If Blizzard finally did make legacy servers, how would you like them to be implemented? What about the expansions?

If Blizzard finally did make legacy servers, how would you like them to be implemented? What about the expansions?

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shit game

Progressive content release and then have an option to upgrade to TBC


I'm not sure how many expansions I'd want them to work up to though. I guess hypothetically they could just keep going to the current game, so long as the upgrade remains optional.

>how would you like them to be implemented?
log in, pick a server, pick a character, play
>what abotu the expansions?
I don't care up to WoTLK, Cata is where I draw the line or vanilla for zero flying shit (but I would miss Northrend)

Progressive releases of pre-nerf post-bugfix content with final patch client (and talents) for vanilla and TBC, 3.0.9->3.1.3->3.2.2a->3.3.5a clients for WotLK. Only vanilla servers released initially, after about 6 months of Kel'Thuzard world first you get an option to copy your character to TBC servers, same deal with Kil'Jaeden going down.

>I want vanilla
>but wotlk is fine too

I don't get this attitude

Wotlk was the point where blizzard objectively decided that they're going to replace their audience with casuals

>If Blizzard finally did make legacy servers, how would you like them to be implemented?

PLEASE raise the server's pop limit to at least 10,000.
Nost was great because it was completely packed with 10,000 players.
Whereas most of your servers have 2,000 players and are empty as a ghost town.

No LFG finder. That thing is bullshit.
Though some of the cross-realm stuff might be neat, for meeting more players in zones or forming groups with a larger pool of players. Ofc this could be alleviated by just having a large enough server. 10,000 is pretty good.

Also, rather than releasing the same expansions, why not take WoW in a different direction with the legacy servers? You could pump out entirely new expansions.

It isn't like their 2004 modular servers need anything particularly demanding. Theres nothing saying they can't load multiple servers with VMs of Vanilla, BC, WotLK with a pay gate option that allows players to reproduce their characters on the next WoW phase server.

Off the top of my head they could make a dedicated virtual server for each expansion and players have the option to have there characters replicated to additional expansion servers with new content at the price of a fee.

Wrath's early dungeons were shit tho.

Naxx: Dumbed down and easy
Most heroics: Dumbed down and easy (I think Ahn'Kahet was the only really tough one?)
Obsi sanctum: Literally options to make the fight easier.

Also, there are two things that [TRIGGER] the everloving fuck out of me in Wrath.

First, Oculus. NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO AMBER DRAKE PROPERLY. It's literally only 3 fucking buttons. How do people NOT know how to use 3 fucking buttons?
hold 3rd until you see a "10" on the icon
tap 1
press 2 if eregos shouts
Green drake riders know how to tab DoT and keep the debuff up. But All Amber riders drink paint.

Second, Gundrak. Why does everyone waste time clearing trash when you could just swim across the pool and skip 75% of it? It is absurd.
Though I suppose most of this is just problems with the retard finder.


what if

you had to take part in a Kel'Thuzad kill in order to move up to BC?

Wrath was mostly shit except for ulduar, and personally the icc dungeons. I hated how they were literally free hardmode uld gear but the dungeons themselves i liked. Also, other than the lk, icc sucked ass

ICC 5mans were gud. I agree with that.
I especially liked the Saronite Pit or whatever it was called.


Because the initial rush to the new continent (be it Azeroth, Outland or Northrend) is fun for everyone and lower population kinda ruins it even for the people who did clear Naxx.

Citizens of dalaran are you could make it, Rhonin.
Watch your tone with me, boy. You may have defeated Algalon the observer in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar, but I'm still your superior as a Kirin tor mage.
As if I could forget. Listen Uther, there's something about the sky you should raise your eyes and observe.
Oh no. Algalon was sent to judge the fate of our world. It may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time until Planetary re-origination.
... This entire planet must have deviated from the titan's blueprints and not everything must have gone according to plan.
We need to find a place of power near the stars.
How can you even CONSIDER sending reply code alpha? There's got to be some other way.

