this motherfucker was quiet
This motherfucker was quiet
best gta character. total psychopath
tfw autistic protagonists no longer fly with vidya industry
and yet none of the in-universe characters cared
I loved how every cutscene just had him nod and walk away. Like going to murder people is no different from picking up someone's dry cleaning.
I miss silent protagonists who moan and grunt
>wiping out mob bosses
>following up on hits
>robbing and killing all day err day
> not a peep
was he a mute?
>every other character doesnt ask him "why are you so quiet?" constantly.
His anti social aspects were hyperbolized
Clearly the best brotagnist of any game
I always imagined Claude developed a habit of being submissive and not speaking due to dating that batshit insane Mexican woman from San Andreas. Catalina or something? She was so mouthy and dominant that he just became her bitch boy sub who couldn't get a word in edge wise.
By the time GTA3 rolls around I imagined that, after dating her and a lengthy prison sentence in which he surely saw some fucked up shit, he just didn't have much to say anymore. He had physically separated himself from his actions and was just a man following orders, stalwart, with an expressionless face.
Claude "call me by phone or you're gonna get boned"
but the mission you see him san andreas he doesn't talk either
So is his last name actually Speed or was that just a fan theory based on some side evidence or something?
Was he already dating her, though? If not then maybe he was just naturally quiet and shy.
He gave me more psychopatic vibes than X-TREME Trevor.
I think that each 3d universe character was cool in their own way. carl just wanted to get his shit back together. Tommy was pretty edgy and claude blew up catalina in a helicopter.
>when those chicks blow him off because he was going about how he was going to kill someone and then fuck like a man.
he was dating her, but what you proposed would take years. and she had just barely got done with CJ. so yeah he was just quiet
Because with Claude it was subtle, and left unspoken (quite literally), and it forced the player to fill in the blanks themselves. Forced the player to think, and say "damn, why is this guy so quiet?" Here it is 15 years later and we're STILL discussing his personality (or lack thereof), and his motives.
Trevor was a product of the Sup Forums generation of "LEL SO EPIC D00D SO BR00TAL!!!" kiddies.
yeah because he didnt care about anything or anyone except his revenge. trevor seemed at least a few things other then being an asshole.
is he asian or just ugly?
just ugly
>the trevor sucks meme
Must suck to have shit taste. Michael and Trevor scenes were the best dialogue in the game.
It was 2001, he's just poorly modeled. Or modeled well for the time, depending on how you look at it.
But Claude is white.
this motherfucker was quiet
We need a GTA where we play as a nipper who works for Yakuza.
>So is his last name actually Speed or was that just a fan theory based on some side evidence or something?
GTA2 main protag was Claude Speed. webm related. GTA3's was just Claude. So there is some serious overlap between the two even though the games don't take place at a similar time.
>he fucked CJ's ex-girlfriend while CJ listened on the phone
That was just the name of the GTA 2 player character. Since they both shared the same first name, the Speed just got tacked on.
>Claude Speed is hyped up on licorice drugs and paranoid as fuck, gets gunned down like a bitch
>Claude of GTA III is clean and fucks up the distribution of SPANK, exacts his revenge and lives on
Ah, gotcha. Thanks lads. I played a bit of GTA2 when I was a kid but I always just put the cheats on and went wild.
I still remember the no wanted level cheat was LOSEFEDS.
''C'' in ''CJ'' stands for cuck.
>ex girlfriend
I hope you never get a girlfriend and then break up because if so that makes you a cuck too.
GTA2 takes place in 20XX so it has some cyberpunk vibes to it. They're not in your face.
It takes place after GTA3
what do you think he did after he got his revenge
He never set foot on prision. He escaped at the start of the game.
Wait, he escaped at the beginning of his sentence or something? It's been years since I played and, if I'm being honest, I never got past the second island. Just never did for whatever reason.
So Claude escaped at the start of his sentence, then?
he was on his way to prison when the cartel came in
>i burnt my hands so youll have to drive
I really need to finish that game. Besides the "stories" games it's the only GTA I've never actually beaten. Thanks for the info, anons.
>he doesn't remember the quote
My hands are all messed up, so you better drive, brotha!
>wanting to call her what she is a dominant fuckbuddy
what happened to 8ball's hand?
>messing up the quote
I always wondered why nobody said "fuck" until San Andreas. Even when since GTA III you could literally fuck hookers to recover health.
