Uncharted 4 made me realize Crash was never a good game.
Uncharted 4 made me realize Crash was never a good game
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Because Ape Escape is superior
funny how this little part has more fun gameplay than UC4 itself
1 was shit
2 was okay
3 was great
Wrath of cortex was shit
Twinsanity was okay/great
The mutants were an abomination
I don't know how you could come to that conclusion seeing how that segment in U4 isn't in the original game.
your post made me realize that youuuuuff
Guess I should try 2 and 3.
I recently tried 1 and was shocked how bad it was.
>running forward
>this is somehow better than swinging off ropes, knocking out an enemy then shooting up a crowd
your underage is showing
That's literally what was in UC4, retard.
>linear "cinematic" levels vs a game with a ton of different paths and secrets to explore
uncharted 4 literally does the platforming and swinging for you, it's sad, also the gunplay is super weak and fucking MGS2 has better AI
You are underage showing
2/10 Try harder
>There's people who claim Crash was the shit, but the only version they played is the U4 one
wew lad
you know it's true
I think you're misreading that other's person post dude. He's talking about the amount of Crash that's in Uncharted 4, not the original Crash game where you get side-scrolling segments around level 4
>scripted gameplay VS press forward to win
Man, sonyggers truly have the worst games
>dogman runs away from boulder - the game
I don't get the "Wrath of Cortex was shit" meme, can you explain why it's bad, please?
holy shit modern Naughty Dog fans are hilarious
what's your Gaf account?
You clearly only played the U4 version.
At least they have games unlike salty PCucks and nintoddlers
Fucking this. I want another Ape Escape god damnit.
yeah, like Bloodborne and Bloodborne DLC
That would be wasted resources user
>its a Sup Forums pretends its impossible for a PS4 game to be good episode
>Uncharted 4
I sell Bloodborne and Bloodborne accessories.
>its another episode of "movies are video games too"
PS4 has games i like, Bloodborne, Nioh demo, Odin Sphere , Valkyria Chronicle and a ton of upcoming games.
UC4 just isn't one of them, it's a short game with predictable story and no replay value
>nintoddlers shitposting again
Why cant you losers beg mommy for a PS4? You dont have to be angry at the master race, just earn some good boy points and join the Playstation gods
>I have never touched uncharted 4 so I will spew angry spiteful shitposting because I am angry that I cant afford a ps4
>Sonyggers shitposting again
Why cant you losers beg mommy for good PC parts? You dont have to be angry at the master race, just earn some good boy points and join the PC master race
>Sup Forums complaining about a game they've actually played
That's a good one.
At first glance I thought this was an actual photograph of a tv. Are we almost there?
we had graphics like this for 6 years already, so we are pretty close.
only people limiting it are consoles and poorfag PC
I already played the first 2 ones. Isn't that enough?
never ever
Your post made me realize you are a huge faggot
You can literally play this piece of shit one handed.
Don't you remember the developer interview where they said they made it with disabled retards in mind? For the record I have a PS4 and Bloodborne was my GOTY of last year.
Where the focus on graphics eats away almost all the focus on gameplay?
I don't want to be there
mfw Uncharted has maybe 30 minutes of cutscenes in 14 hour campaign
fuck meant to quote this fag
I'd call Rick a fag, but he's the only tolerable person in the movie reviews.
specifically its the game devs not making use of the hardware.
it's really sad how blatantly everyone bitching in this thread have clearly not played uncharted 4
I guess its the new The Last of Us
>4 hours in first one
>8 hours in the last
something tells me trying to pass this off as proof is probably bullshit
so it's atleast 4 hours
also wouldn't change the fact that it's a short game with barely any replay value
>mfw I watched the 4 hour video and a massive chunk of it contains actual gameplay where the characters happen to be talking
No one on Sup Forums actually plays the games they bitch about, huh.
I played all of them and it was the most movie like UC yet
yeah, like 5 second gameplay bits.
and love you how still can't argue with that's its a short game with no replay value
>14.5 hours just to go through it once
>even if that 4 hour cutscene video is legit, which its not, thats still 10.5 hours
>implying the multiplayer isn't phenomenal anyway
its okay user, maybe your mom will buy you a PS4 for christmas and you won't have to complain about games you can't afford
Because Crash is one of those nostalgia goggles series.
Just like mario
Mario still gets games appealing to all audiences.
Literally no one but nostalgiashitters care about Crash.
>10.5 hours
confirmed for a modern triple A shitter who's used to barely having a campaign at all.
also multiplayer is shit tier compared to UC2.
and as a PS4 owner who the fuck would buy
UC4 on release when it goes for like 20 bucks in a few months
>appealing to all audiences.
Why are you so insecure?
Yeah, I never understood it either, I thought it was decent.