Some permanent servers that are on 1.12, some Diablo-style seasonal servers with gated progression and leaderboards for boss kills, honorable kills, etc.. When season ends your character gets moved to a permanent server. If they wanted to go whole hog they could rotate it so each season moves up an expansion, but I think the number of players is gonna drop off a cliff for any expansion later than WotLK.

Never gonna happen but to me it'd solve the "abloo you'll get bored of the content!" problem people like to bring up when it comes to legacy servers. I would resub every time there was a new season easily desu, assuming I had unsubscribed between them to begin with.

Is this a meme? I thought the point was to just have the original game? How can people want expansions too?

Well, the good thing about ICC dungeons is that they have some resemblance to dungeons while you were literally globalling bosses in the other """heroics""" at that point and tanks could solo them no problem. Besides that, the saronite everywhere aesthetic had become boring before you finished questing in Icecrown and I don't think any of the bosses or trash packs is particularly interesting. If a dungeon like Halls of Lightning had tuning that made things matter even for freshly dinged players, I think it would have been far preferable due to its better aesthetic and bosses and trash that could have been at least a tiny bit involved if they had some actual tuning to back up the mechanics.

Id like them to stay in classic but release a level 60 version of karazhan and zul'aman

If they're going to do original servers presumably they might want to try expansions too. I mean, WotLK was the most popular in terms of sub numbers, you can't know that that wouldn't apply to these servers too. I don't care either way, for me the thing I actually want is vanilla, but I wouldn't mind a BC server either.

I guess it depends on how much work it is to restore their old databases. The problem is that they used to just modify stuff in the live database without versioning, so if they wanted to increase the HP of a mob someone would tell the database to change the value and replace the old value. If it really is going to be "We need to look at YT videos to figure out how much HP a level 21 bear in Hillsbrad has" they probably wouldn't do it more than once, but if they started backing up their databases in BC or so it would be easier for them to do a BC server than vanilla to begin with.

my nigger

>We need to look at YT videos to figure out how much HP a level 21 bear in Hillsbrad has
[damage a level 21 rogue's sinister strike would do] x 7

l60 Kara would be hype AF.

And how much damage does a level 21 rogue's sinister strike do?

And you can't be sure that's 100% accurate either. And if it's not 100% accurate there will be people claiming the game is dumbed down etc.

yeah it would. did you know kara was orignally supposed to be a lvl 60 raid? thats why the naxx legendary staff had a kara port

The discussion has centered around vanilla servers if a server has been specified (although I believe most people have been talking about "legacy servers") for various reasons but I'm quite certain there's as much if not more demand for TBC and WotLK.

Give EVERY zone the equivalent of Sons of Arugal. Roaming/patrolling elite monsters 5 levels higher than most of the zone.
Keep those players on their toes.

Also 30% of the boats across the continents will have one of Garr's firesworn selfdestruct on it just before the boat reaches the loading zone.

it sounds like you guys don't want legacy servers but want it all to just start all over again.

Nah man. That was towards the end of WotLK, but Cata really sealed the deal.

[1. General] [Niggrolol]: Anal [Fel Reaver]

>played on Nost, lots of fun, sure there were troll and spam post, but the community was there
>people were enjoying the fun of grouping up to accomplish quest, relearning things they had forgotten, and enjoying the challenge that poorly itemized gear gave
>people on the live forums "Do you really want this, that, or those?"
>answer with "Yes"
>get replied with "Your nostalgia blinds you."

There's precise HP (post-2.3) values in WoW Bestiary for almost all mobs, and they appear to be completely accurate as far as world mobs are concerned (presumably the authors of the book got a DB dump from Blizzard).

