Console war threads are banned

>console war threads are banned
>but threads about Neptunia games are allowed
WTF i hate the mods now.

WOW would you look at that Nep?!

yeah, ban video games

Neps have gotten themselves over the pointless console war. I don't see how you couldn't get over that.

What a shithole.

I'm only on the first game.

>>console war threads are banned
I see autistic console war threads all the time

Post more Nep plz.

Time to Nep this up.

That Nep is severely lacking in the brown department.


Nep is pure. She'd never fuck a brown person.

>open Sup Forums thread
>see Australian flag
>close the thread

>that fucking normalfags image on the main page

What the fuck is this stupid gook doing?

What else is banned now?

Yessy! I could look at Nep-Nep for my whole life!

>literally functionally unable to handle the bantz
Jesus christ these fucking br mods need to kys the fuck out of themselves.

finished Neptunia VII recently, true end left me all warm and fuzzy inside.



I got banned for racism on Sup Forums for posting that Android is for curryniggers because Android dominates the market in third world countries. It wasn't even it's own thread, it was just a reply in an on topic thread.

Wojak falseflags gets removed, but threads about a video game is allowed? Gee, am I fucking stunned!

Have fun with Nep Gear Rising in Re;Birth 2.

The joke is that the game is about console wars...

Honestly Nepvengeance is the only reason to play 2.

delete this.

Nepgear is innocent though.

WILL Sup Forums BUY A NEPU NEPU?!?!??!?!?!??

Is this game worth getting?
There is a pretty cheap price on it at GoG atm.

Neptunia VII on PC when?

July or August

Reposting a few webms i made a while ago for a test.

Compa a cute



>VERBAL abuse
>uses her feet


Now I'm not a connisuer of "hentai", but what would you say is the best Neptunia porn? Asking for a friend.

If I could just get Vert for $5 I would. I don't care for Neptune, Noire or Blanc in that order.


>respectful discussion of other cultures
>meanwhile everyone on Sup Forums is shitting on canada
Guess canada has no culture

why not both

Mods are abuch of pussy faggots now. They should all die.

That's what happens when you're part of the American Football League, or AFL for short.


I've still got a few videos to turn into webm, i'll try to convert them quickly.

Remember when Japan used to have good animators?

Which nep games should I play?



What a joke, do they even believe that they say

This one was a bitch to make < 3mb.


>10-hit combo
>13 hits

God damn it Japan.

It's actually 10 hits if you use it against normal ennemies, but against "bosses" all x-drives got a little extra animation.

And that's all i got for webms.

How does it feel pirating the game and realizing that you're fighting against piracy in the game itself?

I really don't understand the appeal of this series.
The gameplay is just so-so and all the writing is just self-aware cringeworthy humor.

It makes me think that most nepposters don't even play the games.


The appeal of the game is the characters. It's a weeb game after all, and weebs like waifu characters.

>I dont like it so other people have to be the same

Go back to your social medias.
>Sup Forums
Drown in a lake.

I played it and enjoyed it, but i'm more a normie than a turbo weaboo so i guess my opinion doesn't really matter.

The world and characters were cute, gameplay okay despite being a bit too easy towards the end if you do all optional dungeons.

Cute girls.

Also I disagree, the gameplay is bad and the writing isn't funny. There's not really jokes. It's not even as light-hearted as I thought it would be. But it is charming in a low-budget way and the characters are likeable.

Also also there was nothing else to play on PS4.


Nisa, from Neptunia games.

Apparently she antagonized Compa

Honestly, the graphics of PS4 nep makes me think that they had no business being PS4 games.
Even when they were on PS3, they could have easily passed for a PS2 title.

Got the Revival ending in VII an hour or so ago.
Going back to get hidden treasures and finish quests.

Affimojas was a harder boss than the last boss.

The best part was that you still got severe framedrops in Neplunker maps.

CH is just incompetent.

Just like atelier
And disgaea
And senran kagura
I honestly cant think of one of the niche weeb games with big graphics upgrade on ps4, good fucking thing graphics are the last thing I give a damn about

Nobody attempts to improve their game engines because they honestly believe it's this super difficult, insurmountable thing that takes longer than the game to make.
And that's why their games get progressively more heavy over time.

>console war threads are banned
Since fucking when? Which version of Sup Forums are you on?

I want Iris Heart to bully me

Get in line.

why would they ban consolewars? consoles are games a discussion about games is Sup Forums related.


>console war threads are banned


>console war threads are banned

>Console wars threads are banned

>console wars threads are banned.

> console wars threads are banned

Noway, really?

You wouldn't nep this, would you?



Nope, but I would nep this.













I'm so excited that it's coming to Steam now. I can't wait for the newest Neptunia game.

Good, fuck off then.
