>bolt-action rifle
>triple charge-up time
>wall-hack stops if she dies
There, I fixed Windowmaker.
Bolt-action rifle
triple charge-up time is unnecessary if you already slowed rate of fire with bolt-action. You're not very good at balancing.
just to say it is fine on the console due to controllers making it much harder to be accurate. It really only PC they need to nerf
>150 hp
>ult becomes useless
>takes 5 years to charge attack will be dead weight 90% of the match
is widow maker making you that butthurt because you refuse to have anyone on your team be reinhardt?
looks like overwatch
There on 5 overwatch threads on this board right now you fucking luddite.
>bolt-action rifle
>triple charge-up time
Nah just double it it's enough
>wall-hack stops if she dies
his balancing idea is retarded but you're straight up delusional if you think shes balanced.
nigga dis shit aint funny the first 1000 times people say this shit, stop being dumb
>remove Reinhardts shield and charge
There, balanced.
Would Overwatch be as popular if none of the women were attractive?
Me irl
>Rifle only charges up while an enemy is in the sight
Prevents the ducking back and forth behind cover shit. That list sounds like too extreme of a nerf.
This is stupid, instead of balancing her it makes her fucking useless, thank god you're not in charge of anything.
>Make any hit oneshot on non-tank targets
>Reduce Magazine size
>Reduce firerate
>Remove SMG/Charge mechanic
>Make wallhack announcement louder
doubling the charge time is decent enough
i already know she is broken.
saw some faggot using aim bot when he was firing, snap shotting half a mile away
Ask Battleborn
>make all the characters the same
there, I fixed overwatch huehuehue
git gud fgt
her automatic fire mode needs a nerf too
There's no reason for her subweapon to be almost as powerful as Soldier's primary, that's ridiculous and I have no idea how it got okayed.
The rifle is already pretty much bolt-action unless you think that firing 10 damage shots is effective.
Wew lad
>git gut
There, I fixed you.
>no damage change
>This kills the Zen
You ignored the biggest problem.
>increase current charge time by 50%
>her wallhack now only works for Widowmaker, not the entire team
>when she ults, she does not only gain her wallhack, but for the duration her charge time is decreased by 50% (back to where it is right now)
there, i fixed Widowmaker
>people getting this buttmad at a glass cannon character than can't even 1 shot as well as Hanzo
If you get sniped it's your own fault for
A: walking in the open
B: not being behind cover
C: not having armor/shield buffs on you
Pick 2.
Use the CATALOG nigger
MFW tracer or genji tries to "counter" me and I hit them with my poison grenade and unload with my 260dps headshot minigun
t. Widowmaker mains
kill yourself
>mfw Widowmaker is only a problem on PC because of PCuck cheaters aimbotting and using macros.
You chose this fate. "Master Race".
What's wrong with macros?
maybe you should stop jerking it to garbage porn you fucking degenerate shitfuck
Fucking please, her SMG shoots tic-tacs.
Nigga I said stop being dumb! And i'm not even him so hold dat shit
>Glass cannon
What the fuck are you even talking about? You know nothing about good widows you fuck
>aimbotting and macros
Bulk of those were banned actually. Blizzard is very strict on third-party devices, keybinds, and the like.
>for moving your cursor over someone's head
Confirmed, never even played on a PC.
That said, Widow has the highest skill ceiling with a decent skill floor and she totally stomps every other class in the game to the point of being unfair, cause on PC, since you can actually aim, you will almost always hit.
it does as much damage as Soldier's at a middling range, 13 damage per shot compared to 5-17 based on distance
Widow's just has slightly more bullet spread and a bigger clip.
>complain about snipers
>meanwhile 6 Torbjorns can snipe you from literally ANY DISTANCE, INSTANTLY and are way more difficult to kill.
3rd Party Software giving an advantage over other players.
I got a widow banned for doing this, kind of dumb to use seeing as there are killcams, hope they didn't spend too much money. :)
>reduce hitboxes that get out of the 3d model. There i fix it better.
>you will never mindbrake Widowmaker
>Torb turrets
>difficult to kill
Found the shitter.
How can you spot a macro in killcam? How can you detect driver features? How is it a bannable offense to emulate a row of keys with a single click?
Holy shit what a lying little casual bitch you are.
Her SMG can't even knock over the popcorn buckets in Hollywood. Git gud ya lil baby.
I honestly wise this game didn't even have a sniper. Its a shit class.
>crying about torbjorn
How to spot a shitter
13 damage a shot, 26 damage a shot with headshots. Even if you're a shitter and don't track the head, lob your "
mine" at them and you're doing more than enough damage to shut out tracer and genji.
This is the first thing that needs to happen in the game, for every class.
It will increase skill ceiling in a game that is pretty headshot dependent in higher-level play.
