Itt your fav skyrim quest


Pic related.

Sovngarde was brilliant.
I'm not sure that people grasp the gravity of the situation.
The Nords were right about religion, and one of the mortal races can confirm.
Now they can truly fulfill their roles as Berserker stealth archers.

DB questline, although it wasn't GREAT or anything, was good fun and it had the most interesting things for you to do.
also the twists and turns of events and the fact that you can decide how to end the quest line makes it stand out

The one where you go and do a load of shit for the Jarl of Falkreath, get a house, have a Muslim woman protect it, marry Ysolda, adopt Runa Fair-Shield and Sofia and take up a stable career as a local God-King of everything.

This brings up something, but i played so many shit since Skyrim that i can't place it exactly. What was the quest?

why do you play shit

The one where you become a Uninstall Wizard.

I really liked this quest. You find a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, horse lying dead outside, you enter the lighthouse and hear screeching noises coming behind locked doors, the dead bodies and journal indicate some creature locked inside the basement that killed everyone, you explore the basement and there is a whole colony of chaurus with a large Chaurus King.

Anyway, my favourite quest is the Labyrinthian one.

epic haha

dark brotherhood is so good

Shit I forgot about Labyrinthian

What pisses me off is how easy it is to fuck up getting the Diadem of the Savant if you kill the dremora too fast

None, really.

I don't think there is a single one I like, I don't play Skyrim for the quests nor character building. Only reason to play Skyrim is to mod it into a comfy hunting simulator.

Does the DLC count? Because all the Black Book stuff was cool.

The one where you have to enter a cave to kill.

The one where I went into a generic dungeon and fought through a bunch of draugr.
Loved it some much I kept doing it.

I think I preferred exploring more than questing, going to random locations and finding skill books felt great. I preferred quests that focused on the Dwemer ruins most though

There's this fisherman living close to the imperial palace. He gives you the ring of rumare, a ring to breathe underwater, if you kill ... oh wait, that's a quest in Oblivion. I have no favorite Skyrim quest.

Man trying to think of stuff I like and all I can think of is how much potential was wasted

I loved the Thieves Guild hideout and such but theres like 5 garbage quests
Same for DB

Companions being werewolves would've been a neat twist if they didn't tell you after know you for like 12 hours.

Mages guild has a lot of promise but falls short. Glowing orb under the college seems interesting and does nothing.

The aetherium forge quest was awesome
Also still love the snow elf quest in dawn guard for some reason I get alot of castlevania vibes from that

>tfw no quest ever comes close to Who Dunnit or the quest where you purge the Dark Brotherhood

the one that involves draugr

The one where you regain your virginity faggot.

Oh you mean the quest where you literally don't get detected as long as you use a melee weapon?

I really like the Dawngaurd story. I thought it was way better than the other faction quests. And plus you get a vampire waifu

>you have to do main-story quests to progress in the DLC

lost my shit

are the three girls literally the only ones worth adopting?

>I loved the Thieves Guild hideout

are you a masochist ?

it was so painful to get in especially back in the days playing on a toaster ( or worse, on 360 ) with like 3 loading screens and fucking mile long corridors

this sort of thing is what i love about bethesda games. too bad they only take up a very small percentage of the world.

When you go into the caves to kill those draghur, and get the artifact. That was rad.

Skyrim had quests?

I really should get back into Skyrim. I feel like I've barely touched it despite Steam saying I've played like 50 hours.

Spent way too much time dicking around with visual mods.