Although that's just "final HP". If you really care about getting things 100% right, the mobs also had attributes (str/agi/int/sta) and HP was base HP+HP from stamina. And there's no surviving resource that lists the attributes for mobs. I've been researching this a bit, though, and it seems to me mob stats (both the attributes and base HP) were determined by a formula that took into account their level and class, and then had mob-specific percentage-based modifier if Blizzard wanted to adjust any given mob. However, while there's some resources for probable attributes (like web.archive.org/web/20121022161622/http://wowmb.net/forums/f100/12177-encyclopedia_demonica_hellfire_peninsula/p8/), I haven't yet figured out the formula.

Everyone answered that already

>Legion-level graphics and animations
>Vanilla everything else

What did you expect? dont post on the forums dedicated to the live game and expect non biased answers.

Remember, forums dedicated solely to a certain topic are usually filled with fanatics with borderline obsessive cult like behavior.

Have resets every X years in order to bring black players. Why? Because Feenix is proof positive of what happens when you don't. Lo and behold, they just reset. Basically, like D2 ladder resets. Fresh start, new economy, no one has any alts to power level through with.

Of course, most of those against it never played classic or TBC to begin with. The thought of actually having to travel around and see the world and quest to level up and getting good scares them.

grinding to enter end game content just to have it taken away from you a litlle later and having to do the same grind/content all over again isn't exactly fun.

No, the not fun thing is farming content you've already beaten and that gets progressively easier every week.

Yeah but neither is completing everything and then having nothing to do for years.

I think there could/should be permanent servers but seasonal is going to retain more players in the long run

Which is why mmo's are only fun at the start, meeting people,socializing and learning together.legacy servers won't bring this back.

This is most retarded thing I have ever read and I'm pissing myself from laughter

Maybe MMOfags shouldn't have let the genre get to a point where endgame content is the only thing worth playing.

At this point we might as well make a level 63 mob with 50,000 hp, that has an un-interruptible spell that takes 6 seconds to cast, which affects anyone within 45 yards, knocking them back hard enough to catapult them across two zones.
It yells "LEARN TO LINE OF SIGHT NOOBS" whenever it starts to cast the spell.

I said X years. If you don't understand why, then ask the Feenix devs yourself why they reset if you don't believe what WILL inevitably happen as I described. Tl;DR people WILL become bored after all those years of farming Naxx (Vanilla) and Temple (TBC). Naxx will be the worst because fielding 40 people is not easy nowadays. There were quite a lot of guilds on Feenix that were more than geared for Naxx, but simply couldn't get the numbers to populate those raids (mainly healers) on a regular basis. Once the first guilds had cleared it, that was it. There wasn't much reason for many of them to stick around beyond a few more farming runs, or PvP, if they were into that.

You are probably right, i just do not think legacy servers will bring back the magic of the past, but it is something fun to do between the content draught that happens every expansion.

Vanilla servers should use the final patch that Nost did, and they should be progressive. What I mean is it starts like the original game did, where everyone has a time to level up and enjoy the world content, and then start doing dungeons and eventually Molten Core much later.

Like vanilla it would passively progress further like the original experience.

I really hope that one day blizzard can make a vanilla progression experience a reality for those who did play real vanilla or those who wish they did, can both experience the original game in all it's glory.

i agree, the road to the end game should be much more rewarding and fun. focusing on end game alone is terrible, not everyone plays mmo's just to rush max level and raid.

I understand, but just starting every expansion all over again isn't the right way either,but i have no idea how to fix this.

>So that’s really cool, and we like that idea, but it is extremely challenging to actually execute. A big part of the reason is that our database, the way it works is live data. So when somebody goes in there and says ‘Fireball does 200 damage now instead of 100,’ that’s it: Fireball has changed forever.

>In the past, there was no archiving of older data. So while we have the capability of doing that now, and in more recent years when we make changes we can ‘version’ the data, we didn’t have that back in 2004. And so as data changed, we effectively lost that stuff to history. And so we would have to go back and try to reverse-engineer it ourselves.

>Schreier: Don’t the Nostalrius people have that data?

