you personally like the controls or not). ALBW was amazing again and everything about Zelda U looks amazing too so far.

Now go play your 20 FPS Souls rehashes and hack and slay some zombie hobos.

>Because it's actually the only game series that didn't become shit yet?


why not just fucking wait 3 days instead of believing this garbage?

>calls me an idiot for believing something that actually seems legit for once
>not the retards in this thread falling for OP

epic xD

It seems more real than your shitty story, OP. Grow up.

But the Souls games are the true successors of the original Zelda. Nintendo needs to give Aonuma the boot.

>voice acting, not full, more like the Fire Emblem games
>Link has no dialogue

Didn't they learn how horribly bad that worked on Xenoblade X?

>>calls me an idiot for believing something that actually seems legit for once

Just because something looks "legit" doesn't mean it's true

Look at the "Rayman" leak for Super Smash Bros

Because stupid drones ALWAYS HYPE every Nintendo turd that is coming just to get disappointed

Every fucking e3 they post shitty fake leaks and wish lists because they still think that Neo Nontendo gives a shit about them

The original Zelda was like any other NES adventure. And there were many, many, many better ones. Crystalis for example, which also is more like Souls than Zelda 1 ever was.

Stop spreading this NeoGAF bullshit. Zelda has nothing in common with Souls except they're both games.

And Souls is a rehashed, unpolished cancer series for edgemasters that suck at Street Fighter and first person shooters so they need something "challengnig" that makes them feel cool again.

>the main dungeons cannot be completed without the player venturing out and completing optional dungeons
how the hell are they optional then??

>The original Zelda was like any other NES adventure.

>voice acting
Stopped reading there.

If there were gender options for Link, would that also make the enemies female as well?

It didn't? Why would you want to waste time hearing your protagonist say the fucking things you made him say?

>Witcher 3
>pick "You are right, let's both head to Kaer Morhen. I'll need your help."
>Geralt: "You are right, let's both head to Kaer Morhen. I'll need your help."


Then again, it's OK for a cinematic game like Witcher 3 but Zelda barely has any cutscenes.

>Because it's actually the only game series that didn't become shit yet?
The series went to shit after OoT. Even OoT wasn't all that great, and only cemented the fallacy that the series was always about puzzles.

Sounds fine to me. But if you need to complete the optional dungeons to get to regular ones, they aren't optional anymore.

>I'm 17

There are like 20 Atari/NES adventures/RPGs that have a semi-open world filled with shitty enemies. And many of them actually have proper traps, riddles and RPG elements which Zelda 1 lacked.

Stop making this autismo comparison between Zelda 1 and Souls, Jesus Christ.

>Even OoT wasn't all that great

and no, whether you like ww, tp and ss or not (i hate ss), they are still EASILY one if not the best action adventures of their generation. and people love action adventures. too bad they are actually hard to make so it's a declining genre today.

>tfw I was in this thread

who the fuck is comparing Zelda to Souls? You're still retarded by the way.

>because it's acrually the only series that hasnmt become shit yet?

Nah, that's Kirby.

>The Legend of Zelda: Eternal World
Every time. Every fucking time someone makes a fake Zelda leak they either give it an edgy, somber, DeviantArt name, or something that sounds straight out of a Magic The Gathering set. The majority of Zelda games are some form of "object of aspect", when will you learn this?

>too bad they are actually hard to make so it's a declining genre today.
No. Normies these days actually consider Uncharted and Tomb Raider action adventures.

You see, the genre isn't dying.

All these "leaks" are complete bull shit. Why would anyone waste their time coming up with this stuff?

>Eternal World
Every time. Why put no effort into faking the name?

Because Nintendo fans doesn't have games to play and come here to post bullshit.

Did you try reading the reply chain?

What about Hydlide? Wouldn't that have been the prototypical Zelda game? The name is even lifted for Hyrule.

the big leak two weeks ago sounds legit, though. or at least more legit.

inb4 Anita $arkee$ian bitches about it again like she did with Doom last year.

>most of the boss battles will require backtracking through dungeons
>these bosses are not limited to one room, they will freely explore parts of their dungeons and use the environments to attack you
>slow motion is important for these battles to avoid damage
>the average boss will deal half a heart's damage to Link
>the game does not feature medieval or early modern towns as previous games have
>instead it will feature villages and ranches that keep the overworld's sense of scale in focus
>there will be three villages, plus a capital with shops
>the player will be able to sail in this game, but if they venture out too far they will find themselves on the other side of the overworld, like Pac-Man
>sailing will be shown during the Treehouse streams but will not be playable
>works mostly like Wind Waker, but the player can steer the boat without changing the wind or being affected by in-game wind
>there are islands but they are comparable to the SS ones in size and explorability

The title emphasises the open world, which will be heavily marketed. This is similar to the title Skyward Sword and the game's use of 1:1 sword movement. I do not have story details.

They are optional in that you don't need to complete all of them. It is the player's choice which dungeons to complete for upgrades during the story dungeons. But yes, a few of them do need to be completed. They will be marketed as optional.