>widow isn't a hard counter to torb's turrets
>junkrats don't accidentally dust turrets in their mindless spamming
Torb is one of the few balanced heroes.
Snap shooting. They do quick scope in and outs, its tied to a macro.
>tfw this webm always makes me agitated
what the fuck is wrong with blizzard !?!?!? i thought the wanted e-sports and shit for this game... this is just ridiculous how can a company even do this?
Blizz first forced 50% winrate but no1 could proof it
Now there is speculation that they lower the damage if you are on a winning streak until you lose certain amount of games.
I do this and don't use a macro, what the fuck are you talking about?
All you did was make her the tf2 sniper
its dumb but im ok with it
>highest skill ceiling
You mean highest CHEAT ceiling?
Ever wonder why in live LAN tournaments you never see FPS players as good as you seem them in regular online matches? If these players are so skilled that they can land a headshot in 1 attosecond, why don't they join live tournaments?
Why is that you ask?
Because they're cheating. It's obvious.
What the fuck if this turns out to be true that could mean the end of this game in the e-sport scene
>Make any hit oneshot on non-tank targets
jesus christ
I do the same, I'm not using a macro.
>that post
Proofs are required. I smell steamy bullshit.
> How can you spot a macro in killcam?
Quick re-scoping after every shot in order to reduce initial charge time on zoom.
>How can you detect driver features?
No need to, macros aren't utilized through OW's software, therefore all else is 3rd party.
>How is it a bannable offense to emulate a row of keys with a single click?
The bannable offense is using 3rd Party Software, lifetime ban in TOS.
this is the most retarded post I have ever seen on the blizzard forums, and that's saying something.
if this is true prepare for a shitstorm
>each sniper shot takes 10 ammo, so you only get 3 shots in sniper form
>ult goes away if she dies
there, i fixed everything
Yeah i was wondering too but could u imagine the shitstorm if it is true
This is the biggest load of horseshit.
I honestly wouldn't doubt this. There's been games where I've one shot other roadhogs with my hook and shotgun combo and other games where I can't even kill a junkrat with it despite getting headshots. So it's either terrible netcode or this could be true.
What if he can prove it?
Three letters is too many to type? Either you're posting from a phone or you're 15 years old.
Put the awp down
I would honestly probably quit if it was but I am 99 percent sure that guys full of shit, this would've been caught if true.
Pretty sure scatter weapons are inherently slightly random.
>being triggered by u
here is your (u)
Why are normalfags such degenerates
Ahh yes, the truly skilled players come out of the woodwork.
>it does as much damage as Soldier's at a middling range
no, no it does not.
Is that from Tracer's POV?
Actually, same here. I would line up a junkrat for a kill, some matches i could never one shot, other games I always would. What.
I thought it was the shit netcode where im shot around walls. I always find it funny that people say widow maker isnt broken with those fuck huge hitboxes and shitty hit detection.
ur a fag
I hope this is a troll because if its true i will instantly quit this game
>wall hack isn't shared with team
There, I fixed the entire game.
Rescoping can be done easily even without A macro
>forced 50
but why
>awp has a pullback, has spread, recoil, and anyone in the game can use one
How is this close to widow?
>in b4 hurr durr durr I was pretending to be retarded
>Lower initial ammo to 25
>Each shot consumes 5 ammo in scoped
>Charge up increased 5 seconds till 100%
>Decreased cool down on grappling hook and mines
>retards couldn't shield a level 2 non molten turret
>let it shoot them unhindered while on point
>one potg on a bunch of shitters
Woah clearly op guys this user just proved it. So broken.
Gotta suck to be so bad you and your whole team die to a static opponent.
kys :*
She has the weakest primary fire in the game.
You may end yourself.
Permission granted.
I got a better idea
>Bolt action sniper rifle
that I agree with
>make her a he, there are enough womyn in the game
>no fetish wear
>france is for pussies,make him austrailian or new zealander
>make him a proffessional with standards
that's a pretty significant claim to make when you provide 0 possible proof
>Dude what if we gave her the Hitman's Heatmaker but made it so focus was ALWAYS active and removed the body shot damage penalty?
t. Widowmaker designers
We need the nerds of Sup Forums to figure this one out and release proof before reddit does it!!!!
But the only time I've ever played Torb is this week's brawl?
In fact, even though widow is my second most played hero, I know for a fact she needs a solid NERF.
Just because some people have a level head on hero capabilities doesn't mean they are biased; objectiveness is a thing you know.
could always be armor/shield from symmetra or torbj or a nearby lucio
The AWP is known to be a oneshot kill and most of the time any Widow that can aim is a 1 or 2 shot kill on most classes. Noone fucking "knows" the AWP for recoil, and niggas regularly get noscope shots anyways with how "relatively" predictable valve's "spread" is.
it's not my claim its the guy who made the forum post. i just want to know if its true or not.. a lot of people seem to be agreeing with him in the thread