>Chilton: No, they don’t actually. So what they did is went back and reverse-engineered it. They spent countless hours researching on YouTube, looking at, ‘OK how many hit points do you think that monster has, I think I saw a video that showed it with, you know, 2,152 hit points, so that’s the number of hit points we’re gonna give it.’ And they’re just kinda guessing and approximating on a lot of stuff. Which is cool, and they did an amazing job of making it feel like a very authentic experience. But ultimately the way they implement their data is in no way similar to the way we do it. So it’s not like we can even take that data and put it in the game, because they actually aren’t even really compatible - they have a completely different approach to creating content.

>Incompetent Nost team btfo
>Legacy shills btfo
Yeah, no. It won't happen senpai.

Being able to learn the game again is one thing (although, while people like myself might have kept up my legacy WoW know-how on private servers, for a lot of people the old world questing would already feel novel at this point, never mind content like vanilla Naxx) but to large extent meeting people and other such things are facilitated by the game. Elite quests and RDF are classic examples but you could consider something like crossrealm battlegrounds just the same: you rarely meet the same players twice while on single realm BGs you recognize guilds and names and will quickly learn who the good players on your realm are. When you have crossrealm, players might as well be bots, but without it you get to know people and start viewing your server as an actual community.

Also, even if you were rolling with a group of people already known to you, server (re)launches also feel novel every time when everyone's starting fresh, you keep tracking what the highest-level players are doing, how many players in competing guilds are at max level, when you organize powerlevelling of professions within your guild etc... And for new players that's obviously a good time to build up their social network.

>They spent countless hours researching on YouTube, looking at, ‘OK how many hit points do you think that monster has
No they didn't. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't change a single world mob value compared to MaNGOS they forked their server from. Every default database bug that I can think of was still there, even the most obvious ones like Southsea Cannoneers not even having their Shoot ability (youtube.com/watch?v=GeD8NXdvZSs&feature=youtu.be&t=39m11s).

i know it will be fun and 'new' at the start,and being forced to work together again with people that are actually on the same realm could be a lot of fun,i just don't think it will be like it was 12 years ago,legacy servers will probably not attract a lot of new players, just players that want those old days back again, which won't come back.

If blizzard decide to put up legacy servers i know i will play on them, but with low expactations.

It's very subjective of course, but I don't even think WoW is a bad game now in terms of combat and content. The problem that I think the game has that has made it take a spiral downwards from the "le hardcore" to the "XD casual" is the amount of social interaction taken away from servers. In Vanilla and TBC and to an extent in WOTLK, everyone on a particular server knew everyone. Espcially in Vanilla man. I'd get into a group ready to DPS (played mage) and we'd invite a healer and the tank would almost certainly be either "O hey this guys good" or "OMG THIS GUYS SHIT PLZ KICK". Caused drama a lot, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't lolsie. Other things that took away that "le hardcoe" feel is the fact that dungeons are easier now, but for the sake of the overall population, I dont think we need to go back to the whole "Pull pack cc X and condom mobs tank and spank skull mob. Now mob is dead kill X." The pacing is too slow for casuals. Inb4 casuals ruining muh game

If they implemented legacy servers, I think it would be cool if done like this:

>Include MOST content in the game as is now. This include dungeons, raids, classes, skills, talents, zones, NPC's, etc.
>Content to take away includes dungeon finder, raid finder, random bg que from anywhere, and cross realm bgs.
>Items should all be included as well except heirlooms. Lets at least make it more challenging to level on the legacy servers
>Everyone starts at 1
>Flying mounts have a 15 min cooldown on PvP servers. Get to where your going but dont dismount unless you're ready to rumble. No cooldown on PvE servers because who cares world pvp isnt likely happening anyway.
>Make 4-6 Legacy servers at first to see how the population looks and add inter-realm ARENA ques to have a nice arena team pool. This obviously hinges on whether legacy servers pick up in pop anyway.

Just my two cents anyway. Bring back the social interaction of a server again.