Why does everyone shit on this game?
>inb4 uplay
>inb4 muh e3 grafix
Watch Dogs
Because it's edgy as all hell, takes itself super seriously even though it's the game equivalent of a hollywood hacker movie, has boring gameplay and they're making a sequel.
Did not live up to the promises of the E3 reveal years back. It stole the show for a good reason.
>lel edgy XD
The only thing that I found was that the side missions were really repetitive. The driving was comical because you could drive through things if you hit it right
hope vivendi destroys you nigs
the driving / handling is unbearable
Why does everyone shit on this game?
>don't use valid reasons to shit on it tho
boring free roam, presents itself as a stealth game at the beginning but it's not necessary at all, easy side missions that aren't worth repeating.
Because it doesn't have a single redeemable point.
It's just a mediocre GTA clone with a gimmick that gets old after 1 hour and that depends on you having literally zero knowledge of computers to not cringe at every single line spouted in it.