They needed a driving tutorial.
real niggas played on console
>that mission where you have to help 8ball get in a container ship and blow it up
shit's hard
>you will never be as somber or melancholy as the main theme
Never played the "stories" spinnoffs or gta 4 expansions
That always perplexed me too. Of all the things you could do - wanton slaughter and destruction, car theft, drug use, fucking hookers, mafia hits, distributing drugs and porno - All of that and no f-bomb. Even in Vice City, which was heavily influenced by Scarface which, according to my special edition dvd with a "fuck" count, said fuck like over 250 times. Even with that they still didn't use it until San Andreas.
San Andreas also gave us the first use of the word cunt in the series, which then got way overused in 5.
>there are nofriends autists on this board RIGHT NOW who didn't play GTA 3-VC-SA on the playstation with their bros, taking turns at doing the missions and driving around killing cops
The GTA expansions are legit some of the best GTA stuff the series has ever produced. Of particular note is The Ballad of Gay Tony, it was my favorite GTA game in terms of overall quality.
didn't diaz from VC yell fuck some time?
Sure didn't. I just recently 100%'d VC with my buddy, and it's a well known fact the series didn't drop an f-bomb until SA.
>played gta 3, vc and sa on ps2
>got sa again on xbox
>now have all 3 on pc
good feels
>Michael and Trevor not being absolute cancer
nah homie you a fag
God tier: Tommy, Claude
Top tier: CJ
Boring tier: Niko, Michael, Franklin
Sup Forums tier: Trevor
what about the guy from chinatown wars he was great
I poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second and fate shovels shit in my face.
>buying the games twice
>buying SA three times
you're a fucking saint and should be recognized as such by the bishop of rome.
That motherfucker was ugly.
>Boring tier: Niko
While I completely understand what you mean, I personally really liked Niko and 4 as a whole. Don't ask me why, it's the one I've replayed the most.
Go get some sleep!
>mission complete
What are you gonna do?
i always thought they should have done a spin-off of gta 3, taking place in Tijuana or something with an older claude laying low from the law and fucking around with the crazy mexican gangs.
i mean he did fucking blow up a helicopter in new york, and the entire mafia wanted him dead. it would make sense for him to flee for the border.
Niko was a really well-written character with a lot of depth.
His problem was that he was in the sequel to San "stealing alien goo off a speeding train using a jetpack" Andreas.
Why does Sup Forums hate Trevor so much?
Do you want gta to be straight faced all the time?
Huh, I replayed through VC not but a few months ago and I guess I never really noticed that.
I'll drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess out.
He was already a mute when Carl met him in San Andreas.
Best set of tits in gaming.
Why didn't V have a proper theme song?
Literally every game has had one, even 4's expansions
Fucked up with some explosive materials during his arrest IIRC
I could have sworn he said fucking haitian dickheads during the mission where you have to babysit his ass.
Because, in my opinion, GTAV was Rockstar trying their hardest to make the game as GTA as possible, and it ended up being a parody of itself.
No, I don't want it to be straight faced at all in fact, but Trevor isn't just "not straight-faced", trevor is literally Sup Forums: the character. Tryhard edgelord, forced so hard I'm blowing my rape whistle. He's not funny, he's not exciting, he's a tryhard teenagers-idea-of-whats-edgy faggot with no depth or personality other than he probably likes to post animal gore on LifeInvader.
Did anyone else get a ww2 vibe from the mission where you use the RC planes to destroy the cuban drug running operations?
My personal favorite is IV's.
This mission was absolutely hilarious. I loved her character.
>Friend told me that you can find nude pictures of her and watch her have sex in a mission
>Scour the entire game for it then rush through the film studio missions to see it
>Find the mission he was talking about
>It's just her talking to a guy at a pool
Gabe if you didn't skip school the next day I would've fucking strangled you.
what was vice city's?
how can you not remember vice city's?
Except PS2 GTAII sucks ass, and runs at sub 30 fps. I literally couldn't play it, and that motion blur was shit, too
>Comic Sans
Maybe we can go out and rob now?
i still dont understand why people consider gta4 the worst gta.
trevors a fine character. i just didnt like how they had to introduce him by killing another character i liked. it made trevor look like a giant asshole. trevor killed johnny because johnny was mad at trevor for fucking his girlfriend.
they made johnny a cuck and then had his throat stomped. it was pretty tasteless and a cheap way to establish trevor and give him an 'edgy' feeling. it was like something a 13 year old would write.
I was too lazy to search for it.