Crash 2> Crash 3>Crash wrath > Crash 1> the rest cause I never played them
>b--b-b-bbut muhrio!!!
Nah, mario games aren't nostalgiashit. Crash games aren't either.
Spyro games on the other hand, boy, now that's nostalgia goggles
Nigga I'm 29.
I've experienced 8-bit when it was brand new.
Campaigns haven't changed since then. Unless you were playing RPGs, you were lucky for any action game to exceed 10 hours, especially if it was western.
Oh look, here's the longest Crash game.
atleast you can replay Crash and still have fun with it.
can't do that with UC4 since everything is scripted as hell
If its shit tier but you just said you dont have it, how would you know?
Good job moving goalposts
didn't say i don't have it, just meant that anyone who has a PS4 should wait to buy it if they want it
>not subjective as fuck
>still moving goalposts
Good job proving this user right
it's probably obvious that non scripted gameplay is better than scripted gameplay to anyone that's not autistic
2 = 3 = CTR > Bash > 1 = Twinsanity >> WoC > CNK = CTTR >>>>> Literally everything else
>spyro games
>nostalgia goggles
Hey, fuck you.
You can keep saying scripted gameplay and while yeah, there definitely are a lot of moments like that in UC4, there's far more in it that isn't scripted.
And the multi sure as fuck isn't. It's pretty clear you're just parroting Sup Forums opinions and you haven't played this game, so you really should just stop while you're behind.
yeah, it's a good multiplayer if you haven't played any good ones to compare to
funny how even Crash had better multiplayer games
uncharted is such trash, but people don't care because it looks nice, gameplay is only surface level Assassin's Creed tier of hand-holdy linear bullshit to keep you from falling asleep that casuals love, and has a cute little story with some decent voice acting on top.
>casuals love
Uncharted 4 on hard was one of the most frustrating and hard experiences with gaming for me.
And i played it alongside "le epic hard git gud" dark Souls 3.
>the multiplayer is worse in this game i haven't played and I won't give any reasons why it's worse
>crash is better cause its old
this is getting sad
Why do you guys bother playing if you don't like anything and always complain
>inb4 its a meme
just because a game jacks up enemy damage and health on hard doesn't suddenly mean it isn't casual garbage with the depth of a spoon
I like video games, I didnt like UC4 while liking prior installments, is that so impossible?
It isn't casual garbage because they would rage-quit in like 30 minutes.
read this thread, user
most of the posters clearly haven't played it
difficulty setting has nothing to do with how casual a game is, and everything to do with its core mechanics.
unless uncharted 4 has completely different AI behavior and totally different gameplay mechanics on hard, then it's still a casual piece of shit, sorry to break this to you.
>Implying dark souls 3 is hard
The AI does behave differently.
They're significantly more aggressive and groups flank you rather than hold back and wait to strike.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about
I'm tired of all these
>You remember that game everyone loved?
>It was never a good game
fuck you and if I ever see you in my locker room I'll kick your ass
>I share a board with plebians that hate the first Crash game
Easily in my top 10 favorite games ever, I prefer it to the other two (not that they're any worse). Sup Forums is filled with gays
But... literally all the Crash gameplay is scripted. You run forward and you can maybe go left and right an inch. Jumping is very hard to fail since it has autocorrect of jump position after each landing. Then you have tons of scripted stuff where boulder is chasing you.
It's literally more scripted, "cinematic" and easy than Uncharted.
That game has some built in control delay that drives me insane.
why the fuck does everyone act like wrath is bad
after twinsanity came out the rest were shit
>Implying twinsanity is the best crash game
I just got done with a Crash 1 all gems playthrough, and all I can say is you're full of shit.
Uncharted games will never even come close to the best two TPS games
Maybe you should play uncharted next you retard and stop making shit up then.
I just want to point out that if you like 2D side scrollers but hate uncharted because it is "too shallow," you are a fucking hypocrite. The combat in Uncharted is run-and-gun as fuck and is paced like a 3D version of Metal Slug (if you actually move around like you're supposed to), and with a cover system like gears of war. The mechanics are simple and arcadey to keep up the pace, yes, but you guys need to stop pretending like that is a bad thing. It actually makes for some really tense and exciting gameplay that works perfectly when paired with regenerating health:
as flashy as it looks its not fun
I can smell the "glue back to cover" button from here. Awful, awful design.
Pretty much everything you said was pant-on-head retarded. I have no idea what this "jump correction" shit you're talking about is, I've never noticed it across all my playthroughs. I've beaten U4 on Crushing and a 100% run of Crash 1 blows it out of the water difficulty wise, it's not even close.
I am 60% certain this is some easy mode stuff, when I do stuff like that I get pumped full of lead on hard