Console gaming is cheaper than pc

>console gaming is cheaper than pc

Other urls found in this thread:

>Someone actually went through the trouble of making that chart

>baiting this hard

>Console games are $60 and never go cheaper

>people will reply to this

>PC players only buy games when they are cheap
>Assumes console players never buy games when they are cheap
>Make graphics to validate their dead platform

Thats cool bro

i don't know why somebody bothered to make this, you aren't going to convince dudebros or soniggers that they're being jipped, so why waste time?

For upboats on leddit, look at the background image

It's gypped. As in gypsy.

That´s actually a really well designed chart

Full of bullshit, but well designed.

the best eshop "deals" are 10% off at most and only shovelware weebshit go on sale on sony's fantastic consoles.

XBros got PAID 10 dollars to play Fallout 4

Beat this, "master race"

"weebshit" is the best part of PS4, mate
No one but cucks want sjw trash like uncharted

every gets rghs on there xbox any ways

10 xbone fun bucks that are worthless because nothing is worth 10 xbone fun bucks.

Are these different games? I cant tell

>buying games on release
>not being an idort with more games than time

Reddit is here!

>someassblasted PC mustard made this chart
>doesn't even realize you can buy games second-hand on Console for virtually nothing, often times for literally nothing when you borrow them.

It's funny how cucked PC gamers are. They complain about consoles and paid online (which gates out hackers), but they don't realize that you can go out right now and buy a physical game and keep it forever and resell it as you please.

Because there PC platform is dying. When was the last great game on PC that never went to consoles or mobile phones? Every great new game that comes out is on console now. Xbox is slowly becoming a PC through UWP. The living room PC is coming.


>buy cheap used on console
>pirate on pc
>alternatively jailbreak console too if possible

and fuck your shitty online OP only kids play multiplayer

So, it's basically confirmed mustards are the door to door mormon missionairies of gaming, right?

>don't realize that you can go out right now and buy a physical game and keep it forever and resell it as you please.
Please dont came with that argument pcucks are so underage that will tell you
>"nuh uh you dont own anything devs can break into your house and take your games away"

Plus your getting a physical copy.

>Paid online (which gates out hackers)

I bet you haven´t played the old CODs lately.

>muh second hand!

And on PC you can just pirate if you really don't give a shit about supporting developers

>buying used gaymes
Enjoy touching crusted semen, faglord

the point is you can do both you fucking cuck

is there a more cucked board than Sup Forums?

>hurr look at me and my precious platform is so better than yours lolololol

at least you provide us superior idorts with entertainment

>dead platform


Wanna know why developers are going for console and mobile platforms shitskin?


you realize you can get PC games for free, right?

>paid online gates out hacker

all my lmao


Like your keyboard faggot.

>piracy doesn't exist on consoles
>piracy lowers sales

top kek

>Are these different games? I cant tell

Low quality bait.

I'm offended by how little effort got put into that though, so good on you.



Cuck is only an insult if you believe you own the vagina you put your penis in.

>Putting NieR, Guilty Gear and Persona 5 on a list with shit games like Neptunia, Senran Kagura and Star Ocean

Mobile is full of f2p shit though.

How do you pirate on a console? Wait that's right I have to use a PC.

Piracy creates insecurity in sales. If you pirate a game that you haven't paid for yet then your never going to give your money to the developers. You know who pays for games? Console and mobile users do. Also as previous anons have said most PC users buy games at a low cost.

Exactly. They would charge full price but knowing there games could be pirated they go the f2p route. And if you cheat you get banned.

>Wait that's right I have to use a PC
Not sure I get your point. Even if you're exclusively a console player and don't have a game-ready PC, you still have something. I mean, you pretty much have to if your job involves anything more ambitious than a broom or a shovel.


>If you pirate a game that you haven't paid for yet then your never going to give your money
Completely false
>Also as previous anons have said most PC users buy games at a low cost.
And what's wrong with that? Games like Fallout 4 should cost around 10 bucks since they're so shitty, the fact they're demanding 60 is laughable.

I buy used games for

Cost of batteries or a charging setup because it's 2016 and Microsoft still thinks it's acceptable to have controllers that run on disposable batteries even when its competitor had the good sense to have it out of the box. Fuck, even Wii U's controller is rechargeable. I'm surprised more people dont bitch about this.