OP post probably took one minute. Did you never go to school or something? The only actually meaty thing we got was this pastebin.com/2fFL6yPa and there actually is a chance it's real, especially because he actually posted a mail and other shit which still wasn't debunked. Nothing about what he wrote seems too dumb to not be true. Actually, it seems dumb enough to be true.

Skyward Sword is literally "Aspect Object". It is the name of an actual item in-game.

Shut up, you fucking retard.

You are obviously 12.

This shits all over your pathetic attempt.

Just stop. You're so full of shit.

You forgot
>it's garbage

Funny thing he is in the thread which is linked in the pastebin (link is dead already), he even said there will be two demos for E3 and one exclusive Treehouse demo which, one week later, was confirmed by Nintendo.

Sorry folk, Aonouma doesn't give a shit about SJWs and their constant whining.

>Move him (with force)


This is a tragedy, stop.

Garbage that's still better than every other game relesaed this generation, easily even.

>tfw Zelda U will be the first non-generic, polished open world game ever

Except for Xeno X maybe, but Xeno X had its share of (other) problems.

>The title emphasises the open world, which will be heavily marketed. This is similar to the title Skyward Sword and the game's use of 1:1 sword movement. I do not have story details.
We can tell you made up the title, because you're trying too hard to justify it, as if it were your own idea.


So if the main dungeons to get the tools are linear, and you have to use the optional dungeons to upgrade your tools to progress in the game and get the other tools, how are they non-linear? Sounds like they're actually more linear than the main dungeons.

This. Original leaker a month ago didn't give a fuck when someone gave him shit.

who else excited at the prospect of this leaking and us piratefags getting to play a week/days early?

Well, that's definitely the Zelda U grass.

Hey, some people are good at faking. If you and I know the tells, then certainly other more crafty people would know and exploit their ability to lie.

I am pretty sure one of the older leaks said his sword is near claymore tier

Shit doesn't come out for 9 months, who cares? By then the Wii U will be broken and cut up, and some people will fork over for the NX just for prettier graphics

How do you know they're not already?

Another year, another set of fake leaks.

what did the original leaker leak?

>>the game does not feature medieval or early modern towns as previous games have
>there will be three villages, plus a capital with shops
You can't see how this is contradictory

That'd be too creative.

Ghiranim is too stereotypical

>Shit doesn't come out for 9 months
>game was revealed in 2014
>get literally no info for 2 years
>2 delays
holy fuck waiting for this game is an emotional roller coaster.

First post actually sounds somewhat believeable.
Four towns in an overworld this big throws me off.

More bullshit that looks at least a little more believable than OP crap

Why do people still think you can simply buy Nintendo when vitality wise they're fine?
Another question would be if the company is "dying" why would a company that has spent to much money, and been hurt by, trying to get bigger and go into more fields?

Or is it just all a pipe dream?

This is true. Robobot is a joy to play.

TP only had 5 villages despite game world.

Woah man, this is Sup Forums. Take your logic elsewhere.

So will there be actual towns and villages to explore?

No logic or reason, shitpost like the rest or get outta here!

Yeah, so this should have much more than four.

OoT alone had four villages/towns.

I agree, I'm just pointing out that 4 towns isn't ridiculous.

you are trying to apply logic to someone using anime reaction faces and a tripcode.There's no way he was over 15 to begin with.

Ignoring whether this is real or not

>the main dungeons cannot be completed without the player venturing out and completing optional dungeons, the item upgrades are needed but it is up to the player to figure out which dungeons to tackle
>sections of the overworld will be opened on completion of certain numbers of these dungeons

They wouldn't exactly be optional in this case. You'd be forced to complete at least a good number of them.

guys it should be a souls like amirite XDD love those games ;) so hard ;) XD

>title is The Legend of Zelda: Eternal World
The filenames of some objects on the Nintendo E3 site already confirmed the name will have "King" in the subtitle.

I'll give you a 7/10 because you tried to be as more grounded to reality as possible.

If you really think Zelda is going to surpass Witcher in anything then I feel kind of bad for you.

I'm not buying until I see how sexy is Zelda, and how many female characters there are.

Whats wrong with the Zelda series actually evolving?

New gameplay footage: youtube.com/watch?v=m2iqgoCHJA0

Witcher 3 is a shit game when you list the gameplay part of it. It's battle system was already obsolete when OTT came out. People focus on the graphics and "muh famous franchise" but it plays like tasteless crap, no good custom, no interesting moves, no real puzzles or bossfights that plays differently than killing a bear in teh same old pine forest from start to finish.

>I'll give you a 7/10 because you tried to be as more grounded to reality as possible.


>voice acting
stopped there
fake as hell
fuck off

>The filenames of some objects on the Nintendo E3 site already confirmed the name will have "King" in the subtitle.


>play video
>two junkies appear
>immediately close video

why the fuck do so many people want voice acting for zelda? that's like the most generic thing you can add.


Forgive me, I hate Neofag but this is the only source
