I'm an idort.
There ain't shit coming out to play.
I'm fucked.
I'm an idort.
There ain't shit coming out to play.
I'm fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
>mfw I didn't fall for the PS4 / Xbox One / Wii U memes
>implying idiot is the word to use
you're just a shitter, nothing you can do about it, you have shit taste in games, and are a cynical piece of shit that nobody likes to be around and are boring as fuck as an individual, hence why youre a lonely faggot
>tfw you fell for the gf meme and now you have almost no time to play vidya
I might resub to wow. I don't know.
Or keep pouring my vidya savings on to cam girls.
What happened to that kid anyways
Literally the worst shit. Flirting is better than dating.
Then she gets too comfortable and starts clipping her toenails in your room and all you want is for her to fuck off
Man im this close to renewing my wow sub, I want to but I worry Ill get bored after a week. I've been doing well holding out for burning crusade 2.
Playing shit on my 3DS since piracy is simple now
Also idort, got everything. Next few months is like
>Deus Ex
>Battlefield 1 maybe
>Dishonored 2
I'd get Gravity Rush 2 if it comes out this year, but I think the Xbone and PS4 are all on 2017 and the Wii U is a joke right now
Goddamn it it was nice in the beginning but now it's just annoying.
Not me mommy
Link to 3DS instructions?
Check out /hbg/, there was a method for the latest firmware but the game got taken down already and buying it secondhand is going to be expensive unless you snatch it from Gamestop.
I was lucky to still be on 9.9.0 because I changed my internet provider. Anything below 10.6 is really simple, just follow instructions and swapping files back and forth
>There ain't shit coming out
here are some games that will be released in 2016
Mount & Blade: Bannerlord
Platform Masters
Star Citizen
so there is a lot coming out, pal.
oh god....
>Tfw get a new controller
>The controller to surpass all other controllers
>Bring it home
>Plug it in
>No vidya seems appealing right now
>mfw vita + 3ds + PC
The best kind.
Just once I'm not going to reply to that image. Good luck tonight, mom
For the longest time I only had a PC and always had shit to play whenever I wanted. Now for some godforsaken reason I also got a used PS3 and have so many games waiting to be played I don't know when I'll be done. How do people even manage 3 or more platforms?
3ds +vita + pc is the best option
Personally waiting for
God Eater R and 2 rb
Dark Souls 3 DLC
Also have a ton of backlog from this year
>tfw PC+PS4+Vita+3DS
True master race
How can you be this NEW
tfw you so bored you installed 10 games even fallout 4 for free and played them for an hour each just to quit and go back to one dota game for the night
>I want Final Fantasy 15 and Battlefield NOW NIGGA
Play a classic game you enjoy from years back. Always helps me
pls not my mummy
i already played ff7, warcraft, sotn this year. FYI I never played these, I was that bored, now what do.
>tfw Ps4+Vita with very few 3DS on the side
Couldn't be happier.
Do something else. I go fishing. Or, look up games you never heard of. You will find something
Leave her alone!