Fallout: New Vegas

Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes.

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Give it a fucking rest already
There's been back to back threads for over two days now

This is now a malcolm thread


i don't understand why you guys meme so hard about him, he was literally nobody to me.

>he doesn't want to see the same 15 fallout wiki articles about survival items

look at this faggot

Malcolm pls.

Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a NEW VEGAS THREAD

>Hello there. it's good to see a friendly face.

Hes infamous for popping up at the worst possible moment. Like appearing as soon as your character finishes sleeping etc. etc.

What do you think is legitimately the funniest thing about New Vegas? Like, a specific joke or encounter. I know everyone memes about lottery lad and malcolm in the middle, but it got me wondering

I fucking love Malcom

never happened to be desu, have played the game for several thousand hours. he usually just pops up in the desert.

that's a cute picture you got there


fantastic, no question

guy sends me into stitches every time

I liked meeting the human that thinks he's a ghoul for the first time. You hear his voice so yoy get kind of a shock the the first time you see him. Little Buster is pretty funny too. OWB also had some good stufd but they lay it on too thick.

dunno, i never really thought that the game was going out of its way to be funny

that faggot prostitute

i'm not posting it anymore. all i wanted to do was give you guys tips but if you guys think it's annoying then that's fine too.

Wind brahmin farmer just because he comes out of fucking nowhere.

More like Malcolm Homeless, amirite guys? hahaha

That was pretty good. I liked the way the VA says "All."

There are back to back New Vegas threads every day on Sup Forums, and honestly, that isn't enough.

>Finally decide to do a Legion playthrough
>They have a whooping total of three camps and about a dozen quests


i actually thought they were a pretty neat edition to the NV threads. they caused me to make my new character survival melee instead of medicine melee, despite NV's clusterfucky recipe system

i like it until the ragefags arrive, then i leave that's the point it's nolonger about new vegas but about other games

the bugs

i got this encounter after having max bos rep and then acting the self destruct

>You're crazy, aren't you?

i didn't even know this was in the game, my fucking sides

Watching True Grit makes me want to make a girl gunslinger with a Hunting Revolver, wears a Caravaneer outfit, tag in Barter and Speech

I'll bite, what articles?

The toaster


I'm sorry, I'll go post Overhype thread #86827571299222 like a good goy.

You're going down to the Atomic Wrangler with your cowgirl gf when this whore starts making lewd gestures to her. What do?

Festus doesn't get mentioned much.

I guess many people don't actually go collecting the star bottle caps.

>What do?
cry and apologize

>sometimes when walking down the strip, you'll see two securitrons trying to laser grafitti off a wall


Watch a freeside thug cut her head off with a kitchen knife

The guy at the Atomic Wrangler that commissions you to find a sexbot.


i always thought the gunshots were a nice detail, like some people just got pissed off trying to cash in their caps after doing so much awful shit for them

i did on my most recent playthrough only to realize many other energy weaps fill pewpew's niche better

>Gather all the fucking star caps
>give them to festus so he finally opens up the door to the prize room
>go to the prize room, really excited about the treasure
>find no treasure, only feels


Could someone be a sweetheart and post the roll a courier image? Cheers.

Though I think I might just make MACHETE and dick around with a melee build, beeline for Raul and get meta


If only there was a Securitron with Chris Hansen's face questioning you why you're talking with a 13 year old girl


Shouldn't have killed all those people.

Let's go just me and you

i guess it's time

Post Couriers.

Doing a new playthrough and I kind of want to not piss off the legion for once so I don't have to deal with endless assassination squads, but goddamn it, it's hard to resist to not kill those fuckers in Nipton.

>In the process of uninstalling all my sexout mods
>See on LL that the necrophilia mod has just been released
>Reinstall everything





it's the weekend, let's see what we get

The Atomic Wrangler crier isn't 13 years old.


dangerous and stupid

what mod

Just get a grenade launcher, it's pretty neat at killing rapesquads.

I was talking to a friend as he was playing the quest for the first time and he calls Festus Fetus on accident and still makes me laugh to this day.

>get to dead money
>ghost people are mostly affected by melee or explosives
>im a guns/speech/repair build so it takes me fucking forever

>get to OWB
>robo scorpions with an ass fuck of health
>have to use proton axes to kill them

why the fuck is the game shitting so hard on guns in the DLCs, theres energy ammo out the ass but zero bullets

Let's roll

where did you get that hat?

How do you get to see your whole arm while aiming?

>many people don't actually go collecting the star bottle caps
>Not wanting a laser pistol with the stopping power of the AMR


Do Lonesome Road, you'll get guns and 5mm like it's nothing. Plus you should be using knife spears at DM anyway.

>not joining the legion

no mods, console commands
tfc = free camera
tcl = no collision
tm = no menu

honest hearts, you get it at the end iirc

the fact that the voice actor for ulysses also voices the biological research station


>>get to OWB
>>robo scorpions with an ass fuck of health
>>have to use proton axes to kill them
Roboscorpions were encountered in packs usually, if I remember correctly, so whenever I saw a group of them, I would just pop a stealth boy from my hoard and just deactivate them.


>Not using Anti-mat rifle
>Not using All-American
>Not using Bozar
>Not using LMG
>Not bringing a shitton of ammo wherever you go.
C'mon man, you have to think to put the "pro" in Pro-gun.

It's not that they're a problem to kill, well maybe a bit early game, but more that it's annoying to fight them when you're just calmly exploring about.


her va was only 14 when they recorded this dialogue

don't you have to kill that whitefag to get it though?

Why not, I've been meaning to do another playthrough.

>i brought an anti mat rifle with ap rounds
>i brought lmg with over 600 bullets
>both are down to double digits ammo

the fucking things dont take any damage, are they level scaled or what the fuck is going on

No, I beleive you get it from the same crate that has Joshua's armor

you might have to do his quest but i'm not terribly certain on that, i doubt it

>why the fuck is the game shitting so hard on guns in the DLCs, theres energy ammo out the ass but zero bullets
>not selling your shit for ammo

What the fuck?

the sink doesnt replenish his shop so ive bought out all his ammo

i discovered this bug



The dangerous life of a young inner city wizard

I need some ideas for a female Courier, all I know for certain is wearing Caravan/Field/Prospector clothes, and one of the revolvers

>Make NPC look middle aged
>Actually a underage prostitute
The fuck Obsidian.

Conversation options when you have 1 int

She's not a prostitute.

be a trader, sell stuff!


tfw win10 forced an update and now new vegas doesnt work and i dont want to reinstall for the 50th time

if they used a child model it would have been banned in several countries